Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1629 Naruto becomes Boruto

Time passed, and it was already a year in the blink of an eye.

Naruto just took a final exam and his overall score was just passing.

In other words, if it hadn't been for his poor actual performance and almost repeated the grade, the fateful battle between him and Sasuke would have been the most interesting battle among the freshmen.

Sasuke's powerful shurikens that go straight forward are very lethal. If Naruto's instincts were not extremely powerful, he would probably be killed on sight.

The fierce taijutsu showdown that followed also made people suspect that the two had a lot of personal vendettas. Of course, the final outcome was Sasuke's small fireball technique.

Let Naruto plan to go home and learn some super powerful techniques from his mother to kill that stinking cold-faced man.

After the exam, I experienced the first class merger and said goodbye to many friends.

Some students recognized their own path and chose to exit the ninja system.

The intensity of learning in the knowledge category is not bad. They are all basic test questions, so you just need to study casually.

When it comes to strength in another two years, Sakura is self-taught.

Ideological education is carried out subtly and is passed on to everyone in various forms under the arrangement of Iruka.

The real hard test for students is physical skills, chakra, and practice in actual combat.

There are students who cannot bear this stage of practice before the final exam and fall behind.

A kid like Kai who didn't come from a good background and got into school by running fifty laps was simply a monster. No normal kid could do this.

Most six- or seven-year-old children cannot accept the hard physical training every day, nor can they endure the chakra extraction day after day.

It's a pity that this career system is based on chakra. With chakra, you can jump up and down trees, swing your arms and run at high speeds, and use basic three-body techniques.

Most ninjas use taijutsu and throwing techniques the most, and they are the lifeblood of the genin class. Ninjas who do not develop these skills are not good ninjas.

Ninja people will teach these things step by step when they are younger, so that their children can adapt in advance and

Ninja school students with civilian backgrounds not only have to adapt to militarized management, they also have to accept the gap.

Every actual battle is a blow to ordinary people. Although Kakashi and Iruka have done very well, the gap was the largest when they first entered school.

Talent will be compared after two years when resources are averaged.

The Ninja School is still an elite system. After all, it is a profession that requires you to perform tasks and fight at any time.

If a student with poor grades is allowed to continue, it is tantamount to killing people.

Some people drop out of school and go home, while others transfer to general schools. The joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

New Konoha provides opportunities to change your destiny in all walks of life. If it doesn't work, you can go to the Land of Rain to find opportunities.

For the big-hearted Naruto, he has not yet realized the emotion of separation, and he has no feelings for his classmates who dropped out of school.

The last class before the holiday is meaningless at all, my heart is getting grassy, ​​okay?

The destined son of this world is no longer the last person in the world, and skipping classes is more natural.

Kakashi didn't care, he was relieved that Iruka was in charge of the Ninja School affairs.

The Hokage's requirement for his disciples is that they can barely graduate. He only needs to arrange a trip to hell after graduation to polish his three disciples.

The joyful life in the ninja school before should be regarded as compensation for them.

Iruka looked at the empty seats and crushed the chalk in his hand.

Water instantly!

Water escape. Water dragon bullet technique! ! !

A water dragon carrying several imps swaggered across the sky, and the villagers were already not surprised.

It's those little brats again.

There hasn't been a peaceful day since that brat named Naruto came to Konoha.

But Director Iruka is really powerful. Is this a ninja?

The chuunin passing by is actually not like this.

Naruto! He took his classmates to skip class again!!

Iruka picked up the yellow-haired brat and shook him dry. The little devil's face was deformed.

Ever since I discovered that this student has super resilience, I have become more casual in taking action.

In the end, the main criminal was left to receive ideological education, while the others went to run circles.

Iruka didn't like this student, and it had nothing to do with the Jinchuuriki. He had long since reconciled with the past, and now he was just a teacher who taught and educated people.

His dislike is related to the attitude of the students.

Although the other party's status is very prominent, he is the son of the fourth generation and the disciple of the fifth generation, but my mother is still the first seal master in the ninja world.

But he still looked down upon this brat.

Because Naruto is just a little bastard who likes to mess around and influence others, and he doesn't see any bright spots so far.

Even though weeds are somewhat tough, this kid is so mediocre.

The youth's vitality and high spirits are getting less and less, and they are becoming more and more like those ninja children who used to rely on their families to do whatever they want.

It is true that because Naruto never concealed his life experience, everyone was particularly tolerant of him.

With the blessing of blood, strength, and status, there are also a bunch of senior losers who are willing to take advantage of him.

That is to say, Naruto's nature is quite good, and Iruka's education policy prevented the situation from getting out of control.

Naruto, who had never experienced the malice of the village and had never tasted the warmth and warmth of human kindness, had already begun to walk on another path.

He no longer does pranks because he wants to attract people's attention, but he is an awkward brat who wants to get rid of his identity as a fourth-generation son.

This is Naruto's troubles.

No matter what he does, he is worthy of being the son of the Yondaime-sama, or the disciple of the Fifth Daime.

No one in the Land of Rain has ever said this, and no one cares about it.

People in the Akatsuki organization would never favor him, so what about Kakashi, who often came to the Land of Rain to get beaten.

Only the past hierarchy of superiority and inferiority still remained in the atmosphere of Konoha, causing the child's mentality to become unbalanced.

The idea is probably an enhanced version of the former Sarutobi Asuma, or the feeling of the future Boruto's opening chapter.

With the little boy's awkward mentality and the guidance of caring people, no matter how kind his nature is, he will gradually become distorted.

This is not acceptable. The teaching director cannot accept that Brother Kakashi's disciple has become such a thing, nor can he accept that the Fourth Hokage's child has become such a degenerate person.

So he secretly paid a special visit to the Hokage secretary who occasionally appeared, believing that this person must have a way to change everything.

Noah really didn't expect Iruka to come to him for this kind of thing.

Naruto's recent changes have been somewhat ignored. It seems that the Holy Mother's route with Asura in his body will also waver.

It's just that the lunar exploration project is about to enter the end of the first phase, and Kushina, as one of the main scientific researchers, has also neglected the management of the children.

So he gave Iruka some little suggestions, which sounded a little evil, but they would definitely work.

The dean was overjoyed. In terms of doing bad things, this adult is a professional.

In the office, Director Iruka took a sip of tea and spoke slowly.

I have reached a consensus with Kushina-sama through letters and obtained permission from Hokage-sama. You don't need to return to the Land of Rain this holiday.

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