Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 167 I wish you could meet the revolutionary army soon

In the empty hall, Doflamingo continued to unleash his dominance, making everyone in front feel a huge pressure on their shoulders.

Perhaps his domineering look is far less than Noah's, and he is far from red-haired, but for ordinary people, it is already very scary. The leading CP0's pupils had shrunk unconsciously, and cold sweat was left behind his mask.

I, Doflamingo, am not afraid of any Celestial Dragon!

This is the only dignity left by Dover. His resentment towards Mary Joa is so deep that it is second only to death.

Slowly retracting his overbearing look, he felt bored and sad when he saw the soldiers following CP0 gasping for air. The white mask is just a normal physiological reaction to the overlord's color, without a trace of fear or other emotional fluctuations.

But just mentioning Noah's name can make him lose his composure. This gap is really powerless. As if he had figured something out, Doflamingo waved his hand.

You can do whatever you want. Go and install the camera phone. Don't move around after the installation. I will arrange a place for you. You can't show up in front of me until the auction starts. Do you understand!

Yes, Doflamingo, my lord.

He is really a CP0 with a good temper. Dover gave him a hint of domineering, and he used words to stimulate the former Tianlong. It seems that he is a quick CP0, and his emotions are not well controlled.

Dover was not angry on the surface. After they walked out, he used the Thread Fruit to smash everything in front of him.

Torepol, who was next to him, stepped forward to apologize.

Young Master, it is all our uselessness that has caused you to suffer this humiliation.

There's no need to say this. Please report to me the surrounding situation now.

Yes, Young Master, all the surrounding forces have basically arrived, and the major forces in the Grand Line have basically arrived. There has not been a fight yet, but there are constant small frictions, and we can no longer maintain it.

The Navy side is relatively calm, probably because they are willing to work with people from the World Government, but the Pirates side is

Hmph, these pirates don't know how many good times they have had, and they still have no eyesight. Just wait until I find a chance to kill a few sacrifice flags.

The auction in two days' time will proceed as planned. It's out of control anyway, so let's make the sea even more chaotic. Noah, I also made such a big splash in the North Sea. It's not a big deal to mess up the sea. It's just you, blah blah blah blah.

Seeing his young master starting to laugh like hysteria again and confronting Noah of the Revolutionary Army from afar, Torebol felt uncomfortable for a while. That damn guy really deserved it for putting our young master in such a situation. kill.

However, Young Master, Noah killed the Tianlong people alone in the East China Sea, and he was forced to hold an auction in the North Sea. This disrupting the sea is a bit far-fetched. Of course, this will not be said, and it will be criticized by the Young Master. The threads of the fruit are threaded into a sieve.

Outside the auction house, there were indeed demons dancing wildly. In the corner, a steel battleship that looked different from an ordinary sailing ship was parked there. It was the car of Vinsmoke Gaji, the king of Germa 66. He was not on a snail ship at this time. Come here, because he had a premonition that the auction here would not end well, so he drove a fast and sturdy technological ship.

He was not optimistic about the move made by the Don Quixote family this time, so he came over to see if there was any chance of fighting Qiu Feng. He even prepared the battle uniforms and was ready to take action at any time.

The warships of the Navy and the World Government were also parked in a corner. This was not the time to conflict with other forces, so they kept a low profile. The leader of the Navy was Stoloberg, a bearded man with an expressionless face. Male, the length of the skull is much longer than that of ordinary people. Two-sword style.

Veteran Vice Admiral, he was also there when O'Hara made the Demon Slaying Order. At the same time, this year, in the original work, he was also the one who seriously injured Tiger when the Sun Pirates escorted the little girl Korra home, and he was considered the lieutenant general who had more scenes.

The reason for sending him here is that there is no one in the navy, the generals are very busy, and he is the only one among the lieutenant generals who has time. I wonder if he can escape unscathed this time.

The other kings of the dark world, the pirate forces, will not be introduced. After the war, there are few who can stay, except for Morgans of the World Economic News.

He came here in person this time. He was not allowed to go there in the East China Sea. After that, he came to Beihai to collect the big news first-hand. Based on his years of blind observation, there will be a battle in a few days.

There are many lone rangers in the corner, all here to try their luck, most of them have the same attributes as maned dogs. And the dragon is hidden in it, ready to burst out at any time.

As the auction approaches day by day, the heated atmosphere here has strangely calmed down, and everyone is waiting for the moment when it explodes.

Finally, when the time came, the Don Quixote family opened the door to the auction house like a mourning hall, and everyone filed in. The front row is reserved for a few big forces. The world government, navy, CP0, world franchise countries, dark world overlords, and some brave pirates.

Doflamingo walked out of his main palace and glanced around with a sense of knowledge. Good guy, some people even took out their knives. They were afraid that they would suffer a loss if they took out their knives too late. What's going on with those rookies who secretly use Devil Fruits? Is there any domineering power in this world?

Unable to bear it, Dover used the string fruit to decisively beat back those who were pulling out knives and playing with the fruit, frightening some of the villains who were not strong enough. The big shots in the front row were indifferent. This was just a small scene. Even the Chambord Islands are sometimes exposed to these things, not to mention the North Sea.

Hey, I'm honored that you all can come to our Don Quixote family's auction. I wanted to say something else, but looking at your looks, I know it's not necessary. I hope you all can come back with a full load.

With a gloomy face, Dover sat on the main seat next to him, crossed his legs, and twirled a few threads in his palms, scanning the people present with his gloomy eyes.

CP0 turned on the camera phone and transferred the signal to Marie Gioia. The camera was pointed directly at the auction table. The Celestial Dragon sitting in Marigioa urged them to start quickly, and the CP0 in Beihai had no choice but to put pressure on the Don Quixote family to hurry up.

Dover almost couldn't suppress his anger at this time. I hope you meet the revolutionary army soon and be clicked by them!

The person who presided over the auction was Onizhu Vergo, who was also a former navy traitor. This was Doflamingo's provocation against the navy. Stoloberg in the audience stroked his beard, but his face remained expressionless, as if the person who came up was just an ordinary auctioneer.

The first auction item, a good sharp knife of fifty works, Shan Hao. The starting price is 5 million beli.

The audience was silent, the big forces looked down upon him, and the small forces were waiting for an opportunity to fish in troubled waters. After 1 minute, the shot failed.

The following items were all the same, and the atmosphere gradually became solemn.

Sadly, I just discovered the fact today that the results of this book don’t seem to be very good, hahaha, it’s a bit of an afterthought.

I am always grateful to the readers who have followed me, because according to my outline, I have not even written a third of it here. I seem to write more and more.

Thank you thank you.

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