Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1642 The ninja world is in chaos

Hei Jue was running for his life, running for his life like crazy.

Kakashi dived underground the moment he came out, and he didn't even have time to care about what happened to Obito.

The familiar sense of crisis, the familiar light, and the endless killing intent have locked onto him, as if he was being targeted by Noah.

boom! ! !

The angry flames in the white-haired man's brows surrounded him, and the crimson light swept across the surroundings with unparalleled strength.

Black Zetsu!!!

Kakashi unsheathed his sword, and his endless anger and red domineering energy began to rage in the world.

There was thunder in the sky in response to his anger.

How could no one bear the pain of losing a close friend for the second time and bear the wrath of thunder.

Concentrating all the power on the sword body, black began to spread across the edge, and crimson light led to streaks of lightning.

Although the left eye was dead, the new Sharingan in the right eye was spinning crazily, constantly shedding tears of blood.

The crimson sword energy is perfectly combined with the power of space distortion.

Swing your sword! The moment the sword energy left the body, it disappeared from sight.

Divine power. Cut.

Hei Jue, who was walking underground, felt the danger of death. When he looked back, he saw that the sword energy could cross the space and appear directly behind him.


boom! ! ! ! !

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Kakashi!!!!

A sharp scream came from under the earth, followed by a deafening explosion and endless wind pressure, and the shock wave swept across the mountain forest in a fan shape.

The land in the distance was neatly divided into two sections, and a canyon appeared in the inland area of ​​the Country of Fire.

The cross-section is as smooth as a mirror. This is Kakashi's swordsmanship.

Let Him run away.

Then the whole person weakly knelt on the ground, and a feeling of emptiness that he rarely felt came to his heart.

When fighting Obito, he had already used up all his cards. Whether it was the pressure of the tailed beast's chakra on his body or the occasional switching of sage mode to sense the opponent's spatial switching frequency, it took a lot of concentration.

As for releasing the ninjutsu, it is the easiest process, and it can be done without any brainstorming.

It was that illusion that finally consumed me to the point where I was so close to running out of gas.

A customized version of Infinite Tsukuyomi displayed at the cost of a Mangekyō Sharingan. Completely consume all the Yin attribute chakra.

In addition, carrying two kaleidoscopes in such a physical condition requires training and adjustment. Logically, he should join Kai and return to the village.

It's just that he can't calm down without using this sword.

As a result, it is now at a rock bottom.

Of course, he is not losing his mind. The Hokage's duty prevents him from being too willful.

Because Kakashi believes in Akai.

If anyone wants to take the opportunity to pick up the leak, I am afraid they will die even worse.

It is the duty of the Konoha ninja to protect Naruto. At this time, Kai, who has no restraints, will release his restraints without hesitation.

Only God may know how terrifying the rare beast that has been injected with multiple life potions from the Kingdom of Rain is.

Sure enough, Gai immediately came to Kakashi's side and helped him up.


That person is not Obito.

Kai was also unusually smart and didn't ask any more questions, choosing to immediately carry Kakashi back to the village.

A game involving the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki broke out when no one expected it, and ended in a way no one knew.

The aftermath of this incident continued to ferment in the ninja world, causing huge waves.

Konoha has already entered a state of emergency.

Nabekage Nara Shikaku began to carry out the Hokage instructions that Kakashi threw before leaving.

The perception barrier is fully opened, the space blockade is opened at special locations, and the sealing squad enters a battle-ready state.

All entrances and exits at the gates are temporarily suspended, trains at Konoha Station are temporarily suspended, and entry is not allowed.

Konoha Hospital also cleared a floor for war reserves, and all the medical ninjas contracted to the Shiggybone Forest were prepared.

All ANBU were activated and began to monitor and protect the village under one order after another.

All the ninjas who were still on vacation returned to their respective posts and were ready to be dispatched.

Guard Captain Uchiha Shisui pulled out all the elite guards to maintain law and order in the village.

At the same time, Shikaku also invited the heads of the major families over, both to seek help and to monitor this group of people not to act rashly.

After all this was completed, everyone was waiting anxiously.

It's not that he doesn't want to send people for support, but the enemy is a strong man with time and space capabilities, and sending a large force out will only lead to an emptiness in the village.

What if the enemy attacks in the east and in the west?

Therefore, the strongest Uchiha Shisui was pinned down in the village by him. At this time, the top combat power must have a clear division of labor.

Don't worry, we all believe in Hokage-sama's abilities.

Shisui also expressed his understanding. He is a very calm person.

It’s just that the shock and anger in Sanmagatama Sharingan’s eyes were undisguised, if something unexpected happened.

He would trade the heads of several shadows from the Eastern Ocean Convention in exchange for peace.

Konoha's alert made other major ninja villages who got the news also start to make emergency preparations.

Although I don’t know the reason, I just have to be on guard.

Afterwards, everyone in Konoha waited for the first news. Kurenai and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki had returned safely.

This made Shikaku sigh in relief.

Naruto's identity is very special. If something happens, it will be difficult to explain to him, and it may even affect the overall situation.

And this kid is the weakest link. The fact that he can be brought back shows that there is no weakness ahead.

Then Hokage-sama can use his combat power more freely.

Iruka was also brought back, but he was so miserable that he was sent directly to Konoha Hospital for rescue.

Obito's cutting skills are indeed overbearing, and if it weren't for factors such as emergency outbreaks, Konoha's medical system is really awesome, almost everyone would have a slug.

The drug development is also very advanced. In the past, this kind of ninja could be sent to the commemorative monument.

Anyway, Naruto saw Iruka crying like he was killed in battle.

The sincerity of risking one's life made this child truly feel what he lacked before.

Even though Iruka was smiling, he was not willing to accept it.

The hospitalization of this popular dean also made everyone's hearts sink. The enemy was really crazy.

And people who knew part of Iruka's strength felt even more depressed. Would even such a strong man almost fall?

Still in the Kingdom of Fire.

Shisui was already considering whether to kill a Kage to avenge Iruka.

By the time Kai returned with Naruto, everyone truly relaxed.

It seemed that Hokage-sama was just a little tired and covered his left eye with his forehead protector.

Left eye?

Then why is the right eye still the Sharingan?

It's just that Kakashi's face was as cold as ice, so everyone didn't dare to ask questions. The Hokage was in a very bad mood.

Even Shikaku's suggestion to ask a doctor to check his body first was rejected outright.

Kakashi's body has recovered a lot during the return trip, and the overall improvement in physical fitness brings strong recovery power.

Now except for the blindness in the left eye, there are no other major problems, and the loss in the body can be fully compensated.

I'm disappointed, everyone is enjoying the results since the reform.

But how many people are still vigilant?

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