Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1651 Expedition to the Moon

Mabuyi was still saying something strange.

Major reporters and entertainment media professionals immediately started working with a professional spirit.

Tickets are all paid for, so you have to have a service spirit.

This is the time to show your ability.

Kakuzu personally obtained tickets for the three gods of wealth who had spent a total of 2 billion to visit closely, allowing them to carefully observe this product that combines the pinnacle of human technology so far. It is said to be 50 years ahead of the world.

They didn't dare to believe this. After all, Scorpion's Iron Giant had indeed been ahead of the ninja world for many years, so this machine that could go to the moon was definitely not weak.

Only when you stand at the feet of steel creations can you understand the greatness of human civilization and the oppression of technology.

Look at the huge wings and the electronic patterns all over the hull, which all represent the level of high technology.

Moreover, the incomprehensible sealing technique lines covering the key parts truly prove that this machine has a terrifying background in the ninja world.

After all, it's the Akatsuki organization that's at the forefront. It's really awesome.

As for the material, they could only see that it looked like the special steel of the Iron Heart. For a moment, Huang Tu felt that the material was particularly similar to a stainless steel pot. He was embarrassed to say this illusion for fear of being laughed at.

The three of them began to record the shape, structure, size data, sealing runes and electronic patterns of the aircraft through their brains as data, preparing to take them back for research.

This is the most precious first-hand information, and the 500 million must be spent well worth it.

The launch platform and aircraft that had completed their debut were placed there to receive the baptism of everyone's attention. In the past few days, more and more people have come to the new town. It can be said that the public launch has single-handedly boosted the tertiary industry again.

The bosses in the city were laughing like crazy, and so was Kakuzu.

This tax sucks.

It's a pity that the boss Noah is still too conscientious and refuses to let Lan Yue be postponed for a few more weeks due to technical reasons, otherwise

The launch time is finally coming, and this lunar exploration operation that has attracted the attention of everyone in the ninja world has officially begun after experiencing a lot of hype.

The candidates for the first lunar exploration pilot were also announced.

The person in charge of Iron Heart, Scorpion. The first seal master in the ninja world, Kushina.

Scorpion was chosen because he had the best driving skills and knew this welded simple aircraft well.

Kushina was chosen because she needed to use sealing techniques to resist high temperatures and various environments in space when traveling through the atmosphere.

In fact, there is a secret member who has squatted in the launcher, the nine-tailed fox.

Launch date.

Many big names in the ninja world came.

Konoha's Hokage Kakashi arrives. He is one of the leaders of the Akatsuki organization, so his appearance makes sense.

Kazekage Luosha from Sand Hidden Village also came. He didn't dare not come after receiving the invitation. The Akatsuki organization's tentacles had penetrated into the entire Kingdom of Wind. He slowly changed from passive acceptance to active approach. It was really forced by the current situation. ah.

Of course, he didn't come by himself, and he also took on the task of escorting the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind.

Yes, it’s outrageous that a famous figure from the Kingdom of Wind is here too.

He said he wanted to come and witness this magical scene.

When the Dai Ming of the Kingdom of Wind appears, the Dai Ming of the Kingdom of Rain will definitely accompany him.

The two daimyo and the two shadows watched the lunar launcher take off in a separate box.

After the two Kage met, they started to exchange some simple greetings. The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind was obviously more talkative, while the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Rain was a bit unresponsive.

It was the famous name of the Kingdom of Wind who kept talking about Akatsuki Organization and praised him in various ways.

Well done, Akatsuki, for helping your poor place become so prosperous.

Before I go to the Country of Wind, I will increase my support for the project in the future.

Rasa, you have to show courage like Hokage.

What about me, Luo Shafengying?

Fortunately, Kakashi kept the secret, so Rasa didn't see any disharmony.

On the rostrum, Yahiko, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, stood in the position of spokesperson and passionately stated the difficulties and achievements of the development of the Akatsuki organization's aerospace industry. They had spent too much hardship to build this aircraft capable of exploring the moon.

There were all kinds of touching stories one after another, and some people who listened were moved to tears.

Elder Chiyo, how do you feel about Scorpio becoming the first warrior to land on the moon?

Chiyo choked up and said that she never thought that her grandson could receive such an honor.

This is the glory of their family. If their son and daughter-in-law could see this scene, they would be old dramas.

The next person Yahiko visited was the child Naruto.

Although he experienced the attack, Teacher Iruka has recovered and he has come out of the shadows.

I definitely want to support my mother when she goes to the moon.

The children almost danced and gave a congratulatory speech, and Kushina was also very cooperative in giving a mother-child response.

The row of Akatsuki leaders behind him were also very considerate and applauded at the right time.

The lively atmosphere seemed as if the lunar exploration had been successful.

Fortunately, there wasn't any artistic performance afterwards, and the people below were getting impatient for a long time.

Finally, the two warriors who represented mankind's conquest of the sky changed into high-end equipment and walked to the Moon Bay launch pad. After accepting various photos and encouragements from everyone, they entered the flight cabin.

In the ground launch base, Orochimaru was leading many scientific researchers to pretend to adjust various data, and a sense of tension arose spontaneously.

The blue electronic patterns on the outside of the aircraft began to glow brightly, adding a very gorgeous appearance to the aircraft.

As all kinds of gorgeous data on the big screen reached its peak, the sound of the countdown also spread throughout the new town.!

True. Voice controlled launch.

Kyuubi in the engine received the order and started to exert force.

A majestic chakra reaction appeared from the bottom of the aircraft, and this terrifying power fluctuation made everyone's hearts beat wildly.

What energy is this? Why is it so powerful?

The red particle stream began to erupt violently, and the aircraft successfully took off without any difficulty.

Just when they were about to reach the first cosmic speed, there was a burst of space fluctuations. Noah, Orochimaru and Nagato boarded the secret room inside the ship.

Sit on the seat and fasten the safety rope. It will be a little bumpy later.

Otsutsuki on the moon is super powerful. The father of Toneri is probably not dead at this time. There may be more variables. How can it be possible for only two people to go to the enemy's lair.

Those left on the ground are clones and stand-ins. This time Noah is going to take over the moon perfectly.

The transmitter broke through the first cosmic speed and began to move towards the second cosmic speed. The scorching high temperature began to conduct inward. The sealing technique began to swallow up the heat under Kushina's control, and finally left the atmosphere with violent jolts.

The high temperature burned the outer layer to a crisp, and all the wings and coatings added later dissolved into the sky.

Fortunately, even ninjas can't see it at this height, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

An exciting BGM has been played on the ground to celebrate the successful launch.

Above the Moon hidden version Chang'e's Breaking Formation Music

Yahiko on the podium was even more excited as he began to preach according to the lines.

He pointed at the spark in the sky.

“Now we see that the aircraft has gradually left the atmosphere, and due to communication technical problems, it is temporarily unable to see the scenery of space.

We will send the pictures back as soon as communication is restored, and the moon landing is expected to be one day later.

This is the glory that belongs to mankind all over the world. We have brought civilization into the starry sky.

I declare that the first half of this lunar exploration was a perfect success.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, although many people just watched the fun.

But when I see human creations flying out of this continent, I feel inexplicably moved.

Little did they know that this was the beginning of the first outdoor battle in the ninja world.

In the palace of the moon and the center of the earth.

The only Otsutsuki clan member also sensed the black rockets rushing out of the ninja continent.


Ahem, ahem, it seems that Hagoromo's descendants want to spread the evil of the ninja world to the outside world. Although we haven't waited for the Byakugan Princess yet, protecting the moon is our first mission.

Just let me help you clear the way before I die.

The battle puppets that Otsutsuki has accumulated over the past thousands of years are beginning to assemble, and the first Earth-Moon War is about to begin.

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