Noah had no intention of using this method. It was a very dangerous thing to allow Kyuubi to gain more power without his own personal training.

After so many years, the tailed beasts have coexisted with malice, and the negative emotions in the chakra are not the original source when they were stripped from the Ten-Tails.

The old toad in the Holy Land believes that the Nine-Tails is the product of chakra and evil thoughts, which is a very appropriate description.

If Noah is big-hearted, Naruto will be disemboweled at any time when he returns to the timeline.

The Nine-Tails, which has no restrictions and knows sealing techniques and various forbidden techniques, is definitely the top natural disaster in the continent, and human civilization will regress because of it.

So I finally chose the way of sending warmth to slowly make Nine Lamas become kinder.

Stretching out one hand, the concept of Hedao Yizi appeared in his hand.

Dots of light flow on the sword. Without the gaze of the Six Paths Immortal in the original world, Noah's domineering energy can do more things.

For example, the eyes flash red.


The power that did not belong to this world came with endless pressure. Kyuubi fell to the ground again without any resistance, and its hair seemed to be trembling.

The sealed space was trembling, the iron gate was trembling, and the water underfoot was turbulent like a violent ocean tide.

Endless black lightning swam in the seal.

The air is as solid as an iron plate, and the power of will to interfere with soul, matter, and chakra reaches its extreme.

Red light emerged from Noah's body, and endless red filled the small world.

The ultimate terror emerged from its biological instinct, and the tailed beast's pride was occupied by the fear deep in its heart. The big word death is clearly visible.

He wants to kill me! ! !

Pulling out the sword, red light shines on this small world.

The domineering and hot power gathered in front of his eyes and began to expand. In the end, the sword did not fly to the Nine Tails, but flew to the top of the space like a sun.

Warm light illuminates the space.

Always in the darkness, whether humans or beasts, they will fall. Adding a light to your tailed beast career is my blessing to you.

The key is left there for you to get out.

It is also a kind of protection. If someone wants to harm you, you can hide in the sealed space and it will be safe.

You have a malicious perception and you should know the truth and falsehood.

After saying this, Noah left the sealed space. Why did it take three days to guide the Nine-Tails?

Kushina was a little worried, this was not too fast.

But Noah said everything was fine.

There is indeed a key in the sun, or the sword energy of Hedao Yimon.

The power of will will hang above the head for a long time, suppressing the influence of the nine tails on Naruto, and it can also refine the evil thoughts in the tailed beast.

When the Kyuubi can penetrate it, it can take out this weapon from the sun, and the trivial Bagua seal will naturally not be a problem. Some people who have the idea of ​​​​tailed beasts will also suffer a big loss.

In the end, Kushina was still worried and went in to take a look. After reading it, she could only say that it was unscientific.

How did that kind of destructive power get into the belly of the eldest son?

Three days later it was time to part ways.

Everyone has come to the source of the dragon vein. As long as Minato seals the dragon vein, Naruto and Yamato will return in the future time and space. The three members of the Akatsuki organization will also return to their own world.

Kushina and Naruto were both reluctant and regretful, and they always felt that there were still too many things to say.

Naruto, don't be picky and eat more, remember to take a shower on time every day, don't stay up late, and make sure you get enough sleep.

Remember to make friends, you don’t have to have many friends, just a few truly trustworthy friends is enough.

Although you will be interested in women, remember not to be seduced by strange women. Look for women like your mother.

Just keep the bond of friendship with Sasuke. It sounds like Sakura doesn't like you either. Go find a woman who truly loves you.

The more Kushina spoke, the more emotional she became, with tears streaming down her face, as if she was parting from life or death.

Only Minato still looked warm and strong. The two younger brothers behind him, Kakashi and Yamato all admired the Fourth Generation's character.



The unsuspecting Shiya, Dingza, Kakashi, and Yamato were all enveloped by a sealing technique, cast by Namikaze Minato.

Sorry, in order to avoid affecting history and reducing the changes in the timeline, I can only erase everyone's memories, including my own.

This was Minato's decision after thinking for a long time. Although his family would be destroyed in the future, if the timeline was changed, Naruto would probably disappear.

So I could only make this cruel decision.

Shiya and Dingzao are not willing to delete their memories. Who would be willing to do this?

But the red-haired woman on the opposite side was crying and preparing some ultimate move, which was very convincing.

Amnesia is better than death.

It's not that Yamato can't accept it. Deleting memories is a good thing for people in the future, but what about Naruto?

This child's body is clean, and there is no trace of the sealing technique.

This is my little selfishness. The future Naruto needs some happy memories.

If you have any opinions, you can express them now.

Seeing that there were no objections from the people in the sealing formation, Minato continued to form seals.

In fact, what Naruto brought back was not only happy memories, Kushina also sealed several super powerful special moves on Naruto, and also wrote down the knowledge of forbidden techniques in the book of seals, and the Uzumaki clan introduced new ones. Sealing Technique Textbook.

Minato also used the special characteristics of the Flying Thunder God to prepare many gifts for the child within three days, including Orochimaru, who was blackmailed by Kushina to bring many props to the child.

Basically, they are all super-standard souvenirs. It can be said that Naruto's conventional extreme combat power has been qualitatively improved.

Minato's decision did not go beyond expectations, and the little snake Orochimaru threw into Ding's shadow was also crushed by Kushina.

After the couple discussed it, they did such a crazy thing within three days.

As an outsider, Noah is understandable, but when Nagato attacks the village, he may be confused by the forbidden magic.

Dragon Vein.Seal!

A white light flashed, and the two waves of people from the future and the other world all left here.

When Naruto saw his anxious friend, he smiled. The confident smile from the heart made Master Ying feel that this guy was a little more handsome.

Yamato was confused and felt like he had lost something.

The final dragon vein investigation report. According to what Captain Yamato said, Naruto didn't know anything.

The Noah trio returned to their own time and space.

Itachi also let go of his worries. Every minute and every second when the teacher disappeared was torture.

As time went by, the feeling of fear became stronger. If the people at the Akatsuki organization headquarters knew that Noah was missing, they would probably kill him.

He almost planned to break through the upper limit of three magatama and develop a kaleidoscope that travels through time and space.

Orochimaru had a headache looking at the data collected by the instruments he left behind.

The flow of time is irregular. It seems that we won't be at that point when we go back. What's the next step to seal the dragon vein?

Seal it temporarily, and then fully promote the moon acquisition plan!

When you see the tragic situation in Loulan, you know how important an outpost and an extraterrestrial battlefield are.

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