Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1621 The future doesn’t matter

There was an unusual silence here because of Orochimaru's defection and the assassination of the Third Hokage, but the fight there was very intense.

At the end of the fight, Kushina began to use her own methods.

A large number of sealing techniques began to fill the entire space.

Minato is not a vegetarian either. Although his opponent's attacks are extremely violent, he still sees many weaknesses.

Such as being soft-hearted at the last minute

So he can repeatedly find gaps to move around.


A perfect opportunity arises when Minato senses the coordinates of a flying thunder god.

Teleport and make balls!

He raised his hand and blasted out, but there was also a ball in the hand on the other side.

Two chakra polymers collided in the air, but Minato was standing on Noah's left.

So Dui Bo's outcome has long been doomed.

After being blown away, Minato's doubts reached their peak.

Why do you know Rasengan!

No, it's not called the Rasengan. It's called the Spiral Flash Super Rondo Roar One Style

Under the high-intensity battle, the mask could no longer bear it and collapsed. A pretty face appeared, and the familiar face made the Konoha trio hold their breath at the same time.

Watergate went down immediately.

The kunai in his hand seemed to be under a spell and could no longer be lifted.

How dare you hit me.

Kushina's tears welled up as if she had activated the Great Waterfall Jutsu to change her form, and she punched out with hatred.

This punch made Minato unable to defend himself at all. He was sent flying again without even the slightest thought of dodging, and he even coughed up a mouthful of blood.

This time he was really seriously injured because he had all his chakra defenses dissipated.

Golden Retriever saw the fatigue and grievance in Kushina's tears.

Thinking of Naruto's appearance, he felt like he had guessed something.

Kushina also returned to the past through the dragon vein.

So will he hurt her in the future?

Namikaze Minato's love brain began to attack, and he began to constantly think about what would happen in the future.

Before he could ask Kushina, she had already used medical ninjutsu on her body, and her huge vitality began to repair the damage just caused.

The two people were in such a silent and intimate state that the onlookers were a little confused.

Shiya Aburame and Choza Akimichi breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were too many unresolved issues, they could only become spectators and start eating dog food.

Except for Naruto who was still yelling, everyone was looking at the man and woman.

After the injury was treated, Minato also figured out his thoughts. No matter what, it was wrong for him to make Kushina sad, and he was about to apologize.


Another punch came, and he cried while punching. The harder he punched, the harder he cried.

There were a lot of tears and snot, regardless of any image.

Even though this is not her Minato, it is still her Minato, and all the Minatos in the timeline are her Minato.

Unscrupulously throwing away his strong persona and pretense.

Everyone watching was confused. This was the plot of some kind of idol drama. It was too bloody and twisted.

But no one was in a position to persuade him, and the man who was beaten didn't even cry out in pain, and he looked guilty, as if he had really done something treacherous.

Minato was indeed very sad, he had never seen Kushina in such aggrievedness and pain.

This punch on his body was actually a relief. Something terrible might happen in the future.

After Kushina vented her grievances, she found that Minato was beaten a little miserably, so she hurriedly started to use healing ninjutsu.

He turned around and yelled at the people watching the show.

Why didn't you stop me!

Orochimaru and Noah shrugged in perfect agreement. You are the one who is being beaten, and you are the one who is distressed. What should we do?

Can I tell?

Kushina still couldn't help but want to say something.

Everyone who travels through time is worried about the impact of their actions on the world, but Noah doesn't care.

Just do whatever you want and let Minato of this time and space make the decision.

It’s not your own time and space, you can create it at will.

Kushina dragged Minato to the other side and opened the barrier that blocked the information.

Tell this golden-haired fool one by one about the future.

Speaking of Minato becoming the Fourth Hokage, the golden retriever smiled proudly.

He said that he was pregnant and gave birth to a little boy who looked very much like him. The golden retriever smiled like a fool.

When talking about the night of the Kyuubi, he was attacked by someone, and Minato showed his Shura look.

The zombies were sealed and the Nine-Tails was divided into two parts. Naruto became the new Jinchuriki.

Minato's brain was filled with violent murderous intent, and his family was destroyed.

He and Kushina died in battle, leaving only a Jinchuriki child in the village.

Just thinking about it makes me feel that the beating I just received was not unjust.

Being loyal to love and dying together did not let him down to the village, but he really owed Naruto too much.

He looked at the struggling little boy in the distance with a guilty expression.

And when he learned about the Sandaime's original isolation plan, he felt even more painful. As a Hokage, he could understand Hiruzen Sarutobi doing this, but as a father, he could not forgive him for doing this.

Namikaze Minato was really, really painful at this moment.

The speedy ninja who is always one step slower, the head of the family who has nothing to protect him, what a life of failure.

What happened after that had nothing to do with Minato, and Kushina didn't go into details. In short, Noah turned out to help her come back to life and snatch Naruto back. Kakashi also defeated the corrupt Ninja and became Hokage.

But Yongdaimei still couldn't forgive herself.

Think about how painful it is for Kushina to lose her freedom and struggle between life and death, and even more think about how helpless her lover is when trapped under the demon of the outside world. What kind of faith should I hold on to in order to survive during those years when I lost my flesh and blood?

He chose the easiest path, but left the hardest path to his lover and children. Damn it.

Caught in painful entanglement and confusion, the influence of time is no longer important.

In the end, no one knows what decision the Fourth Hokage made.

By the time the two came back, the knot in their hearts had been resolved, and Kushina had become a little woman again.

It was a great gift for Bo Feng Shui to come to Noah.

Your kindness is unrequited. I can't even give you anything decent to repay.

Well, it really has nothing to do with you.

Noah said that this is a matter of our time and space, but...

No, Kushina of any time and space is the love of my life.

Ouch~~~~This guy, this guy, really knows how to do it.

Kushina's eyes were almost watering, her rank was too high.

After a while of tugging, Shimi and Dingzao looked confused. Their S-level mission was too outrageous.

Two groups of people will come back in the future.

After taking care of Minato, Kushina remembered that there was a little golden retriever of her own here.

So he walked over with brisk steps.

Naruto was so frightened that his legs were shaking. The red-haired elder sister had frightened him when she punched the blond guy just now. The feeling of punching to the flesh was terrifying.

Can a woman who is countless times more violent than Sakura really get married?


In his own world, Naruto has been by his side since he was three years old, and he did not let the child suffer any injustice.

Clothes, nutrition, basic ninjutsu, teachers, and Kyuubi are all well arranged.

She gave all her love to Naruto so that he could thrive.

But this kid on this line has terrible clothes, malnourished appearance, and this strength. Alas.

She sensed the strong malice of the Nine-Tails in Naruto, which made her very dissatisfied.

That old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen must have abused his little brat, Orochimaru killed him well!

So she hugged Naruto into her arms and cried silently. After becoming a mother, she couldn't bear to see such a tragic story happen to her son.

Thanks to Longmai, this child actually gets to meet his father and mother. It is really the best gift that time has given everyone.

Naruto, you can call me mom.

A longing and unfamiliar word broke into Naruto's heart.

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