In the Kingdom of Iron.

In the secret conference room, the leaders of the four parties reconvened, or in other words, they discussed ways to deal with the crisis while questioning the crime.

The crime refers to the Tsuki Organization's unauthorized attack on the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Failure is likely to cause a war crisis in the Eastern Ocean Convention countries.

In the past few years, the three major ninja villages and Yue organizations have jointly conducted various in-depth exchanges and cooperation, from military confrontation to economic mutual assistance, and even railways were built.

To the outside world, it looks like a completely integrated organization.

At this time, the external defense is that two people in the Yue organization acted alone, and I am afraid that the other party will not believe it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat there and said with a sad expression.

At that time, A Fei also saw a very suitable opportunity and planned to use time and space to kidnap the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and then exchange for some initiative.

Who would have thought that he would be killed by the fake Hokage Hatake Kakashi after all.

Of course, his sacrifice was not in vain. At least it helped us find out that there is a new hidden strongman Umino Iruka in Konoha.

With its powerful vitality and terrifying water escape, it would be really difficult to win if it weren't for a sneak attack and the special characteristics of time and space.

As for revenge afterwards, you don’t have to worry too much.

The two movie stars were shocked. What is this?

Could it be that Sarutobi Hiruzen obtained some deeper information?

You all still remember the information about Star Wars, and I think you all know the vigorous launch plan to the moon just launched by the Akatsuki organization.

The appearance of the latter confirmed the idea of ​​a terrifying extraterrestrial war. Those madmen really wanted to destroy the enemy in space.

It seems that I can't spare any time to start a war recently.

Everyone understood and understood what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking.

You mean that they are devoted to exploring the moon, so they won't launch an attack in a short time, right?

But regardless of whether the lunar exploration succeeds or fails, revenge is only a matter of time. I don’t think the Akatsuki organization is a reasonable organization.

The Fourth Raikage touched the wound on his chest and said that the old man's prediction was too optimistic.

The second time Noah took action to chop out the entrance to the sea, he almost died.

Kushina Uzumaki, the mother of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, can be seen from intelligence and in battle that she is a woman with an extremely hot temper.

This matter will not end so simply. We still have to face the enemy's attacks at any time.

Speaking of this Onoki, I got angry.

The Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Rain are bordering each other, and as the enemy country on the front line, the risk is greatest.

If that crazy woman rushes in and kidnaps the tailed beast, then their Iwakage Village will really have no tailed beast jinchūriki to use.

Even Mizukage pretended to be worried.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that the preparation was almost done and it was time to come up with something real.

So we plan to reconcile with each other, as long as we pay a small price.

But how could such a loose alliance of various interests not be at odds with each other?

Price! What price? What does capturing the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki have to do with our Ninja Village?

The Raikage is not a reckless person, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's use of the word we at this time made him sound particularly uncomfortable.

Yunyin's family has suffered a disaster from heaven, and now they have to pay a price to resolve their hatred. It's simply ridiculous.

Onoki said that Raikage was right.

Then when A Fei gave you information before, why didn't you refuse?

Where did the information on the special steel required for the chakra cannon come from, and where did the information on the heavy industrial production line come from?

And where did the production means for the light industrial daily products in the Land of Earth come from?

It was all important information that Ah Fei risked himself to steal during his lifetime. At that time, you were not so clear about it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words were loud and clear, as if he was standing on the moral high ground.

At this time, he will make full use of the fact that the masked man is dead and squeeze out the last bit of value from the other person during his lifetime.

Sure enough, after saying this, the two Kage stopped talking. They both earned enough benefits from A Fei and Yue Organization.

The ability of Time and Space in gathering intelligence is indeed amazing. Coupled with the combination of the elusive pitcher plant, the two of them are the strongest intelligence personnel.

Although you can be shameless, you still need to work together to fight against the Akatsuki organization.

So they looked at Mizukage, who had been silent.

Mizukage-sama is always silent in every meeting. I guess he has a gap in his heart. Why don't you talk about it.

Mizukage, the black Zetsu incarnation, was in a very subtle mood at the moment.

He is particularly anxious and uneasy right now. It is unknown why the Akatsuki organization insists on landing on the moon, how they will land on the moon, and what they will do after landing on the moon.

Unfortunately, the launch site was chosen to be in the Country of Rain, and it was impossible to infiltrate normally.

Obito is dead, and it's very difficult to cause trouble.

So before the meeting, Hiruzen Sarutobi's proposal when he communicated with him alone was very satisfactory.

The Mizukage cleared his throat.

Lord Raikage, Lord Tsuchikage, please be patient.

I'm more curious, Hiruzen Sarutobi, what kind of price do you think can settle such a thing, and whether our three villages can afford to bear this price.

With Mizukage's guidance, Sarutobi Hiruzen also directly gave a plan.

use money.

The two filmmakers felt a little ridiculous. It was simply ridiculous that they still lacked money for those projects, railways and various production lines.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has also lost his mind, or is he a little too sad after losing his general?

They really thought there would be some magical operation.

No, I have definite internal information that they are short of money. I can't say the specific source, but it comes from high-level officials.

This aroused everyone's interest, and it wouldn't hurt to listen.

“The person in charge of the financial department of the Akatsuki Organization has been amassing money crazily recently, and his methods can even be said to be unscrupulous.

According to internal intelligence, the Akatsuki organization is feeling pressure after launching multiple projects at the same time, and they are trying to figure out how to solve this problem.

Ohnoki and others feel that this is a good thing. They will let those militaristic guys collapse economically, and then we will reap the benefits.

At this time, you cannot give money to your opponent to tide over the difficulties.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and made a heartbroken gesture.

Everyone is confused. They are only short of money temporarily, not all the time. It is only at this time that giving money will be useful, okay?

This makes sense.

Mizukage played the role of a flatterer and took the initiative to admit that his vision was a bit short-sighted, leaving the two thunder and earth shadows speechless.

My suggestion is that we, the Three Villages and the Yue Organization, work together to form an ordinary caravan and go to the new town to participate in this investment meeting related to the Moon Reaching.

Don't hide it too much, let the other party know our origins, and then participate in the auction at a high price.

In this way, we can not only build the name of our products and achieve high-quality advertising effects through this moon-collecting campaign, but also use this sincerity to alleviate the hostility of the other party.

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