Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1623 Turn on Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Mode

Ding Zuo asked with a simple and honest face.

I'm sorry, sir, I haven't seen you in the village. Are you going to have a good relationship with the Hokage in the future?

There is no Konoha forehead protector, no ninja aura, and the relationship with Orochimaru is very equal, even vaguely a little higher. It is not too much to glean future information from this mysterious man.

For example, the fat man was very insidious and didn't say anything about the future generations of Hokage, waiting for Noah to say it.

Noah smiled more kindly.

Of course, the main reason is that my views on the will of fire are very appreciated by the Hokage, let me tell you.

Orochimaru. This bastard really doesn’t care what happens in parallel time and space, right? Then I’ll leave something for myself here.

A small snake slowly merged into Ding Zuo's shadow.

I don’t know how harmonious the atmosphere is between the four people who have their own evil intentions.

The Sara ninjas on the side are all sick.

You were saying before that An Lushan is a ninja named Baizu, who is using the power of dragon veins to build a puppet army, as if the villain BOSS wants to rule the world.

Now just throw me aside and watch you chat.

The gloomy-faced leader is working on a device, and the friendly leader is chatting with Konoha ninjas about the will of fire?

What's even more outrageous is a family gathering that spans time and space, which is really enviable.

If the dragon vein can really travel through time, she would also like to take a look at her mother. Of course, this is based on what these people said is true.

In fact, Sara already believed it in her heart, mainly because the exaggerated battle fluctuations of the red-haired elder sister and the blond younger brother just now showed that she was a very awesome master.

Such a strong person should not be able to act, and it makes sense logically.

In her heart, An Lushan also began to fall from the altar of that outstanding man who longed for peace.

After part of the fog in my heart was cleared away, all kinds of irrational memories from the past came to my mind.

I just don’t see the truth and am still very hesitant.

At this time, a family of three who had finished a brief family gathering came over, and Minato was a little embarrassed.

As an excellent ninja, he still hasn't forgotten his mission.

I'm sorry Kushina and Naruto, I have to carry out this reconnaissance mission.

Then let us help you finish it, so you have time to stay a little longer.

No, this is a task that belongs to Konoha in this era.

Kushina hoped that Naruto could stay with Minato for a while, after all, they were from the same world.

It's just that Minato's professional ethics are really nothing to say. At this time, he still persisted in the temptation. He is worthy of being a man who can become the Fourth Hokage.

Noah, on the other hand, had already verified the answer he wanted and was not interested in continuing this little adventure game, so he expressed his willingness to provide a little help.

Really, just a little.


She probably knew how appropriate a little bit of Noah was, but it was just right here.

Minato could only agree to his benefactor's proposal, but he couldn't agree to it either.

The combat power of the three opponents was obviously higher than that of the three on his side, so Minato, who was not pedantic, decisively handed over the command of the temporary team.

a moment later

Is this really what you want?

The Konoha trio are a little uncomfortable with the current style of action.

A group of eight people walked struttingly on the street. Although the sky was already dark, when did the investigation mission become so arrogant?

Aren't ninjas supposed to be a profession that involves climbing on cliffs and moving forward in the dark?

It's okay. The enemy would never expect us to be so calm.

Did you see the lights and colorful lights in front of you? That's the celebration prepared by An Lushan for Queen Sarah.

.despite the absence of the Queen

Noah pointed to the place where the figures were gathered in front of him and said, and at the same time lamented that the puppet masters seemed to like doing this trick.

Everyone from Kankuro to Scorpion has a bit of a performing personality, and this centipede is even more amazing after he has the dragon vein.

City of Puppet. Do you want to advance to the level of Secret Attendant?

How is it going?

All the monitors along the way have been blocked. It's just a backward puppet master with unlimited energy. There is no difficulty at all.

Orochimaru had just released countless small devices while watching the battle in the tower.

He easily intercepted the entire city's surveillance circuits and deployed many of his own devices. The ninja's instinct to engage in intelligence warfare was brought into full play.

After getting the map, Noah started his own style of wind spirit and moon shadow to break through the level.

Sarah can come to her senses as long as she's not blind.

Cutting the thread and grabbing a few human puppets was enough for this innocent little girl to realize the reality.

Then with a wave of his big hand, all the chakra threads were cut off, and hundreds of puppets all fell to the ground. At first glance, they looked no different from the massacre scene, and the silence was terrifying.

see it?

Later, the female leaders who resisted An Lushan were found from other corners. After the barrier with the people was lifted, Queen Sarah finally recognized the reality.

He even found the men imprisoned together underground and the location of the workshop where war puppets were made through Kushina's Kagura Heart Eye.

This dungeon was led by Noah to directly complete more than half of the main plot, and it was so smooth that it was unimaginable.

The protagonist Naruto has no sense of involvement.

Minato could only say that this was the easiest S-rank mission I had ever completed.

Just on the road, everyone started the combat meeting while looking at the three-dimensional map of Loulan hand-drawn by Orochimaru.

The bold and unrestrained style made the Konoha trio a bit surprised.

With our lineup, we still need to formulate a battle plan to give face to Dragon Vein, not to give face to a traitorous ninja from Sand Ninja Village, okay?

Noah clapped his hands.

Okay, now is not the time for you to hesitate. No matter how stupid Baizu is, he should have discovered the abnormality.

Now let's discuss how to proceed with the mission.

Orochimaru and I are sitting in the central square, monitoring the surrounding situation and providing support at any time. I leave it to you to save people.

Since we have to save people, there are still a lot of people, so the movement must be very loud.

We can't expect the enemy to care about the lives of civilians, so it's better to draw Baidu's attention from the beginning.

Naruto, your role is to attract hatred, and then lead the enemy around the city. Can you do this without going near the inner courtyard?

For the protagonist, there is no such thing as whether he can do it or not, there is only a decision whether to do it or not.

But Naruto was also worried that the ninja named Baizu would not follow.

Don't worry, I'll give you a little help.

Noah took care of everything, he was very experienced in this kind of thing.

It's just that Kushina was a little worried that this bastard might go too far. The child's previous performance was not so reassuring, and his strength fluctuated.

It was impossible for her to let go of the seal and suppress the Kyuubi. It would be troublesome if this dead fox caused trouble.

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