Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 166 Dragon’s courtesy first and then attack

The original auction time was postponed for another two days, waiting for people from the Navy and the World Government to arrive.

This time the Don Quixote family's territory is really full of talents. The world government, navy, pirates, the overlords of the world's affiliated countries, and the king of the dark world are all here.

If the melee in the New World hadn't entered its most intense stage due to the red-haired climb to the top, the Pirate King would have sent people over. Two special devil fruits and a big sharp knife are enough.

Long was among the crowd, feeling a little heavy as he watched more and more forces coming over. Under the eyes of so many people, it is better to follow the auction rules to save trouble.

Of course, it would be better if someone doesn't follow the rules. Basically, the people here are enemies anyway, so don't worry about accidental injuries. You can just knock everyone over and run away.

Before the auction, I still called Noah to explain the situation.

What, the world government, pirates, and other overlords of the participating countries, the King of Darkness are all gone, can't Doflamingo survive? If there is a fight, the territory of Beihai will be flattened. What does he think?

Who knows, maybe I didn't expect it to get out of control like this.

Then what are you going to do?

Bidding first, but there is a high probability that there will be problems in this bidding. Forces with friction from all parties will gather here. There is no shortage of sworn enemy forces here. Doflamingo's strength cannot be suppressed. There is also the participation of the Celestial Dragons. It's not the Shampoo Islands, and there are many people who don't sell bubble hair.

I guess there will be a big fight in the end, and if I win in the chaos, I can grab it and run away, and no one can catch me.

There are indeed many hostile forces here, such as pirates and navy, pirates and pirates, pirates and world franchisees, pirates and the king of the dark world. Well, everyone is shouting about pirates.

Then take care of your own safety. Do you need support?

No, it's easy for me to do things alone, and the only ones who can get things done in this situation are you, me, and Yixiao. Now Yixiao is dealing with Zefa, and you'd better not show up, otherwise things will escalate out of hand. In this situation, it’s better to stay at the headquarters honestly.”

Saying this, Long also had a headache. At the beginning, this Noah would bring some surprises back every time he went out. Either he kidnapped a strong person, or he brought another future star with him. But in the past few years, every time I go out, I have to make big news. I just swept up the world government's transactions. Later, even the Celestial Dragons were killed.

Although he would do this if it were him, but he hasn't done it yet, so he naturally has a position to say Noah. Now the wanted criminal with the highest bounty in the Revolutionary Army is firmly hanging on Noah's head, and he can't even take it off. The strange thing is that the bounty has not been increased yet.

This can only show that the world government is holding back a big move. It is impossible to endure. No world ruler would tolerate a guy who is blatantly confronting him. At present, Noah can only be kept silent, also for safety reasons.

Noah on Resurrection Island was speechless when he heard that Long still despised his influence. Man, you must know that in the original book, you are known as the most vicious criminal in the world. Your son and the son of One Piece belong to the same level of sinful blood.

Since Long refused to support, Noah would not add any unnecessary extravagance and insist on sending people there. Don't let Long have to distract himself from protecting the people who sent support. That would be too funny. The support person he originally mentioned was his own.

After the call ended, Long Long was left alone in Beihai to plan how to snatch the auction items. If Noah were here, he would say, what's the plan? In the past, planning was because we were at a disadvantage and had to plan. Now you can suppress the entire audience for a short period of time, so what else are you thinking about?

While the dragon's plan was still being considered, Doflamingo and the Don Quixote family were extremely anxious. Dover's little golden hair has been losing a lot recently, and he is worried.

The development in Beihai has been very unsatisfactory in the past two years. Is this luck quietly stolen by some fruit ability user? First, his plan to seize the surgical fruit was foiled by his younger brother, and then he was almost killed on the spot by Noah of the Revolutionary Army. He managed to escape with his life. The fruit had awakened, but he had to hold an auction in Beihai to boost his reputation. Recruit some new blood.

As a result, he was stabbed by a murderer and became famous all over the world in the news. Now that he has gained momentum, he is about to die. Looking at the same depressed family members, no one can share his worries.

Torrepol? The strength is wide, and the moves are unique, but the lethality is insufficient. Pika? The stone fruit has great potential, but it has not yet reached its peak. Diamanti? The flying fruits are sincere, but the ability development is flashy and ineffective for masters.

Alas~~ Could it be that my Don Quixote family is no longer able to gain a foothold in Beihai? Is this wave of shooting oneself in the foot? How about returning to the new world to find a territory, and then take refuge with an emperor to survive this dangerous period?

Young Master, someone broke in and we can't stop them. Torebol rushed in and brought Doflamingo bad news again.

‘Who can you stop? ? Who do you think you can stop? ? ’ The restraint on his family caused him to roar in his heart while appearing calm and calm outside.

It's okay, let me see who is coming to my base in Beihai.

The door was knocked open, and a group of people walked in very calmly, as if this was not the core palace of the Don Quixote family, but a tavern.

The leader's outfit is a white suit and a white mask. Behind him were a few people who looked like soldiers at first sight.

I'm sorry, Doflamingo. On orders from the World Government, we are here to discuss matters such as the installation of camera bugs and the auction.

The man in the white suit bowed, the etiquette was very thoughtful, but there was no trace of respect. All the members of the Don Quixote family came in behind. Even though everyone was a little injured, it seemed that they didn't have any etiquette when they came in.

Who is it? Isn't this CP0? I heard that three of you were killed by Noah in the East China Sea. How come there are still people who can be sent out? There are so many of you.

White Mask's fists were clenched, he was clearly irritated but restrained himself, and he spoke the first half of the sentence through his teeth.

We will go to him to settle the blood feud between Noah and our CP department. This time we are here just for the North Sea auction on the order of the World Government. Mary Joa's Musgarud Saint, Roswade Saint, will watch the whole process and participate in the bidding.”

Don't use the Celestial Dragons to pressure me!

Doflamingo's domineering aura surged, and he was extremely angry when he heard the name of the Celestial Dragon, especially that Musgard Saint, his full name was Donquixote Musgard Saint.

This made Dover sick.

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