Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1647 Yes, it’s Kakuzu

After all, fighting is what we should avoid more than spending money to solve problems.

The Raikage was very disdainful of this alternative way of asking for mercy. The Kumo Ninja Village was full of tough guys among tough guys.

But, the last sentence is quite useful.

He really couldn't defeat him with force, and Ai knew very well that Noah was already the strongest in the ninja world.

Back then, the first Raikage was able to bend and stretch in the face of the god of the ninja world. I, the fourth generation, inherited the strategic policy of my ancestors and made that villain a little proud.

Besides, the Ninja Village has made several fortunes in recent years, and the economic situation is very good.

The development momentum is rising rapidly, and the consequences of interrupted development are more serious.

When their chakra cannon is truly developed, they will have the confidence to stand in front of the Akatsuki organization.

Ohnoki's mentality is much more flexible.

Problems that can be solved with money are really not big problems.

Although he didn't want to pay, he thought that being so close to the Kingdom of Rain, he might be thrown at a Five Elements Mountain or struck by a sword energy at any time.

I feel that this amount of money was spent quite decently.

The department led by Deidara has produced a lot of results recently, and Iwagakure Village needs time to continue to grow.

As for giving money, we can’t call it giving away money. We call it participating in attracting investment and contributing to human exploration of the moon.

At the same time, they can also promote their own products to enter the market of the Western Continent where the Akatsuki organization is located. This is considered a business behavior.

I have both dignity and respect.

After the two actors changed their minds, they were very decisive and said that money can be spent, but the effect must be achieved.

Nothing happened to the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. Instead, Fei, who has the ability of time and space, died in the battle. This price has been very heavy.

Coupled with the arrival of this huge sum of money, I believe that we can exchange for a short-term peace.

Sarutobi Hiruzen made it clear that it would definitely be useful, as he had someone within the Akatsuki organization.

Black Zetsu suddenly discovered a blind spot. Your intelligence within the Akatsuki organization was indeed somewhat prejudicial.

The last Star Wars, this time the conflict to resolve the attack on the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, etc. were all suddenly pulled out of information.

So who is it? How come He doesn't know?

Ahem, Kirigakure Village can contribute, and the Daimyo can even be asked to contribute more.

It's just that such a large sum of money cannot be used casually.

I'm just a little curious about who I can trust you so much, Hiruzen.

I don't know if it's convenient or not.

It can be said that Hei Jue is really not a human being, and even stabs him in the back when he causes trouble.

It can be seen that he has completely lost the city because of the Lan Yue incident.

When the Mizukage spoke, the other two Kage also stared to see how Sarutobi Hiruzen would react.

You know, it's okay to give money, but it's quite unacceptable if the money is spent and things don't get done.

What's more, they are also curious. The information provided by this month's organization has always been reliable and extremely valuable.

So who is it?

The atmosphere was frozen here, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was very ugly.

This bitch, Hei Jue, actually chose this moment to attack. Are you worried that I'll flip the table?

Fortunately, the patch measures provided by Noah are just right here.

I can choose not to say it, but in order to be able to fight against the Akatsuki organization

When the great work is completed, please help me return to Konoha to bring order to the chaos.

Everyone agreed wholeheartedly. Who knows what will happen at that time? Let’s make a promise first and then talk about it.

It's Kakuzu.

It's him!

It can only be him.

The information about the Akatsuki organization has been turned over by everyone, and all the members are deeply impressed.

Only this one is beyond words.

Taki is a rebellious ninja. This background has made the Kages look down upon him. After all, what kind of real dragon can emerge from a small place.

The place with the highest level of rebellious ninja in the world is Konoha, and the tallest person is Hokage.

Underground mercenaries? He is a low-level figure in the ninja world, and is only a little stronger than a bandit.

As for immortality, no one cares about it, it's just a bit weird. Ninja Village has a lot of ways to deal with such people.

Anyway, I didn’t see anything great about it.

Moreover, his flaw is very obvious, that is, he is greedy for money.

Even after being incorporated into the Akatsuki organization, he did not change this habit. It is said that there are many of his properties in the new town.

The reason why he is in a high position now is probably because he sneaked in and picked up a Conglong skill earlier.

To be honest, just where the monsters from the Akatsuki organization gather, you can take off with any pendant.

If the person Sarutobi Hiruzen could contact was him, it would be very credible.

As for how we got in touch, we can't ask anymore. If we ask any more, we'll end up making enemies.

Hei Zetsu regrets why he didn't develop a talent like Kakuzu earlier. He has a lot of private property.

It was definitely too late to contact him now. Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen had the ability to soothe this person's mood after the meeting.

He really lost his temper just now. After Obito's accident, he became a little sensitive.

After Kakuzu was exposed, everyone wisely brought the topic back to business and started discussing the details.

Oh, I didn't expect that a few of us would have to suffer this humiliation. When the size of the Eastern Ocean Convention reaches the level of crushing, we must avenge this.

After Raikage sighed, everyone passed the resolution.

The three villages plus the Water Country can have an investment quota of 1.5 billion taels.

Of course, it’s not just about giving away money, but also about getting various orders, advertising spaces, etc.

They didn't dare think about naming rights, so they could only comfort themselves with something that wasn't very valuable.

The four people also had a dispute over the personnel on the mission.

It was understandable that it was not convenient for the members of the Yue Organization to come forward, so the Kage of Sancun could only send their own elite men to form a team.

But if you go now, there is a real risk of being killed. It is normal for Kushina to kill dozens of people on impulse.

Even though resources are abundant now and many more ninjas have been trained, the jounin is still the most valuable asset of the village.

This made everyone start to push and hold, but in the end it was Mizukage Daiki who sent his right-hand man, Kisame, to lead the team.

As the team leader, he also has the power to control the amount raised this time.

After completing the discussion about Star Wars and the resolution to calm down the anger of the Akatsuki organization, everyone dispersed to prepare for the war.

After all, it’s not entirely certain whether the money-giving plan will work.

After the meeting, Black Zetsu also took the initiative to find Sarutobi Hiruzen to apologize, and he was very humble and humble.

He could give up all dignity for his mother, not to mention that dignity is only something that humans care about.

When mother comes again, the entire ninja world will be cleansed. Who knows what happened in the past history by then.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked the pitcher plant several times and told him to get out. Now was not the time to fall out.

Called Kisame in to issue the mission.

This time the mission is very simple, it doesn’t matter if you give money away, give it away hard, or give it all away.

After that, he reported to Noah non-stop on the results of the meeting in the east.

When he came to the secret room, he activated a thunder god kunai.

The leader of the Eastern Ocean meets the leader of the Western Continent.

1.5 billion taels?

Noah was in a good mood. This was much more investment than their investment in welding the iron bucket.

But it's still not enough, there is a bottomless pit over Orochimaru.

Let Kisame come over and send the money first, and I will arrange Kakuzu's identity.

As for the follow-up, how much do you think the naming rights can be sold for?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless, you must be sick.

Although I don’t know how Noah would make the launch plan public, it would be outrageous to plaster “Thank you to the Eastern Ocean Convention Caravan for sponsoring this Western Continent Moon Launch Plan” on the launch site.

People in the Akatsuki organization would definitely not agree to this kind of thing.

The battle between Ninja Village and Ninja Village is a high-level matter. I have never arranged for ninjas below the rank of Jonin to intervene in the fight.

The entire continent will definitely merge in the end, and the hatred should be limited to just between us.

Every time Sarutobi Hiruzen heard such words about planning the ninja continent, he felt that the person in front of him was really scary.

They won't pay. Raikage Tsuchikage is not a fool, how could he believe such a thing.

Is it worth adding more money to allow access to the launch site and close contact with the aircraft?


Then let's wait for the feedback from the Kingdom of Rain, please.

After saying that, Noah had disappeared into the secret room, leaving Sarutobi Hiruzen alone in distress.

Posted in advance so that everyone’s time will not be wasted during Double 11 tonight. Also, it’s the end of the month, and it’s time to throw away your monthly tickets, dear readers.

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