Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1648 True colors appear

Kakuzu, the organization has assigned you a temporary task.

I allow you to be more real when you are in contact with friends from the east.

After Kakuzu knew the cause and effect, he didn't reject it. The ninja was very suitable for this task.

Just be real. This comment is a bit excessive, as if to say that I am just a money-grubbing person.

I am the Minister of Finance of the Country of Rain, and the data I handle are always measured in tens of millions. If the other party wants to impress me, they have to show some strength.

Kakuzu has always been proud of his own identity, and may have gradually fallen behind in terms of combat power, but the power of wealth is definitely ranked among the best in the entire ninja world.

1.5 billion taels.


Kakuzu's eyes widened angrily, what do you mean, this...this...isn't it a good treat?

Although the money on the books every day is much more than this, especially the train project, which has a total investment of billions to tens of billions.

But this 1.5 billion taels is cash flow, which is very remarkable.

It's the kind that can be tricked at will, which is even more amazing.

Please rest assured that the organization will definitely take it down.

No, no, no, you misunderstood. I meant that we can explore the other party's potential, let's do it first.

Jiao Du is a little embarrassed.

“Isn’t this too immoral?”

When did you get this thing?

The way Noah looked at Kakuzu was wrong. Could it be that Hei Zetsu was impersonating him?

Just as he was about to kill this guy on the spot, Kakuzu immediately made a sharp turn.

Actually, we can still have sex like this.

Only in this way did Noah pat the other party's shoulder with confidence, and he really did not forget his original intention.

This fund is enough for Orochimaru to spend for a year or two. You should make a more rigorous audit plan to supervise it.

I have to leave beforehand, come on.

Leaving Kakuzu with a majestic figure, he came underground.

The iron bucket for lunar exploration has almost been welded, and the tailed beast engine is now being installed.

This technology originally came from the Sky Ninjas. Those idiots created a Zero Tail to use as energy to help the fortress lift into the air.

It was just that he was taken advantage of in a certain dungeon mission organized by Akatsuki.

What makes people speechless is that the source of the unrest is Konoha again.

The zero-tail technique of the dungeon boss Shen Nong is a forbidden technique in the village. Who else could be the creator? Of course it is the source of the chaos in the world, Senju Tobirama-sama.

Without this technique, the Sora Ninja would not be able to control Zero-Tail.

Maybe the Nidaime also had the research direction of completely controlling tailed beasts back then.

As for Shennong's forbidden medical skills and the Eight Gate Dunjia, they naturally come from the same place.

Of course, the current Shennong does not have the knowledge reserves and skills of the Shippuden period, so it is even easier to lie down.

To put it bluntly, the combination designed by this little BOSS is to combine the special moves of Tsunade and Kai into one. In theory, it can create a super BOSS with countless endings.

Even when Uchiha Madara was resurrected and advanced to the Six Paths Class, he had to be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

The idea is great and the implementation process is flawless.

Taboo's level of physical recovery has indeed reached the level of Tsunade's Hyakuha no Jutsu when filled with massive amounts of chakra, but the eight gates opened by cheating are completely different from Kai's.

That level of attack is probably comparable to Kaihuang's six gates in the original timeline, and it may be at the level of five gates in the current timeline.

Although it was already very explosive, in this era of turbulent demons, an attack of this level was far from enough.

It can only be said that both Bamen Dunjia and Metkai are special.

The eight gates opened by day after day training contain the determination of a beast, so they can be extremely powerful.

It's not just as simple as the physical body and chakra exceeding the limits, it's the peerless power obtained by the three mental and physical skills that reach or even exceed the limits of the ninja world.

It contains a ninja's self-restraint for decades and the will to integrate fiery emotions into it. This is why the Eight Gates cannot be reproduced.

Chakra is the power that can convey people's will, and the heat in Akai's will is the power that Uchiha Madara was amazed by.

A mere Shennong, not even qualified to dance.

Sentenced to death after being deprived of knowledge.

Generally speaking, those who study taboo medical ninjutsu are rarely good people. Shennong has dealt countless vicious blows during his years of walking in the ninja world.

The settlement reward for this dungeon is a dark beast called Zero Tail. As an aggregation of dark power known as the heart of the human heart, it has the same immortality as the tailed beast. It is almost an acquired man-made god of disaster.

Even if they are separated, they will reunite after decades.

At first glance, I thought some evil from this world had come to the ninja continent.

It seems that every world has similar things. It seems that it is more possible to use the power of human heart as a perpetual motion machine.

It's just that his strength is not that good, the total amount of darkness condensed is too small, and it is easily dealt with by Yang Jiuwei.

According to it, this kind of thing is not as good as a hot chick like Shukaku, and is of no use at all.

He was sent directly to the underground space of Orochimaru's laboratory to receive research and transformation.

After all, they are more or less snake-shaped creations, so they may have more common topics.

This time, the waste was not used as energy according to the old rules. It was purely because of the zero-tail purity and insufficient strength. According to Orochimaru's calculation results, this thing cannot support the aircraft beyond the first cosmic speed, nor can it escape from the gravitational field.

So Zero-Tail's status dropped again, which made the monster feel happy in his heart.

Seeing that the welding of the propeller and iron barrel had been completed, Noah began to provide guidance on the most important part of the aircraft.

That's an addition to the exterior.

Scorpion was specially brought here for this purpose, which can be described as high standards and strict requirements.

Here, with the symmetrical wings, yes, there is nothing wrong here.

But this will increase air resistance.

It's okay, our engine can completely overcome this resistance.

Xie was speechless, even if it was a tin bucket messing around like this, it would be very troublesome.

Add a few grooves here to make them look like electronic circuits, and then fill them with some reflective paint.

But Noah's interest did not diminish and he kept pointing at it for a long time.

Then he invited Master Kushina to carve some incomprehensible words on the metal surface.

A large number of exaggerated sealing runes that shield the aura must be painted on key parts.

In short, you can use it to bluff people. Gradually, this thing seems to have nothing to do with a rocket aircraft. In the eyes of laymen, it is just some kind of unique offensive weapon.

Noah nodded when he saw such a lunar exploration vehicle.

Then a set of launch procedures that looked very advanced and cumbersome was compiled, with strict requirements ranging from the electronic screens in the hall to the attire of personnel.

This is for customers to see. The money spent must be worth it.

Think about it, on TV or in newspapers, if you see a tin bucket being put up casually, how can you earn this money?

We will do this often in the future, and we must have a service spirit.

At the same time, it will also give a little reward and shock to the Dongyang Caravan, so that that group of people can closely follow our pace.

Noah commanded confidently, and Scorpio and Kushina were also willing to help.

After all, this boss really gives money.

The caravan from the Eastern Ocean Convention, led by Kisame, also arrived outside the new town.

The leader of the team is Kisame Inikaki, the rising star of the Land of Water, and the deputy leader is Mabui, the once famous secretary of the Raikage of the Land of Thunder, and Orotchi, the eldest son of the Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village. (End of chapter)

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