Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1626 Loulan can only be destroyed

The battle is over.

Now for the victory review.

Defeated the boss Mozuzu in the movie version of the Rebel Ninja in the Sand, destroyed a super large puppet, and destroyed hundreds of enemy puppet legions. The MVP of this game was Uzumaki Kushina.

The entire Loulan was lost.

After the battle, Loulan's vision became particularly good. He could see all the way to the end at a glance. The few remaining towers were also crumbling.

The originally neat street pavement seemed to have been rolled over countless times by bulldozers. There is also a five-finger-shaped pit in the center of the battlefield.

The continuous damage caused by the ninjutsu continues, and in some places the fire has not been extinguished and black smoke is still rising.

Fortunately, Kushina helped Sara close the energy output port of the dragon vein, otherwise the huge energy rampage could send everyone away.

This is why Noah chooses the wilderness for every battle, and even moves the battlefield to the moon in the future.

It is because if the battle between strong men takes place in the city, there is no other option except destruction, and the loss will be too great.

The cause of the Avengers Civil War was that many lives were lost in the downtown area.

If someone like Loulan, who directly destroyed the city, were placed in a modern civilized society, no matter if you were just or helpless, you would be criticized verbally and written.

In this world, Naruto may encounter a village-killing attack soon after his return, and Konoha will suffer an unprecedented blow.

Although Nagato awakened before his death and used the heretic reincarnation technique to resurrect everyone, the lost buildings and reputation were irreparable.

After a ninja village was wiped out, what kind of missions could it take?

All kinds of problems will come one after another, and the complexity of the situation Tsunade will face is simply mind-numbing.

Fortunately, the fourth Ninja War broke out and the impact of the village annihilation incident was wiped out. Otherwise, Konoha would fall behind among the five major villages.

It’s just that the reconstruction of Konoha relies on many strong people, Loulan

Sarah's emotions were very complicated when she saw her hometown turning into this.

It is different from the original work where the dragon vein is activated and goes berserk with no choice but to do so.

Now it is a war caused by the ninjas of Konoha to hunt down the traitorous ninja Baizu and help Queen Loulan regain power. The nature is different.

But they can only accept it helplessly, because in the situation that was just like a battlefield for gods, ordinary people are like grass in the wind.

An Lushan's wolf ambition is also exposed, and Loulan's destruction is only a matter of time.

Fortunately, the dragon vein is still there and the people are still there, so there is still hope.

It's just that Naruto's family is a little embarrassed.

Minato felt that it was a bit inappropriate for the reconnaissance mission to turn into a war to destroy the country. Although his current status was extraordinary, it was still taboo to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries without permission.

The report after returning to the village is really difficult to write. I can only polish it more on Bai Zu. Who says dead people can't speak?

Naruto simply felt guilty for the consequences of the battle. He had never wanted to cause trouble to others since he was a child and destroyed Sara's home.

Grandma Tsunade will kill him. Wait, Grandma Tsunade is not the Hokage at this time, so how can she help Sara?

Naruto, who was trapped in the time vortex, was a little numb.

Kushina. Not too worried.

After following Noah for a long time, I understood that as long as there were no casualties, everything would be easy.

Excluding the underground puppet factories and the dragon vein pipes arranged in mid-air, it is not difficult to rebuild a small city. The banknote ability of the Akatsuki organization can take care of everything.

This battle was directed by Noah himself, and resources were mobilized with ease.

Naruto, don't worry. I'll leave it to my mother to rebuild Loulan.

But mom, you don't belong to this world either?

shock! The critical blow from Naruto made Kushina realize the key problem in horror.

She did not belong to this time and space and lost her ability to make money.

But it doesn't matter, the Akatsuki organization's top scientist is here, there should be a way.

Orochimaru you.

Orochimaru looked at Kushina like she was a fool.

There is no way.

Even if the range of controlling a few towers with inorganic reincarnation is already the limit, revitalizing the entire city is really too much for me.

If he really had this ability, he would have thrown Noah into surgery long ago. The upper limit of this monster's strength has not yet been determined.

In fact, the most suitable way to rebuild this city is to go back and bring Scorpion over.

Open the dragon veins, rebuild the puppet system and restart the puppet factory, so that there will be enough labor to rebuild the entire city in a short time.

After all, there are specialties in the arts, and Xie's knowledge of mechanical engineering has reached a level that is incomprehensible across industries.

If you don't rely on your own world, there's really nothing you can do.

The current time point is before the outbreak of the third war, and any abnormality will detonate the current situation in the ninja world.

Besides, stepping out of Loulan rashly will have an irreversible impact on the world, and Noah and the fourth generation over there will definitely not allow it.

Kushina looked at Noah for help. This guy usually had the most solutions.

Noah looked at Sara and gave an unexpected suggestion.

If you still want to live, the best choice is to seal the dragon veins, then leave here and start over.

This is drawing fire from the bottom of the cauldron.

You solved the problem together with the person who caused the problem, which is a bit unethical.

Naruto was the first to jump out and object.

Minato originally wanted to object, but something came to his mind and he started thinking.

Sarah didn’t understand that the other party must have deep meaning.

This is deep in the desert of the Kingdom of Wind.

Thousands of miles away, the Third Hokage of Konoha sent Minato and his three men over for investigation. What does it mean?

The materials needed for Baizu to build such a prosperous city of Loulan and create a large number of puppet legions cannot be grown in the desert.

All circumstances indicate that Loulan's intelligence has been leaked after six years of rapid development.

You have been exposed to the eyes of other ninja villages, and the greatest danger comes from Sunagakure Village.

Not all ninjas have as high a moral bottom line as Minato.

Dragon Vein used to be just a legend, but when it came to reality, it became a treasure even more precious than the tailed beast.

You will be even more miserable without any defense, especially Sarah. Your bloodline is the biggest sin to you.

The best choice is to let a powerful ninja with moral integrity like Minato help you find a new place to settle down.

Although it doesn't sound good, it is the only thing suitable for this group of Loulan people to do.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

From the moment Baizu took advantage of the dragon's veins, Loulan's end was destined to be destroyed.

Minato smiled awkwardly, this Noah's words made sense.

The Third Hokage must report on his reconnaissance mission. Things like dragon veins must be obtained or destroyed.

The next mission is probably to destroy this place.

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