Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1640 Infinite Moon Reading

Because he could always see a person's body flashing on the spot, doing all kinds of funny moves to avoid attacks.

He also brought out handfuls after handfuls of blood. This inexplicable operation seemed really silly to outsiders, and he was worthy of Obito.

Black Zetsu's expression behind the pitcher plant was unreadable. He knew that Obito had been cornered.

The more the body shape appears and the higher the frequency, the more dangerous it is.

That guy wouldn't just die in space. If he could come out, there would still be a chance.

in space.

After a few rounds, Kakashi decided to increase his strength. Kamui's ability was indeed more flexible on his original body.

Next, let Obito witness the fighting style of Bloody Thunder.

Thunder wrapped around the body, and the signature thousand birds chirped.

Obito knew that this was Kakashi's divine speed mode, but no matter how strong the divine speed was, it could not surpass the time and space. This kind of attack was not as good as the large-scale ninjutsu just now.


In the blink of an eye, one of his arms was cut off.

how come!

How could it be so fast? Even the thought of using virtualization didn't arise, but there were some under my feet.

I see.

Obito is not the pure loser he was back then, he just looks the same compared to Kakashi.

When it comes to knowledge, combat effectiveness, and experience in playing high-end games, there are still some clues.

The Thunder Escape mode increased one's own speed beyond the limit, but this was not the real reason. Earth Escape was also used secretly.

A ninjutsu similar to Tochiriku's return shifted his position to the direction of Kakashi, forming a head-on confrontation.

The power to block perception is the illusion of Sharingan, which confuses my sense of time and space.

What a terrible opponent.

Desperation rose in my heart.

There was no despair when Kakashi used the Five Elements Escape Technique to bombard him and make him extremely embarrassed.

Because he was treated like this by Noah in the Country of Rain, and his mentality was shattered at that time.

But after years of growth, what would happen if that kind of tragedy happened again.

But when Kakashi combined the five-element escape technique with the ninjutsu and genjutsu, he discovered how invincible a strong man without any shortcomings could be.

This time you can use earth escape, and next time you can combine it with wind escape and water escape.

The tactics are ever-changing. How should we fight against such a person?

The opponent's use of this method will cut him into pieces bit by bit. At this time, the only way to defeat everything is to use force!

Uchiha's power has not been lost yet, Susanoo!

The one-eyed Susanoo is no longer a barrier to the dead souls bent on revenge.

It wasn't Kakashi who grew up, he did too.

As soon as Susano'o constructed himself, a shadow was cast on him. Susano'o, who was a head taller than him, was already waiting on the opposite side.

The sword that is tens of meters long is already hungry. The huge Susano Titan is like an enlarged version of Kakashi. In addition to violence, the swordsmanship is also exquisite.

Under the domineering swordsmanship, Obito's Susanoo was chopped into pieces.

There is a huge gap between Ninjutsu and the enemy, and the Sharingan's unique skills are stronger than the opponent's. In the end, the Avengers find that they can only survive by relying on Ninjutsu to escape reality.

And now it's difficult to even save one's life. Every time there is a transition between reality and reality, one will be struck by a sword.

No matter how he adjusts the frequency of virtual and real switching, he can't escape the other party's induction. The force of nature is too sensitive to the breath of life, and death is only a matter of time.

The more he fought, the more tired he became. The more he fought, the more tired he became. Obito felt his own exhaustion.

He knew that his vitality could last for a long, long time with Bai Jue's blessing. But his heart was slowly almost unable to hold up under the impact of despair.

Finally, Kakashi found the opportunity due to a mistake.

Obito is indeed very strong and can survive this level of attack until now. In the entire ninja world, he can definitely be ranked among the top 3 in terms of life-saving ability.

Even if he really wanted to run, he wouldn't be able to escape. He could run to the ends of the earth after leaving the Divine Power Space.

For the time being, no one can catch a top-level expert flying around. Even Teacher Noah worked hard to restrain this guy.

So Kakashi chose the path that suited him.

The Sharingan becomes powerful with its twisted heart, but it is also that heart that is the opponent's biggest weakness.

All the previous attacks were leading up to this moment.

Obito, I'm sorry.

A carefully prepared illusion is given to you.

When Obito realized that he had been hit by a genjutsu, he immediately felt bad and immediately planned to use a kaleidoscope to break through, but...

On the battlefield, a huge sacred tree reaches the sky and the earth.

He was covered in blood, and Kakashi fell in front of him, with fear and unwillingness remaining in his eyes.

But his eyes were full of expectation.

Unlimited. Monthly Reading!

The moon was rendered strangely red, and the nine black magatama began to rotate along an inexplicable trajectory.

Invisible light waves cover the Ninja Continent, everything is being rewritten, and everyone is happy.

Then he should also get his own happiness. Bathed in the light, he returned to the Konoha training ground.

Looking at the reflection in the lake, goggles, sportswear, and friendly face, it is such a beautiful age.

Kakashi's genjutsu is a preview of the Infinite Tsukuyomi?

Noah told him everything, but what can he do, twist this beautiful wish?


Obito believed that this was a wrong move by Kakashi. Even if the world was distorted, it would not shake his determination to create a new world.

Forming seals with both hands, the huge Yin chakra was ready to break through this shallow illusion.

Obito, why are you ignoring me when I'm talking to you?

Obito's heart skipped a beat.

She has short brown hair and a pair of big dark brown pupils. The smell of the girl next to him makes him feel a little uncomfortable, too close.


Why, isn't the love bento I made for you delicious?

No, no. Love bento hehehehehe

In Infinite Tsukuyomi, everyone will get happiness, and Lin and I will also get happiness. This is a normal trend, and there is nothing wrong with it.

At this time, a young man with white hair and a mask walked over awkwardly.

Ahem, Obito, you have that fireball. Can you teach me a lesson?

Hao fireball?

Lin said that the last time the two of them fought, Obito released a super cool fire ball, and even Minato-sensei was amazed.

Then delay it for a little while and don't be in a hurry to remove the illusion. This is a spiritual confrontation.

That's it, then Kakashi, you have to watch carefully, first like this, then like this.

boom! !

A huge fireball descended on the lake, and the rolling heat wave made Lin hide behind Obito.

Kakashi said helplessly after the ninjutsu was released.

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