Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1645 Revealing Otsutsuki

The Fifth Hokage said that he had many ways to pay tribute to Obito, and there was really no need to leave a blind eye on his body.

Obito's mission is to let the world gain true happiness, not to protect his own eyes.

Orochimaru praised Kakashi's ideological consciousness on the spot as it was really worth learning, and then he couldn't wait to start the operation.

I found an ordinary eyeball and replaced it. Don't ask why there are human organs in Orochimaru's laboratory. It's just the product of a failed experiment in cloning Xiaobai.

After settling the Sharingan matter, they began to discuss retaliation against Dong Dayang.

If you do nothing, you are encouraging the other party to have undue ambitions.

Noah called a meeting of all members of the Akatsuki organization, and everyone thought that a war was about to begin.

It's just that the meeting proposed a public lunar exploration plan.

When we come back from the moon, let's show each other some color.

This kind of counterattack is absolutely fatal to Hei Jue.

At this time, Noah didn't hide anything. Anyway, after going to the moon, they would definitely know about Otsutsuki through the murals and information in the center of the moon.

Thousands of years ago, the alien Kaguya Otsutsuki came to Earth.

The sacred tree used the planet as nutrition and produced a fruit.

The chakra system is truly embedded in the world, and the natural energy recedes.

The goddess of Mao wants to destroy the world with ten tails

Six Paths Immortal and my younger brother worked together to seal my mother. The moon is the result of the sealing technique.

Everyone was shocked.

In fact, many people have noticed problems in the history and mythology of the ninja world from all aspects.

Although the Three Holy Lands are always vague about this, but after more contact, they still know a few words passed down. The information span of the Immortal Seed is so huge.

After Orochimaru heard the complete version of the thousand-year history for the first time, he felt a sudden realization.

Although Noah didn't talk about many details, they are not important anymore.

The various doubtful points and missing parts in the genetic map that he had collected for a long time were put together in an instant, making him tremble with excitement.

The existence of the blood inheritance limit has been completely seen through.

Blood inheritance limits or special abilities already existed thousands of years ago. At that time, it was a combination of the power of nature and the human body, similar to Jonggo.

After combining chakra, it still does not exceed the original genetic boundaries.

But when I was studying the Sharingan and Byakugan, I always felt that there was some incongruity. I didn't expect that the origin was so big.

The insertion of alien bloodline fragments is of course not related to other bloodlines.

Tsunade also didn't expect that her ancestor was actually an alien.

Because of the bonus of alien blood, Senju and Uchiha can become super powerful.

The others also looked like they had seen the world.

However, our Akatsuki organization has become so powerful that it stands at the pinnacle of the ninja world. If we continue to explore, we can only be related to the legend of Six Paths Sage. After being shocked, we easily accepted this setting.

There are already aliens like Noah, so Liu Dao's mother is just like that if she is an alien.

This is the origin of the natural blood theory in the extraordinary world. The so-called noble blood or power actually exists in genes.

Kakashi raised his eyebrows and understood the various preparations that the teacher had been making over the years.

Teacher, is this why Orochimaru was asked to develop a bloodline potion?

Let every ninja have a stronger body, faster speed, and more chakra, narrowing the gap with superior bloodlines. If everyone is Superman, then there is no Superman, right?

The system of machines and technology studied by Scorpion to fight against extraordinary power is another path. Through productivity and technology, methods that ordinary people can master can help us fight against aliens and superhuman beings.

Both methods are aimed at breaking this natural blood class, right?

Kakashi expressed surprise at this, and another disciple Yahiko was a little confused and said something about betraying the ninja class and the strong group.

But the gap between the strong and ordinary people is too big, and the number of people and limited resources in the ninja world are problems that have to be faced.

A strong person will only be stronger if he gets a bonus from the biological direction. Even if ordinary people reach the starting line, they are still far behind the strong ones.

It is better to just develop technological paths and make all living beings equal.

What kind of speech is this from the end of the Dharma era? Yahiko's words made many people in the Akatsuki organization very uncomfortable.

But there is some truth to it. Chakra refining is really not something everyone can do.

Noah also didn’t expect that this eldest disciple would be a little crazy.

The real problem is that the ninja world needs time to develop. Without the protection of top-level combat power at this time, it will be easily destroyed by extraterrestrial civilization.

Secondly, for example, the welfare system of the Country of Rain has a plan to pay everyone money in difficult times. Does paying everyone mean no money?

No, it will also dilute the wealth of the superior, do you understand?

Yahiko didn't understand, but Kakuzu understood clearly.

I didn't prevent similar plans from being written into law at the beginning, and I can't do anything about it now.

As a man with a small fortune, this is heartbreaking. Who told him and Noah to only be reasonable?

Without extraordinary technological paths, all living beings will not be equal. What's the difference between the person who holds the highest power and God.

At this time, it is necessary for the extraordinary and the technological path to check and balance each other and cooperate within the institutional framework, and put both parties in a cage.

This is a relatively fair and relatively stable social structure.

What Noah said was very cruel, and he slapped the truth and truth on everyone coldly.

This is what the pirate world is like in the end, where extraordinary people and ordinary people live together.

The focus is on checks and balances. No force or class has the opportunity to be dictatorial.

Noah believed in human nature, both positive and negative.

In short, no one can be our god. If there is, let us get close to him and then kill him.

This was said very domineeringly, and it was also a warning from Noah.

As the organization grows stronger, the idea of ​​people being superior to people has begun to spread.

This is a stubborn disease caused by the cultural system, and everyone needs to wake up as soon as possible.

Noah didn't want to.

Back to the topic, let's publicize the moon landing plan widely and let those in the Eastern Ocean pay attention to our scientific research results.

Only by putting more pressure on can we speed up the pace of scientific and technological research.

“Star Wars is not just about civil war, it’s about facing dangers falling from the sky.”

After the meeting ended, everyone was absorbing and digesting the content of today's conversation.

After Noah finished speaking, he came to the underground base to supervise the construction of the iron bucket.

At this time, Kakuzu ran over in a hurry. He was a little worried that he was being clicked today.

Noah, I thought about whether 50 million taels to build a lunar exploration vehicle is a little bit short. How about adding another 50 million taels.

No, it's completely enough. The only problem is how to spend the money.

Please advise.

The engine uses Kyuubi, and it can be purchased for a friendly price of 5 million taels. We want to make the iron-clad appearance high-end and gorgeous, making it look particularly high-tech, so we will spend another 5 million taels.

The rest.

“The rest is publicity.”


Yes, of the 50 million taels we spent 40 million taels on external display.

This is not good.

Didn't you ask us to squat in a bucket and endure it for a while?

Kakuzu, I thought that using 50 million taels to make a tin bucket was something that required a lot of patience. Who knew you could just use 10 million taels to do business?

I know the organization is short of money recently, but Orochimaru really can't stop.

The Minister of Finance immediately became very nervous. Could it be that this is the focus of the drama sung today?

Don't get me wrong, I mean we can use the lunar exploration program.

After hearing this, Kakuzu knelt down directly. As expected of you.

Not only must they earn back the 50 million taels, but they must also raise funds for Orochimaru and their new projects.

What if the business group in the east wants to invest?

We explore the moon for the sake of peace for the entire ninja world. Regardless of east, west, north or south, everything can be harvested and received.

In this way, Jiaodu made the entire Ministry of Commerce move.

At this time, he thought that Noah was the god walking on earth, the god of wealth.

Dong Dayang was still waiting for the Akatsuki organization's revenge, but he finally received news about the countdown to lunar exploration.

After the announcement of the public lunar exploration process was released, the entire continent focused its attention on the Land of Rain.

In the past, only the top leaders of the five major ninja villages knew about this news, but now through unabashed publicity in the new town, everyone knows that the Akatsuki organization is doing this.

The topic about lunar exploration in the streets and alleys is that people and dogs can talk about it.

Did you hear that? The group of ninjas organized by Akatsuki are going to the moon.

What! Going to the moon! Oh my God, are there fairies up there?

What! The Moon Exploration co-branded tea cups and figures have been released. Buy me a set quickly. This is a commemorative model.

Heart of Steel has launched a stainless steel wok made of the same material used in the lunar exploration. Everyone is rushing to buy it.

And the wealthy businessmen were also crazy. They spent a lot of money to learn some shocking and good news from some people.

Lord Kakuzu wants to attract investment for the lunar exploration project, and is willing to implement commercial implants and auction naming rights in the lunar exploration project.

This is big news that has attracted the attention of the whole world. In fashionable terms, this is a hot topic.

A center for all channels of television, radio and newspapers.

It’s just money, take it, take it all.

The wealthy businessmen used various means to start sending money.

With Noah's permission, Jiaodu was also happy and did everything possible to get money.

At the same time, it also lets everyone know that the Akatsuki organization is serious.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also received the order. After reading it with a frown, he secretly sighed, what a terrible man.

I thought that my undercover days were coming to an end, but I didn't expect that the other party took the initiative to let the Eastern Ocean Convention countries continue.

Then continue.

On the other side, a certain Heijue was stunned. The vigorous lunar exploration activities made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.


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