What! Let's meet, no need. Mr. Zefa must have said kind words. He is so busy at work, I am embarrassed to disturb him.

He said that if you don't go, he will look for you everywhere in the South China Sea and make sure to have a chat with you. What do you think?

This Zefa, despite his age, is still so stubborn. It's too much. Can we sit down and drink tea during this meeting? Most likely it's not possible. But he is currently investigating the situation in the South China Sea on behalf of the Navy Headquarters. Wouldn't it be bad not to go see him? Damn it, this guy caught me.

Well, I will take the time to meet with General Zefa. Thank you for your hard work.

It's not hard, it's hard on you, hehehehe.

Damn, this kind of laughter is really ominous.

After hanging up the phone, Noah sat in front of his work, looking at today's pile of documents in despair. How about raising a goat and letting it nibble on you when you have nothing to do? Oh~ No wonder Sengoku has so few documents to process, and there is still room to hide snacks for Garp. This goat is indispensable.

After thinking for a while, I continued to work. Being passive and slacking off was not an option when there were so many people up and down.

Let me take a look at Beihai's information. Longdu has been out for so long, why hasn't he got the golden fruit yet? He is not a gossip. He can't be wandering around to avoid correcting documents.

This is really an injustice to the dragon, mainly because the auction of the Don Quixote family has been delayed for too long.

A few days after setting off from the South China Sea, Long arrived at the Don Quixote family territory in the North Sea, preparing to go directly to Doflamingo for a showdown. As a result, when looking at recent information on Beihai, I discovered that there will be a Don Quixote family auction in a few weeks.

After thinking about it, the Revolutionary Army has caused too many troubles in the past few years. In order to comply with the principle of keeping a low profile, it is best to buy it through regular channels. By the way, I want to see if there are other good things I bought together. Now The dragon is still a dragon who is not short of money.

When the infrastructure project kicks off, the poor dragon may not do anything.

Speaking of which, Doflamingo held the auction at this time because of Noah's gift, and he did it as a last resort. Information about the North Sea incident that occurred on Mignon Island has spread throughout the sea. In order to retaliate against the World Government, Doflamingo took the initiative to explode the fruit of the operation.

The rest of the forces were curious about the other information on this big event, and discovered that Doflamingo led the Don Quixote family to conquer Mignon Island, but was beaten into disgrace and lost troops. Several family cadres were killed there, and the few who came back were all injured, and the injuries were serious.

The Avengers, who had been suppressed by the Don Quixote family before, and those whose entire family had been wiped out, united together and attacked the core headquarters of the Don Quixote family.

Fortunately, Doflamingo was a blessing in disguise after being tortured by Noah on Mignon Island and awakened the fruit in advance, otherwise he would be in danger this time. With his high-end operations and fearless fighting attitude, he defeated the incoming forces and established his position as the top master in Beihai.

Although the status of the family has plummeted, the power of the master of the power has increased dramatically, which is still okay. After Doflamingo vented his fear of being almost killed by Noah, he felt that he wanted to rebuild the family's reputation. How to do it was to make trouble, make big things.

Forget about provoking the navy and the revolutionary army, that is seeking death. He clearly knows what a real big force is. The big pirates in the new world are the same, they don't dare to provoke them, and they can't provoke them. Not everyone is as free as Red Hair and is willing to return to a place like the East China Sea to stay for a year and a half.

Except for one Germa 66, all the forces in Beihai were ignored by him. Although Germa is a high-tech country, this country combines technology and personal force very well. It is a hard nut to crack. King Vinsmoke Gaji is not a ruthless person to be trifled with. He killed the four kings of Beihai. It's a bit powerful that the Lord still has no damage to himself.

In the eyes of Doflamingo, who is more knowledgeable, killing the lords of the Four Kingdoms of the North Sea is nothing. It is great that he can continue to live freely after killing him. The World Government has not taken any action. The water here is a bit deep and he is not willing to wade in. .

Then all that's left is to hold a large-scale auction, and the more high-end the items, the better. There is no god-level fruit like the Surgery Fruit, which starts with 5 billion Baileys, so get a few smaller fruits, such as the Golden Fruit and the Tuntun Fruit.

Yes, the Tunton Fruit was also obtained by the Don Quixote family. After Noah found the owl-headed Valbo, he was reborn in the North Sea. After a bloody fight, Doflamingo captured him. If it is auctioned together with the Golden Fruit, this gimmick will be great.

In addition to the fruit, I also found a large sharp knife, which is considered a surprise auction item and has not been announced yet. In this way, the quality of this auction soared to the sky. Only the specifications of the No. 1 auction house in the Shampoo Islands could match it, and it had to be the kind of auction with Tianlong people present.

As for the precious varieties of slaves, cultural relics, rare treasures and the like, they are all available, which can be said to be the best in the North Sea. After the Don Quixote family goes to the new world in the future, this should be the swan song of the North Sea Auction.

But I don’t know which enemy of the Don Quixote family sent the information about this auction to the World Economic News in a very insidious manner. With the transmission of the news bird, everyone with some influence in the sea knew that there was a high-end thief in the North Sea. The auction is about to begin.

The sea made a small wave again. It can only be a small wave, and the big wave is still above the Death of the Dragon King in the East China Sea.

These treasures are naturally touching. People from the Grand Line Paradise, all over the world, and the New World came to participate in the auction. There were also Tianlong people who wanted to come to Beihai, but were blocked by the World Government.

Oh my God, what kind of intelligence do you bubbleheads have? A few days ago, a royal family was slaughtered in the Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea. In a few days, you will go to Beihai to participate in the auction? If I'm not from your group, I don't care, right?

The Celestial Dragons who were stopped were extremely dissatisfied, leaving the World Government in a state of distress. In the end, it was decided to set up a camera phone bug in the auction house, and then send people to the scene to help the Tianlong people bid remotely.

Regarding the camera phone Doflamingo was unwilling to install. In his mind, those two fruits and the big sword are just gimmicks. Whether they are real or not is a matter of speculation. If you do this, I won't be able to sell them anymore. But the original Tianlong people are countless levels behind the current Tianlong people, and now he doesn't count.

This made his desire to return to Mariejoia burn again. This pirate family was really suffering. For this auction, he personally took charge of the security work. Many of the people who came were not honest owners. Many pirate forces also had the mentality of grabbing and leaving. They were all killed by Doflamingo in Beihai. Another wave of strength.

It's not that I, Doflamingo, isn't strong enough, it's that Noah from the Revolutionary Army is too perverted.

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