Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1649 Preparing for the second harvest

Except for the joint business group, there are very few ninjas from the other three villages in this team. Everyone understands that a gentleman should not stand behind a dangerous wall.

As for Loess and Mabui, the two Kage have no choice but to know first-hand the attitude of the Akatsuki organization no matter how reluctant they are.

Kakuzu, on the other hand, stood outside with a smile to greet these Gods of Wealth.

Welcome the caravan from the Eastern Ocean Convention

You still dare to come here? You will die!!

Before the two parties had finished the process, everyone felt a huge chakra reaction approaching in the distance.

A red-haired woman almost fell from the sky and started to form seals, and a large number of sealing runes gathered in the sky.

Whirlpool. Kushina! ! !

The three ninjas looked at each other and prepared for battle. As expected, the existence of this woman was the biggest obstacle to this mission.

But it's impossible to let them kill them at the slightest provocation!

Ten million taels.


For 10 million taels, I will help you stop Kushina, otherwise you won't even be able to enter the city and you will die outside.

Mabuyi and Huangtu were so angry that they asked for 10 million without even entering the city gate?

Do you know the concept of 10 million taels? In the past, 10 S-level missions could be issued.

Even if your purchasing power has dropped now, you can't be so deceptive.

Who knows if you guys have agreed to cheat money.

We were introduced by monkeys.

Kisame said the code word, but Kakuzu smiled shamelessly.

I know, so that's all.

So the new star of the Kingdom of Water stuffed 10 million taels with an expressionless face. Before coming, he received clear instructions from Hiruzen Sarutobi. This time he came to give money, all kinds of gifts. When should a gift be a gift? .

“The boss is awesome.”

After saying that, Kakuzu immediately stepped forward to stop Kushina from getting angry. The two had a fierce quarrel, and finally Kushina left in anger.

Before leaving, he gave Kisame and the others a scary look, as if to say you are lucky this time.

At this time, Kisame took out the leader's stance and said to the two deputies.

We are here to complete the task and resolve the misunderstanding between the two parties. Don't delay the business because of this small amount of money.

After a good start, Kakuzu was in a very good mood. It was indeed a good job.

If you give Kushina 5 million taels, you can still get another 5 million taels in your account.

Then they met Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru, the Sannin of Konoha, respectively along the way. He met Uchiha Itachi and other members of the Akatsuki organization who were born in Konoha.

Because these people didn't have enough hatred, it only took a few dozen or two to settle them.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, Hokage Hatake Kakashi didn't come, otherwise this heavyweight's appearance would not have been possible without tens of millions of taels.

After arriving at the hotel they booked, Jiaodu left with a smile on his face and paid the tax.

The one in linen clothes said angrily.

They did it on purpose. It's really a villain's behavior.

Kisame nodded and said that it was indeed intentional, but it was also a good thing. At least it showed that giving money was really useful, right?

Huang Tu nodded, his heart was not as honest as his appearance.

It is indeed good news, but I don't know whether this woman Mabuyi is pretending to be angry or really angry.

The three people seem to be one, but in fact they still have their own positions when broken down.

On the other side, the people in the Akatsuki organization who came out today to make extra money were dividing the money, and Kakudo was checking every amount carefully as if it were finance.

The applicable personal income tax rate is 20%, and the rest is distributed to everyone. We must abide by the law.

Kakuzu was a little embarrassed when he was finally assigned to Kushina. In the final analysis, these people did no harm at all, but there were real sufferers.

I understand, this is a grand strategy for peace in the ninja world, and there won't be too many personal emotions mixed into it. Besides, every injustice has its own debtor, and I will personally settle the accounts of the Yue Organization.

Divide the money and disperse and prepare for the follow-up process.

Both sides believe that this time the money was given to get the meeting off to a good start.

In this way, the official Lanyue Investment Promotion Fair held by Kakuzu began.

After the capital verification, the three of them came to the crowded conference hall, and a small vacuum formed the moment they entered.

The boundary between ninjas and ordinary people has long ceased to exist in the Land of Rain.

It's just because Kisame and his three protectors of water, earth, and thunder are a bit eye-catching. The hierarchy in the Eastern Ocean Convention is very clear.

Not only the merchants from the west were unwilling to approach, but also the wealthy merchants from the east did not dare to approach.

Even if they are all promoting welfare, education and other means at the same time. The stylistic difference between the Western Continent and the Eastern Ocean is still very obvious.

The methods on the east side are obviously too blunt, and they have never thought of improving the status of ordinary people. They just need a large number of tool people to take advantage of them.

Therefore, ordinary businessmen would hide away, not to mention that some well-informed people also knew about the attack on Konoha ninjas by the Eastern Ocean Organization some time ago. If they dare to come to the Land of Rain at this time, they probably have some mission.

Seeing that the real owner had arrived, Kakuzu also came out to say hello to his old friends.

When approaching the Dong Dayang trio, they lowered their voices.

To make a long story short, we are short of money here, and I am also short of money. As long as the money is available, everything can be solved.

Including this time you attacked the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Noah definitely doesn't want to talk to you, but he is willing to talk to me.


Angle's tone was full of arrogance and ridicule, and he made it clear that he was going to be killed severely.

But Mabuyi and Huangtu could only hold back their anger. The enemy was strong and we were weak, so they could only grit their teeth and swallow the humiliation.

But it was this superior attitude that made them believe that this mission could be completed with a high probability.

After circling the venue, Kakuzu returned to the host's position.

There is no need to say more about the moon project plan. You all know the information announcement released before. Now we will go directly to the auction.

This time, everything from naming rights to advertising space to broadcasting rights can be auctioned.

In short, as long as they are willing to pay and it is a legal business, Xiao Organization can do it.

For example, if you sell stainless steel water cups, you can take the cups directly to the moon and make this brand the first water cup to land on the moon.

If you are selling pork, you can also take the pork to space and eat a few bites to show that the space pork tastes very good.

Anyway, there is a seal scroll, so it’s easy to bring anything.

At that time, taking photos and videos was all about money.

There is no lower limit, no bottom line, which really opened the eyes of the three ninjas from the Eastern Ocean Convention Country.

No wonder these people are so rich. They have no bottom line. But it also shows that the other party is indeed short of money and dares to accept any money.

The three of them were also ready to bid.

Although you are giving away money, you still need to get something of value.

The first item we are auctioning is...

By the middle of the auction, Kisame and the others began to get excited, and they were all looking for some more critical projects and advertising spaces.

Ten million taels.

No one has made a bid yet, so Kisame just raised his sign to fight with me?

I'm here to give you money, not to discuss business.

The aura was fully activated, and the confidence of holding 1.5 billion exploded like this.

With the efforts of the Eastern Continent Caravan, most of the projects were won by it in the second half, allowing them to happily invest 1.5 billion, and Kakuzu was already laughing like nothing.

After the meeting, the Dongyang caravan was left behind.

I have seen your sincerity. So there is no problem in this matter.

If there is such a good thing in the future, you are welcome to come back. Again, as long as the money is in place, everything will be easy.

Perhaps this arrogance stung Mabuyi's heart, so she spoke a little presumptuously.

Can our request to see the launch pad up close be bought with money?

Kakuzu was frightened and angry, and even showed very obvious hostility.

Woman, watch the way you speak. I can do it but can you afford the money?

After saying that, they left. The look of being held up and angry made the trio feel a little relieved.

After returning to the inn, Huangtu began to criticize Mabuyi for this reckless behavior, but something was wrong with the way Kisame looked at this woman.

Logically, he should be the one to complete the second half of the mission, but Mabuyi took the initiative and led the way to see the launcher at close range.

Could it be that this person also received a mission?

There is no evidence and it is difficult to confirm, so I can only say it along the way.

Judging from the other party's attitude, as long as the money is available, maybe it can really be done.

The second round of harvest begins. (End of chapter)

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