Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1625 Give Naruto a little shock from his parents

As a result, there is a child who is born with everything and stands at the top of everyone and says I don't work hard? Are you saying I'm walking on a trail?

Even if you say that I'm despicable, shameless, sinister and vicious, it's just a compliment, okay? This brat is swearing. It's so dirty! ! !

Before we wipe out those Konoha ninjas, take this imp sacrifice flag.

On the surface, it seemed like he was just brushing off a little dust, but in fact, his teeth were broken.

Whoosh! ! ! ! ! !

A large number of war puppets fell from the ground, from the tower, and from the sky.

The dragon vein pipes in the entire city began to operate at high speed, conveying the BOSS's anger very well.

Hundreds of puppets just locked onto the still arrogant yellow-haired kid, even if they wanted to leave a whole corpse behind!

Naruto swallowed.

What I just said is so irritating?

There doesn't seem to be a big gap between the content arranged by Brother Noah and what he usually talks to his opponents.

Seeing the puppet army beginning to accumulate strength, a multi-shadow clone technique created hundreds of clones and began to flee around the city.

Anyway, he ran wherever there was no one around. While running, he said something very protagonist-like, like a little prince with positive energy.

Baizu also lost his mind. He knew he should do the right thing but he really couldn't bear it.

At the end of the fight, he became even more crazy and formed a huge puppet to chase and kill him personally. The city was turning into ruins.

It doesn't matter!

As long as Sara is captured after killing everyone, there are as many puppet factories and cities as there are.

Orochimaru looked at the surveillance footage and marveled.

This kid still has merit. His tactics are very thorough.

These words sound a bit irritating to me. For the ninjas from other villages, they are a dimensionality-reducing blow. Their language skills are amazing.

Noah never takes credit for his work, he said modestly.

I just slightly modified some of the context and scope, but what Naruto says now is not what I taught him. It's what he really thinks.

This is the other side of the Zuidun application, which maximizes the conflicts between people.

Orochimaru keenly discovered the problem. This kind of mentality should not be possessed by a Jinchuuriki with that kind of childhood.

But Noah seemed to have his own arrangements for this, so he silently observed and guessed the cause and effect. This was one of his favorite games.

By the time Baizu calmed down, the city was almost gone, and Kushina and Minato had completed their respective tasks.

Next, in order to show his handsome side in front of his son, Baizu and his army of puppets encountered a human tragedy in advance.

Minato felt the chakra in his body that was so abundant that it exploded and completed the trick ahead of schedule.

The special kunai was thrown out, and the chakra light ball in his hand expanded several times.

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique. Next. Flying Thunder God 2nd Stage!

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! !

The golden flash seemed to connect the entire battlefield. In the blink of an eye, the entire army of puppets was wiped out. Baizu's confidence withered amidst the flying fragments.

The battlefield fell silent for an instant, and this brutal and unreasonable aesthetic of violence conquered everyone.

Sara seemed to see a god, Ding Zao and Shiya realized the power of time and space. Orochimaru was a little surprised. After adding buffs to the fourth generation, he could be so powerful?

Even Minato himself found it incredible, and he probably would never be able to replicate this miracle in the future. Even if the state can be restored, the Nine-Tails Chakra without any backlash is really hard to find.

Noah also marveled that Minato jumped hundreds of times in a single moment with a human body.

This kind of spatial sensing ability, sealing control, and inhuman nerve reflexes are simply outrageous.

One mistake would mean suicide in an instant, but this guy accomplished it all in a cool and handsome manner. No wonder so many people believe in him.

If the fourth generation did not die, the plot would not be able to unfold at all.

And what will Kushina do when she sees Minato stealing the spotlight? Of course, he will appear in a more gorgeous and exaggerated manner.

Jumping up in the air and forming a seal with both hands, the first seal master in the ninja world wanted to show off his skills in front of his son.

Minato had a premonition that something was wrong and immediately took Naruto away from the vicinity of the puppet army. Is this kind of fluctuation really a sealing technique? ? ?

Crunch, click. A piece of gravel flew into the sky, and then a wall was sucked into the sky.

The earth was roaring, and rocks, soil, and broken walls and buildings were all sucked up into the sky to form a terrifying shadow.

Shiya and Dingzao were trembling in the distance. Is this the power of the Uzumaki clan?

Noah immediately ordered everyone to prepare for the impact, but Kushina got a little carried away.

Finally, under the projection of light, the shadow spread out like five fingers, and the giant palm crashed down, and the space was distorted at that moment.

Five Elements Seal. Wuzhishan!


Baizu's heart was shattered at this moment. What is all this? ! !

Why hasn't he heard of this kind of power? !

The puppet giant's whole body was filled with purple light, and he mobilized all the energy to launch his own unique move on his chest.

Dragon Vein.Super powerful dragon fire technique! !

The purple pillar of destruction shot towards the sky and struck the palm of Five Elements Mountain hatefully.

Two huge forces collided in mid-air.

If we compare Dragon Vein and Kushina, then Kushina will definitely lose.

However, the energy transformed by the dragon's veins through Baizu is far behind Kushina, who can burst out at full power.

The Five Elements Mountain is not a pure mountain, but a collection of sealing techniques. The power of the dragon veins is constantly weakened and broken, and the five fingers unswervingly crush all the enemy's resistance.

Although the puppet giant did not give up in the end, even using the energy cannon on his chest and his hands to support the giant palms were useless.

Standing high in the sky, Kushina put her fingers together.

The mantis' arm is like a chariot.

In the end, the puppet giant that tried to resist was defeated, and its huge palms hit the ground.

The violent air flow brought about a circular shock wave, and the entire Loulan ushered in the second impact.

Naruto was a little numb as he swayed in the wind. It turned out that his father and mother in the tower were really playing around.

When the dust settled, only the bloody and tattered centipede lay in the deep pit, his eyes full of horror. It turned out that this was the scenery at the top of the ninja world.

Naruto, who returned to the original place, felt pity for the villain and wanted to persuade him to surrender.

Just open your mouth.

Uncle, speaking your mind is my way of ninja.

“Peace is not something we should strive for.”

Zui Dun Zhu Xin is here, and even if Bai Zu wants to surrender, he can't.

Even if I die, I will roar like an ordinary BOSS to this world.

He used his last bit of strength to condense the puppet fragments with his dragon veins. The meridians were still huge but the feeling of weakness and dilapidation was visible to the naked eye.

Minato, Kushina, and Naruto all used their family's regular ninjutsu.

The Rasengan of a father and son can resonate and become Tai Chi Rasengan, so what should the Rasengan of a family of three be called?

No one knew that Baizu died before listening to the long list of names Minato gave.

The end of an ambitious man brings happiness to a family.

In the end Orochimaru really only got part of the body.

The battle scenario of Lost Tower ends here.

Thanks to the support of my friends, it is indeed the best way to gather people to practice.

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