After a few days, Zefa made up his mind and found a smile.

To answer your two questions that day, everything I think and do is justice. Second, justice delayed is not justice.

Yixiao nodded with admiration. He had heard Noah's analysis of the navy. In Noah's analysis, the navy is a violent organ of the world government that rules the world. Everything must be based on maintaining rule while maintaining order. On the nominally just side.

Because before, there were only two opposing factions in the sea, the navy and the pirates. The world government and franchised countries do not count.

Civilians have no choice but the navy, so the navy can be named justice in name, which then spawns many justice schools within the navy. But in the universal view, many actions of the navy cannot be called justice, such as the massacre of civilians.

In the world of Noah's previous life, this behavior was absolutely wrong. This is not the first time that the world government has massacred civilians in order to maintain its dominance.

Closer are O'Hara's demon-slaying order, the scholars of destruction, and the civilians taking refuge. Farther away is the incident of the unborn child in the South China Sea. In order to search for the bloodline of the Pirate King, pregnant women in that sea area were killed.

When something like this happens, there is little condemnation, only sympathy. The Navy did such a thing, and it was still justice. Because the pirates are so evil, the navy that fights against them can only be just, so that people always have a hope to rely on.

This is a worse world, and a world with broken morals. Many things, including the navy, pirates, and even the things that the victims take for granted are so incredible.

Zefa can eloquently say that everything he does is righteous, which is worthy of a smile and admiration! This kind of justice that conforms to the universal values ​​of the public is remarkable.

Of course Akainu can say the same thing, and he thinks so too, in order to maintain the so-called absolute justice.

As for delayed justice, it is not justice. Justice must also have the principles of timeliness, gratuitousness, and sufficiency. This sentence is written in Noah's book. A country has suffered a lot, and the navy that came to enforce procedural justice directly trampled on these things, and even the results were unfair.

So when Zefa led the troops to investigate, even if they dealt with the previous group of marines, what did it matter to the civilians who had suffered for so many years and whose families had been destroyed?

Now it's my turn to ask you, what is your relationship with Noah?

Zefa looked at him solemnly and smiled, his muscles all tense, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

Yixiao didn't care about Zefa's posture, and just put on a master's style without any precautions.

He is my comrade, comrade, and guide! Is this answer satisfactory to me?

Satisfied, so satisfied. If you say it so directly, what should Zefa do?

Five years ago, I met a little bastard who made me gnash my teeth. This guy knew that I was a former admiral of the Navy, and told me some crazy ideas, and even left me a few books, which really hurt me. These past few years have not been very satisfactory, and I have always wanted to slap him. No, several times.

Three years ago, this bastard came to me again, despicably took advantage of my justice, and did something earth-shattering. Although this matter is in line with my justice, I still feel uncomfortable being taken advantage of. I want to ask if I can ask him to come as soon as possible. I have some things that I want to talk to him in person.

There is such a connection. Five years ago, Noah was a 22-year-old young swordsman. Was he so brave? It's really crazy people doing crazy things. Why don't you come here even if you are so destined? I understand.

Well, he may have guessed that the friendship between you would be a bit heated, so he asked me to come over. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely arrange for you to meet and have a good chat.

Yixiao made a promise very seriously. As a man, you must avenge yourself. Now that you have become a great swordsman, you should be more resistant to fighting. For the sake of future plans, I believe that the revolutionary lights will be happy to make a small sacrifice.

I will not report the matter of the South China Sea Federation. You can handle the other forces on your own. Finally, don't go too far.

That's no problem. Our federation will be formally established next year and will be reported to the World Government. It will be a formal and legal administrative system in the future. Don't worry. By the way, here is a list for you to look at.

Taking a thick stack of paper, Zefa saw that it was full of names, followed by job titles, and some criminal information?

This was compiled by Noah. He said that if General Zefa doesn't plan to report it to us, he will give this information to you. It contains the moths within the South China Sea Navy and the officials inserted by various countries. There are even some naval officers in it. A branch chief who is a thief in disguise. If General Zefa has time, he can consider cleaning it up and check the evidence himself.

Oops, this is a job assigned to him, so his fist is hard. The revolutionary army arranged work for the navy, how outrageous it was! But these navy scum couldn't do anything, and they were caught again this time.

Hmph, the internal affairs of the navy are not your business. Take your claws back. I will verify these things myself. Also, tell Noah and ask him to come and talk to me as soon as possible!

After Zefa finished talking about the matter, he was about to leave. He did not plan to report the revolutionary army's affairs. The people here lived a good life. He could not forgive himself for destroying such a life.

Please wait, Mr. Zefa.


He smiled a little awkwardly. Noah, this guy, is really not a human being when he deceives his companions. He has to do all kinds of things to offend people. He has been walking around in the world for so many years, but he was still tricked into joining the revolutionary army by Noah, and now he still has to go to such extreme lengths. things.

These, these are the books he has written over the years, revised versions based on the actual situation of the sea, and new content. He asked me to hand it over to you. Let you read it carefully.

It’s a book again! No, I'm a little itchy. Come on, where can I put my face and let me study hard?

I still want it, let’s take a look first before talking.

He stretched out a hand and pulled out a box from under the table with a smile.

‘Oh, we still need to take it from the box. Why does Yixiao, a blind man, bring so many books? How many people should he distribute them to? ’

The box was pushed directly over.


Is this what he understood?

Sorry, that's all.

Please arrange for me to meet Mr. Noah as soon as possible. I can't wait.

He picked up the box and left. Zefa didn't want to stay here for more than a second. It was as if he could see the proud smile on Noah's face. It's really a shame. The enemy of the world is well-deserved. At least the title of Zefa's enemy has been established. .

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