Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1641 The hero of Sharingan

You are worthy of being my destined opponent, next time! I will definitely defeat you next time! Humph!

Then he ran to practice far away, showing that he was very unwilling to stand with the two of them.

Obito, Kakashi's character is like this, you have to learn to be tolerant.

Master White Fang often goes on missions, so the relationship with his son is not very good.

A golden figure appeared behind Obito and Lin.

Only by learning to be tolerant can you gain support from everyone and have a chance to become Hokage.

I'm very optimistic about you, Obito.

Namikaze Minato took his three disciples to do some C-level tasks and ended the day by eating Ichiraku Ramen.

Obito, see you tomorrow.

Lin happily greeted the boy and went home.

After having dinner with his grandma, Obito returned to his dormitory and had lost the idiot-like smile he had during the day.

Kakashi, this method alone cannot defeat me.

The follow-up is just a way to use tragedy to destroy the soul, right? I have already endured too much suffering, so what's the harm in doing it again.

Let me see if you can't hold on first or if I reveal my flaws first.

Obito believed that Kakashi would need to consume a huge amount of chakra to perform this carefully prepared illusion, and the loser would die.

The next day, Obito helped the old lady cross the road three times without being late. He easily defeated Kakashi in the competition and ate Lin's love lunch. In the evening, the Fugaku clan leader came to visit and praised his talent greatly, calling him Uchiha's. pride.

The third day, the fourth day. Time flies as fast as water.

Minato-sensei became the Fourth Hokage, Lin was willing to date him, and Kakashi refused to admit it every time he lost.

Despite this happiness, Obito still remains vigilant. Kakashi will definitely use tragedy to break his heart when he is happiest.

Very vicious, but very effective method.

The abnormal flow of time continued until the tenth year when he got married.

Looking at Lin in a wedding dress, Obito began to fear.

I couldn't imagine whether I would collapse if an accident happened at this time. The result was that nothing happened.

Kakashi, are you crazy?

Your Sharingan can't hold it. You should know the side effects of Mangekyo.

Unlock the illusion and let's fight again!

Obito forgot that he could also use the kaleidoscope to break through this illusion. Was he expecting something?

That same year, Lin became pregnant.

At that moment, he swore that any bastard who dared to hurt Lin and the children would be torn into pieces by him.

This is the realization of a father.

When Minato-sensei came to visit, Obito was silent, he didn't dare to look into the teacher's eyes.

There are some things that people in illusions don't know, but he knows them.

Night of Nine Tails

Seeing Rin Obito exuding the radiance of motherhood, she knew that the evil nature of this illusion was far from over.

In the 20th year, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Gate voluntarily abdicated, passing the position of the Fifth Hokage to Uchiha Obito, who had the highest voice.

A super top student who broke the Ninja School record, broke the record of being the youngest person to be promoted to Jonin in Konoha, completed dozens of S-level tasks and protected the village, and was recognized by many ninjas and villagers.

Obito, you are well-deserved to take over.

Standing in front of the Hokage Tower, he didn't dare to accept the Hokage's hat.

It was ridiculous that the person who had hurt Konoha the most should become the most glorious position, but he still took over this responsibility under the expectant eyes of Lin and the child.

Maybe I'm just a selfish person.

Time continues to fly by, thirty years.

Obito sat silently in the office, not wanting to go home.

It's not that Lin is no longer gentle, nor that she doesn't love him anymore. But too happy.

She was always so tolerant of him, just like the feeling in her memory was eternal.

People around him are always kind to him and love him very much.

Even Kakashi, who likes to be antagonistic the most, only talks in words, but in actual actions he always follows the lead.

The people in the village also behaved very happily. Living in a world with sufficient supplies and no war, the only thing everyone can do is be happy.

This made Obito shudder.

Are you happy? Very happy, only he is happy.

False? It’s getting more and more fake, except for him.

Obito no longer wanted to see his wife at home who was too virtuous to be true, and he didn't want to see his children who were always well-behaved and obedient.

I don't want to see Kakashi who has lost his sharpness, and I don't want to see everyone.

He left Konoha, and even though everyone blocked him, they still chose to respect the fifth generation Hokage.

Even his wife and children chose to respect him without making any noise that made him unhappy.

he asked himself the moment he left the village.

Am I just an ordinary person who chose to escape when faced with difficulties?

Confused, I walked and walked and walked. From old age to middle age, from middle age to youth, and finally to the boy Obito again.

The illusion hints and Yin attribute chakra belonging to Uchiha Madara in his mind gradually dissipated in the illusion, and his will was restored.

He slowly stepped out of the edge of illusion, and taking this step became reality.

Obito, where are you going?

Young Lin's voice sounded from behind, like a rope pulling him.

Hey, you guy, come back quickly, you're almost late!

The young Kakashi's voice was full of impatience, but also full of concern.

Obito burst into tears but did not look back.

I'm sorry, the happiness that everyone can achieve cannot be achieved through illusions.

Infinite Tsukuyomi. It's a joke.

I'm just a selfish person, a person who likes to escape.

Lin, Kakashi, I'm sorry.

Finally, he walked resolutely into the divine space.

The illusion was shattered and he regained consciousness, and he saw the real Kakashi. The kaleidoscope of the other person had become dim and lost all its color.

This has damaged the origin of Tongli, and there may be no way to use it again in the future.

The single-player version of the Infinite Tsukuyomi launched by himself has even maintained such a large village, so many characters, and so many memories. Kakashi is a genius, the most powerful genius.

Even Noah thought this illusion was very scary and very stupid.

No one except Obito will be caught by this illusion, and his trump card will be destroyed.

But Noah supported Kakashi in doing so.

As long as Shuangetsu has no worries, it's okay not to have the Sharingan.

How long have you been preparing for this technique?

long time.

does it worth?


Aren't you the Hokage-sama who claims to have escaped the past?

Kakashi smiled.

Idiot, what do you believe in what I say? How can a ninja's trump card be revealed? He's the tail end.

Obito smiled to himself and sat down on the ground.

I'm a little jealous of you, Kakashi.

Then he started talking about what he had done without beginning or ending.

That Black Zetsu is Uchiha Madara's back-up, they said at the beginning.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is in the Kingdom of Water. The Moon Organization has killed the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water and replaced the Fourth Mizukage.

The Raikage's chakra cannon is right here.

Created by the Tsuchikage's disciples

There is a curse mark left in my heart, and other parts of my body have also been tampered with, so I have to trouble you.

Finally. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry.

I'm still that stupid idiot. Happiness shouldn't be like that!!

Lin, Minato-sensei, and too many people, me.

Kill me, Kakashi, kill me, kill me ahhhhhh!!!

Tears were streaming down his face, and Obito cried like an idiot, heartbroken, and extremely sad.

The false dream was shattered, and Obito could no longer bear the blood and sin facing his hands.

Kakashi also shed tears, crying very ugly.

Well, I will kill you, I will definitely kill you.

The hero Obito has died at Kannabi Bridge, and you are just a thief who stole his Sharingan.

I will definitely kill the person who turned you into this, I swear, I, swear!

Time is passing in reality, and there is no need to delay it.

Every minute and every second of living is suffering.

When the verdict came, Obito put on a mask.

By the way, Obito asked me to bring you a message.

Last time he gave one eye as a gift for your promotion to Jonin, and this time the other eye is a gift for becoming Hokage.

The space was distorted, and the kaleidoscope belonging to the masked man appeared in Kakashi's right eye.

Finally, don't forget to bring people true happiness.


Kakashi drew his sword.

The red light on the sword shines in this space.

‘Obito. I will let everyone in the Pure Land see what the future will look like, Cranetail. ’

outside world.

The space was distorted, and a figure came out.

It’s the hero of the Sharingan, Kakashi Hatake!

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