Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1622 Naruto, do you have a girl you like?


The accident happened so fast that the brain couldn't react.

After living for sixteen years, someone suddenly jumps out and says they are your parents?

He was taken to a corner in a daze, his steps a little unsteady.

Kushina, it doesn't matter that you are in parallel time and space, but Naruto is

Minato saw some hesitation as he saw what Kushina was going to do.

Maybe Naruto only has this chance in his life, and even you can't stop me.

Kushina rejected the golden retriever's idea very forcefully and told Naruto's life experience clearly without any scruples.

Why can't this child enjoy happiness?

I am your mother Uzumaki Kushina, the previous Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. He is your father Namikaze Minato, the future Fourth Hokage.

Not everyone can withstand the impact of a straight ball. If he were in a fierce battle, Naruto would probably recover quickly, but under normal circumstances, he was just a child.

He never imagined that after traveling through time, he could meet his father from the past and his mother from other worlds.

It's like a strange and somewhat happy dream.

After thinking for a moment, he slowly lowered his head.

I have imagined countless times what he would say if he could see his parents. There is so much happiness to share, including your own achievements, your own efforts, and your own friends.

But he looked up at the golden retriever brother.


Minato nodded.

Although it is something that will happen in the future, I am your father, Namikaze Minato.

Although the Kyuubi in the seal was surprised, its hatred for the Yondaime and Kushina made it instinctively spread its malice to infect the kid's soul.

Those resentments that Naruto himself didn't even notice were sweet blessings.

It's a pity that the mountain of Five Elements Seal completely suppressed anything that was not good for Naruto. The Nine-Tails tried to no avail and had to give up. Damn it! !

But the young man seems to be taking the initiative to resonate with this malice.

I went back to my childhood, when I was no different from a wild dog on the roadside.

In Konoha, gods hate and ghosts hate him. Except for a few people who do not reject him, most people will look at him with disgust and hatred.

Monsters, monsters, demons. Such names have been with me throughout my childhood.

Why don't you die, don't play with him, hit him, stay away from me are the most commonly heard statements.

The reason why I can't finish eating ramen is because there is no other clean food to replace it. It is normal for foreign objects to appear in food. Even if you have money, you can't buy anything to eat.

Expired milk and shit-yellow sportswear were the best conditions I could find within my capabilities.

He just looks silly on the surface, and the power of perception brought by his bloodline and Nine-Tails is instilling something like black mud all the time.

Is all this because of my father's choice?

Kyuubi. Why are you putting it on me?


Namikaze Minato flew out again today.

Still not dodging, he saw Naruto's tears after seeing Kushina's tears.

The head of the family could only helplessly look to the sky for retribution.

But the melon-eaters in the distance were heartbroken, what was going on? The golden glitter turned into the golden snitch.

Why. Why do you let me endure this!!!

Do you know how I lived!!!

Naruto's weakness at this moment made Kushina feel extremely sad.

The sadness reminded her of that night.

Kushina hugged the sixteen-year-old child tightly and told what happened that day.

The helpless choice, the final love of mother and father is reflected in this.

Naruto's heart was abnormally big after all, and the feeling of grievance did not last long.

What followed was sympathy for the mother, who also had a hard time.

When Minato came back, he was a little speechless when he saw this scene. You guys, I'm the only one getting beaten.

Then Naruto shouted to this young man who was not very big either.

Yo, daddy!

It's not bad to see a sixteen-year-old son calling him.

Is this what it's like to be a father?

Kushina in the village must have never imagined that she would meet her son and future wife during this mission.

I will definitely be a good father in the future. Oh my future.

Just like in a dream, a family of three met in this special time and space.

Temporarily putting aside the task, he chose to listen to Naruto's story, and the influence of time and space was temporarily forgotten by Minato.

My favorite is Ichiraku Ramen, right? I remember I only saw this restaurant opening when I was on a mission this time. I must try it when I go back.

Yeah, that boss is one of the few good people who won't dislike me.

Minato felt sour in his heart, these words

Of course, after knowing that his future son liked to eat, he also became interested and returned to the village to take Kushina to eat with him.

Nani, why is Kakashi so useless? He can't even protect you.

Kushina was dissatisfied with Kakashi's level of waste. She could see that although Naruto didn't say it, he had suffered a lot, and she instantly burst out with strong resentment towards the little bastard.

When we return to the village, we have to deal with that white-haired idiot. Why can't we kill the old bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen in another time and space?

Sasuke is my best friend. He and I just follow this guy Orochimaru.

When Minato heard the bond between Sasuke and Naruto, he still said a few words, hoping that Naruto would continue to work hard to get his partner back.

Kushina felt very uncomfortable, what a messy relationship.

Well, Naruto, don't you have any classmates of the opposite sex that you like?

Regarding Sakura's words in Naruto's mouth, Kushina could still tell that her stupid son didn't really like this girl that much.

It's just that the childhood filter is still there, but the little Sasuke of the Uchiha family needs to be vigilant.

The young son of a best friend is too attracted to his silly son.

This outrageous family of three cherishes the time they spend together.

The people eating melons in the distance were already bored with waiting. First it’s the couple game, then it’s the family game, it’s endless.

Shiya and Dingzao were in a confused state, and it was very stressful to be with Lord Orochimaru.

Although the other party has been flying some high-tech instruments for exploration, the smell alone is scary.

The parasites in Shimi's body rioted completely out of control.

The strong sense of oppression made them feel extremely uncomfortable. The future Lord Leng was a bit too strong.

Moreover, the information about the assassination of the Third Hokage always worried them.

Besides, will Minato come back? Do you still want to complete this task?

You have to abide by some of the mission rules. There is a BOSS outside who has traveled back through time and space.

Noah comforted the two of them with a smile.

Don't be nervous, come and sit.

We are all our own people. Speaking of which, I have a very good relationship with the Hokage.

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