Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1630 The most suitable guide

Naruto was a little confused. He was still waiting to go back to the Land of Rain to show off with his friends, but you...

Then what am I doing in Konoha?

Accept my teachings and let you understand what a ninja is and what Konoha is.

I reject!

Iruka sat up straight, the mockery in his eyes barely concealed.

Is it because of his identity as the son of the Fourth Hokage?


Are you using your status as Hokage-sama's direct disciple to bully me, the teaching director?


What's that for?

It's my rejection, Uzumaki Naruto.

Naruto was almost roaring, this dean was so annoying, he was almost wallowing in his own minefield.

Sure enough, the evil director chuckled.

Ordinary Uzumaki Naruto-san is just a little kid who has not yet reached adulthood. He is not qualified to refuse the arrangement of the Ninja School Dean and the Hokage.

Now I am your temporary guardian.

Naruto was furious, he hated it when others linked everything about him to that person on Hokage Rock.

Saying it once is pride, saying it twice is numbness, saying it countless times is disgusting.

Finally, after seeing my mother's handwritten letter, I had no choice but to accept the arrangement.

He decided to let this bastard see how powerful Uzumaki Naruto was.

The first day of vacation.

Naruto was woken up by Iruka while he was sleeping soundly.

I want to sleep for a while longer.

Son of the Fourth Hokage, it's time for us to set off.


The kid turned over and couldn't sleep. He couldn't sleep at all. He was full of anger.

Iruka was quite amused, this move was so useful.

Then the first stop is behind the Hokage Tower, the assessment office.

This is a very special department. It has been a year since Naruto arrived and he has rarely set foot here.

Because this place is close to the Hokage Tower, and there are many jounin and strong men, his three-legged cat skills cannot be used here at all.

The ninjas in twos and threes gathered together with sad faces, which made Naruto a little curious.

This special place was arranged by the Fifth Hokage. Its original purpose was to test the new will of fire.

After the Battle of the Hokage Tower, the village's thinking began to reform from that point.

Everyone who wants to enter the ANBU and get promoted needs to take the New Will of Fire test.

Later, it progressed to the point where genin was promoted to chunin, and chunin to jounin also needed to pass the exam.

People in the garrison, intelligence services, and even torture classes all need to take the test.

Naruto was confused, why would he do this?

These thoughts and wills are all things that make people drowsy. It's no use at all.

Iruka said without hesitation.

“In order to protect ordinary people, protect the weak, and give people a fairer space for growth.

The understanding and interpretation of past ideas have gone awry and deviated from the original intention when the village was built.

Certain groups use this stuff to corrupt our homes.

For example, in the past era, a kid as big as you could already go to the battlefield.

Giving you and your classmates a kunai is the best cannon fodder. The death rate is close to 100%, and there is no tomorrow.

If you are lucky, you can still keep part of your body and lie down under the memorial monument to receive a few tears. If you are not lucky, you will only have one name left on the death list.

Naruto was a little scared, Konoha had experienced this before.

At this time, Iruka showed a mocking smile again.

What I just said was wrong, the son of the Fourth Hokage will not experience this.

There will be a safer place for you, or you can go ahead and gild under the protection of everyone.

Wherever you go there will be compliments and even more people will fawn over you.

Even ordinary people will feel scared when they see you, because there is a huge difference in status.

Now do you know what thoughts do?

When used well, it is a weapon that breaks down all classes; when used poorly, it creates new shackles and barriers.

Although Naruto was very angry at Iruka's attitude, he actually listened to it this time.

Said that he would not become such a person.

Then why don't you skip classes one after another when others don't?

Isn't this a privileged class that maintains its own strength?

The son of the Fourth Hokage.

Iruka maintained a slightly uncomfortable sarcastic face on the surface, but inwardly he praised the Hokage's secretary.

Sure enough, this kind of kid needs a more exciting education method.

I had talked about Konoha's past history and the changes in thought countless times in class before, but this guy couldn't listen at all.

After being fucked like this, I started to learn.

Okay, I'm not here to talk about this today. I'm here to find someone to chat with you.

Iruka took Naruto to an office.

Brother Asma, I'm bringing someone here.

An unshaven but bookish old man walked out from behind the desk.

Suddenly he said something mean-spirited.

Is this the Fourth Hokage's son?

Naruto instantly turned into a frog with anger, but the bearded man laughed as if he saw something particularly interesting, and even Iruka laughed along with him.

The two of them knew exactly what that sentence meant to Asuma.

Okay, okay, Naruto Uzumaki-san, please don't be angry. I apologize for the joke just now.

Asuma said, he stretched out his hand and shook hands with the kid very seriously.

I probably know your thoughts and mood, so I'll take you out for a walk.

The three of them just walked out and arrived at the core area. The ninjas at the door gave way. The examiner's status was even more intimidating than the head of his family.

After all, even the clan leader has to take the exam.

Asuma was originally going to accompany Kurenai on a date, but Iruka said that there was a kid who looked a bit like him back then, so he became interested.

Naruto, do you see that street over there?

Well, what's wrong, uncle.

It used to belong to my family.


This is a super luxurious street in the core area, and even if Naruto is dull, he knows what it means.

Are you surprised? It's just the beginning.

The three of them started walking around the Hokage Tower.

Next, Naruto's eyes were opened. This uncle's family used to have a lot of financial resources.

Three streets alone have been drawn out, and other shops or industries have also been drawn in.

This street seems to be it. There are too many streets and shops on the outside. I can't remember it.

Not only is he financially strong, but his circle of friends are also all rich people.

It's just that the way it's told is a bit scary.

This street selling weapons used to belong to a friend of mine who grew up playing. His name is Shimura Yuhiro.

I killed him with my own hands. He planned to rebel against the village, but was finally melted by Fire Release.

This street Mito Rei. Hanging

Ling Ling always talked a lot, and finally felt hungry.

Kid, I see you are very destined, how about I treat you to a big dinner?


Such a rich uncle would definitely treat him to a big dinner, and he would get nothing for nothing.


Three bowls of super luxurious tonkotsu ramen, please use them slowly.

It's not that Naruto doesn't like Ichiraku Ramen, it's just that he has walked so many roads and listened to so many stories about street shops, and this is the result.

Uncle, you are not bragging, are you?

How is it possible? I used to be the son of three generations.

Iruka followed Noah's suggestion to find several most suitable ideological teachers for the child. This was the first day.

Rain Country, Kakuzu Office.

The finance department must show its own attitude.

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