Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1627: Sending warmth to Kyuubi

How could he possibly have such a thing as moral mysophobia? He was just helping to find an oasis.

Naruto continued to yell, still not believing that the kind third-generation grandfather would do this.

Then he was pulled aside by his mother to educate him. Why is this child not as sensible as little Naruto over there even though he is sixteen?

After listening to Noah's words, Sara found a corner to think. Not everyone has the courage to leave home.

She is the Queen of Loulan and she has to consider her people.

Fortunately, after experiencing this destructive war, he had grown a lot, and finally made the decision to move the whole family.

As for the citizens, they should have no objections. They have never enjoyed these convenient high-rise buildings before. Instead, half of them were kept underground as slaves, and the other half lived like rats on the ground.

It would not be a pity to lose something that never existed.

This problem is solved in a way that is not a method.

Just when a few people felt that it was not difficult, Kakashi came over with a middle-aged ninja who looked a little weak.

These two guys who missed the theatrical version made up for a lot of plot.

When he saw Loulan and Kushina in ruins, the young Kakashi was shocked.

The young face was full of disbelief, and the talented young man who had never seen a high-end battlefield was shocked.

Yamato felt relieved after seeing Naruto who was alive and kicking. Lady Tsunade's secret order included the duty of protecting Naruto at any cost.

The value of a Wooden ninja with no potential is incomparable to that of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

As a result, I was injured and lost contact. It was such a dereliction of duty.

As for traveling through time and space, I already know part of the truth from the mouth of the young Kakashi.

But he still couldn't accept it when he saw Akatsuki organizing the trio. The impact of two long-dead people, Kushina and Namikaze Minato, on him was far less terrifying than Orochimaru's.

So he silently stood aside and observed this special scientist. Orochimaru smiled back and cut off a little bit of Yamato's cell tissue.

The lack of people was not interesting to Noah, and it was time to bring this journey to an end.

Minato also meant the same thing. Now that the overall mission is over, he should return to Konoha to hand over the mission. It is now the node before the third war and there will be more variables if he stays here.

Stay another three days at most, and then we have to go back after finding the place where the Loulan clan will move.

Knowing Naruto's miserable life in the future, Minato was not as confident as before in saying goodbye in the future.

He used power for personal gain, which was rare during the mission, and used the excuse of ending the mission to stay a few more days.

The two members of his staff had nothing to say. Obtaining additional information during the mission was an understandable operation.

What's more, this is the fourth generation of Hokage in the future. Whatever the Hokage says, it doesn't matter.

Kushina is not in a very good mood, but she is also a super strong person who has experienced many big events, and she is not that unable to let go. What is not hers is not hers after all.

But it should be enough to strengthen the son of this time and space.

Naruto didn't need potions, and it seemed like he couldn't learn any advanced ninjutsu, let alone sealing techniques.

Then the fastest way is Kyuubi.

Noah and she were able to keep the Kyuubi docile on their way back from the Land of Fire to the Land of Rain, and there should be no problem now.

Three days should be enough.

You can also come and take a look inside the sealed space when you have time. The thinking time will pass very slowly.

Hey, it’s not impossible.

Kushina was still constrained by her past experiences with Jinchuuriki, and she had forgotten that the tailed beasts in the Akatsuki organization were not normal either.

So he took Naruto to study how to bring people into the sealed space.

Minato went to find the oasis, and two of his men were detained here as assistants to Orochimaru, because these two were still Konoha ninjas loyal to the Third Hokage.

The future fourth generation Hokage has new ideas about the future, and to be on the safe side, he doesn't want the things here to spread.

Shimi, Dingzuo. Understand, but suppress.

the next day. In a tall tower that has not yet collapsed.

Naruto was lying in the sealing circle, and several ninjas from Konoha looked at all this as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Although Kushina explained that it was nothing serious, Yamato still didn't believe it.

Noah ignored the vigilance of the group and placed one hand on the Bagua seal.

Although he didn't bring his Sharingan with him when he came, he still broke in based on his relationship with Kyuubi over the years and the special resonance of his jinchūriki.

What a terrible living environment.

In the dark enclosed space, the Nine Lamas were still trapped in the water by the mountain. Kushina forgot to unblock the Five Elements Mountain.

Human?! Jinchuuriki?!

The weird aura makes it instinctively a bit explosive, and it has a strong aura of the same kind.

It's not the fox's expression, it's the tailed beast's original aura.

Yeah, don't be nervous, we're on our own.

It's just that my Kyuubi is currently practicing in the Holy Land and didn't come with me.

There was too much information, and Kyuubi didn't understand something that went against common sense.

But the jinchūriki deserve to die! !

Roar! ! ! !

The grinning Nine-Tails eyes were ferocious, and black malice rushed out from behind the iron gate like a tide.

But none of these could stop someone from walking into the seal step by step and facing the Nine Lamas.

As for the Bagua seal on the iron gate that was blocked as soon as it was sensed, this was not the time for 'Watergate' to appear.

What could be more mocking to Kyuubi than this?

The two big claws began to claw wildly, and the mountains on his body were shaking.

Perhaps because he saw that Kyuubi was not performing well, he punched the opponent's five-element seal, and then rushed back with murderous intent and malice like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

The smell of blood, death, killing, and the most tragic smell of war in the world overwhelmed the God of Disaster in the Ninja Continent.

Kyuubi had no idea what the monster in front of him was. Could there be anything that could bring more disasters than himself?

The understanding of human malice is not adequate.

Tailed beasts are still a vulnerable group after all.

After dispersing his other side, the storm of evil thoughts calmed down. At this time, Kyuubi felt that there was nothing that could not be discussed first.

Only the strong can win its respect, except for Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Whether you and Naruto will reconcile is Naruto's business. I'm just here to talk to you about what you can do to be free and get out.

Get out?! Human, are you talking about letting the tailed beast get out of the Jinchūriki's body?

Kyuubi laughed, how could such a thing happen.

Could it be that the monster in front of me is the embodiment of lies?

It stands to reason that you can directly convey your thoughts and ideas through boxing, and you can also do this forcefully with your own will.

But this is not your own world.

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