Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1631 Final Plan: Tin Bucket

Kakuzu looked at the recent financial report with a headache.

This year, there were a few more unexplainable gold-eating beasts in the Nianxiao organization, and the investment in various underground engineering facilities simply frightened him.

What makes Kakuzu even more angry is that even after spending so much money, the people in the scientific research department have not stopped. They still have the attitude of wanting both.

The people in the scientific research department, headed by Orochimaru and Scorpion, went too far, making reports every day and asking for money.

It is true that Lan Yue is the highest level project, but there are too many messy sub-projects.

In the past, Scorpion had some positive feedback and helped the Xiao organization make money.

Now it's better, but it's starting to burn money and produce no results.

Not to mention Orochimaru, the progress of the biopharmaceutical factory he was asked to build was as slow as an old donkey.

Noah said that the development of finished drugs will be a dimensionality-reducing blow to the entire continent.

The Akatsuki organization has technical barriers that are extremely difficult to copy, as well as the technical conditions for mass production, and can easily distribute its products to the sales network of the entire ninja world.

Everything is ready, all that is left is the process.

He specially paid a high consulting fee to Tsunade, and the other party's answer was that as long as it was officially promoted, it would have a major transformative effect on the medical system.

Especially when the income level of ordinary people across the continent can already be supported.

It means the birth of another super huge pillar industry.

This prospect is a huge temptation for those in the Ministry of Finance.

As a result, Orochimaru actually handed over such an important matter to Kabuto Yakushi, a white-haired brat?

And Tsunade did not personally participate, sending the little girl Shizune as an assistant.

This pissed him off, Kakuzu had had enough of this group of people being so indifferent.

Finally, he put on his black red cloud robe and planned to go there in person.

Moon Bay, a newly built artificial lake.

It is located on the outskirts of the new town and is a favorite leisure destination for young people. It has beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery. What is even more bizarre is that it rarely rains here and remains relatively comfortable all year round.

Some say one of the weather-disturbing devices in the new town center was also installed here, but there is no evidence.

Kakuzu entered a secret passage on one side of the lake.

[Identity verification completed]

The metal door opened, and Kakuzu took the mobile elevator and walked a few hundred meters. He knew that he had now reached the surface of the Moon Bay lake.

It cost a total of 500 million taels to build this base.

This is because Ninja has unique advantages in construction that can make it so cheap.

Most of the money was spent on other places. For example, the identifiable metal gate was worth 10 million taels. Jiaodu strongly suspected that this was a blatant way for Xie to trap funds.

After passing countless confusing rooms, I finally entered a huge and empty hall.

Several high-tech-looking transmitters stayed in the venue. It could be seen that most of them were semi-finished products, and none of them were fully assembled.

Looking at these characters, my heart bleeds.

Naturally, there were people to receive the Minister of Finance when he came in person, but the big boss was in a bad mood.

Let Orochimaru and Scorpion come out to see me!

The two leaders are in the conference room

Kakuzu pushed this familiar guy away and headed to the conference room. He was just a small villain who had reformed his evil ways and was not worthy of publicity.

In the conference room, Orochimaru and Xia were arguing about the route. This time the dispute was particularly serious and even Noah was invited over.

Two sets of plans are placed in front of you, and the flowers written in each one look very reasonable.

Orochimaru prefers to build traditional aircraft, using previously recovered air ninja technology and liquid fuel as power sources. The main purpose is to integrate spacecraft with large-capacity transportation, reconnaissance and experimental platforms.

As a research scholar, Orochimaru's purpose is very clear to strive to stay alone in extraterrestrial orbit after reaching the moon.

Most of the semi-finished products in the launch space are his products.

Scorpion has launched an Izumo-class battleship similar to the Archangel. It uses the Gray Stone as its energy source and is equipped with heat-insulating colloid that can break into the atmosphere alone. It is also equipped with laminated armor, high-energy beam cannons and other weapons.

It is considered the first choice for the combat side, but the engine part has just been completed.

Noah felt that both of them had good plans and had their own styles, making it difficult to choose.

It's all very good, how about we develop together?

Orochimaru said frankly that he had no money, and it was getting harder and harder to get money from Kakuzu.

Xie also expressed the hope that Noah could help get some funds.

But today, the Minister of Finance visited the launch base in person and happened to hear such an outrageous speech.

“You guys haven’t made a decision yet?!!”

The Minister of Finance intervened in the dispute with an unbelievable tone, and Little Mung Bean's eyes were full of surprise after being deceived.

Directly furious, he doesn't care what science needs to be accumulated. Every path in development, whether wrong or right, is a kind of foundation.

He only knows that you must exercise restraint when burning money, but you cannot restrain yourself when making money.

Kakuzu, who lost his mind, grabbed the collars of the three of them one by one and started howling like a storm.

“Isn’t it just last month’s ball?!!!”

Isn't there just a possibility of a fight?

How can we, the group of people, need so much protection?

Just welding a big iron bucket is enough! What kind of insulation glue do you need? Just bear with it if you can!

Wouldn't it be better to bring the Kyuubi directly to the power system? It wouldn't be difficult for you to have a tailed beast energy converter!!

I casually gave Jiuwei 10 million taels of funding, which was enough for a round trip! But you guys declared the funding for me every three days, and this is the result???

Is it okay to wait until the moon is finished and then think about other things? My pharmaceutical factory will rush me to the schedule right away, you bastard. When will the three steel production lines needed by the Fire Nation be delivered? Can you give me a time!!!

The three people present were sprayed so much that Noah was completely unintentional.

However, Kakuzu's roar can be regarded as solving a problem. He fell into a thinking trap before.

Now think about it, there is no passage to the moon on the continent, but the passage from the moon to the earth is easy to find.

Therefore, we should first go to the moon, kill Otsutsuki, and then find a way home to establish a transportation system.

As for the two options that can be implemented after clearing the moon, establishing a spaceport is also critical for warship production.

Ahem, what Director Kakuzu said makes sense. Please report the expenses for welding the iron sheet, along with the funds from Kyuubi.

After saying that, he left, and Orochimaru and Xie also went to solve the problems in the pharmaceutical factory and production line.

Anyway, if you just use a big iron bucket to lift it into the air, you can do it in minutes.

In the blink of an eye, only the Finance Minister was left in the conference room.

Could it be that you ran out of money and acted like me on purpose?

I can't beat you even if I'm in a corner.

While Akatsuki organized the final work of welding iron sheets, the education of the Destiny Child in Konoha Village continued.

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