Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1620: Assassinating Naruto makes sense

The basis of the punch just now was Tsunade-sama's strange power, and a little sealing technique was added to keep his body and chakra fluctuations in an intermittent state.

The seals that first covered the ground and walls were used to restrain the Flying Thunder God, cutting off the connection between time and space coordinates.

It shows that the other party knows the sealing technique, the Flying Thunder God, and himself very well.

And the other side kept his hand, even though it was embedded in the wall and looked bluffing, the real strength was surprisingly not very heavy, and there was no added chakra to damage the internal organs.

The enemy's intention made Minato a little confused, and he fell into the same confusion as the little yellow boy just now.

There were no clues under the breath sensor, but the figure was familiar. At first glance, he thought it was Kushina coming to hit him.

Of course, it is impossible for his little girlfriend to have such strong sealing skills, nor to have such strong ninjutsu and taijutsu combat capabilities.

And the age doesn’t match up.

Also, Kushina shouldn’t be that big.

He didn't say these two doubts. He always felt that the moment he asked them was the moment he left this world.

But the power of perception of the Uzumaki clan will not let go of such disrespectful thoughts.

Blah blah blah.

Golden chains spread from the void and dragged Namikaze Minato out of the rock wall.

King Kong blockade!

It's certain, he is the senior of the Uzumaki clan.

This powerful power and sealing technique is simply like the resurrection of Mito-senpai. Is it an elder of Kushina or a Uzumaki clan member living outside?

No matter what, we cannot let the other party continue now.

Not to mention the outcome of this battle, just this kind of movement can attract the attention of the centipede ninja.

After regaining control of his body, Minato condensed a rasengan with one hand and blasted it on the blocked chain, freeing his body.

Fortunately, he only had the diamond chain, and he also had the foundation of sealing skills, otherwise he wouldn't be able to condense the Rasengan.

It's a little tricky to still be unable to contact the Flying Thunder God Mark, but even without the space and time ninjutsu, he is still an extremely good jounin of Konoha.

As fast as lightning, he arrived behind the red-haired masked woman.

A kunai appeared in his hand and picked at the knot on the opponent's mask.

Without looking, Kushina clapped her hands together, water escape, water formation wall.

With the amount of chakra, the Uzumaki clan all followed the powerful Brick Flying School. The huge amount of water not only opened the water gate, but also caused irreparable damage to the interior of the tower.

Orochimaru! Do me a favor.

Yeah. Immortal magic. Earth escape. Inorganic reincarnation rock wall technique.

Using inorganic reincarnation to give earth escape vitality, Orochimaru easily completely activated the rock and soil structure inside the entire tower.

It was as if the entire tower had been spatially replaced, and a large number of walls had been removed and reorganized.

In just a few seconds, a huge flat floor like an arena appeared here.

This earth escape ability directly shocked the Konoha trio again.

This is such a powerful earth escape attribute change, and the vitality in it is even more frightening to Minato. This is the magic of Ryūchi Cave!

Of course, he had no time to pay attention to what happened next. The red-haired woman had already come to kill him.

What does it mean to fly with big bricks?

That is to clap your hands and shout whatever you want.

Although she is no longer the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, but with the foundation of the Uzumaki clan and the continuous replenishment of potions, Kushina's vitality has once again broken through, completely surpassing the realm of Mito-sama in terms of physique.

The five-attribute ninjutsu's mindless and crazy output is more about venting than fighting.

The explosive ninjutsu that cleans the ground also includes the unique moves of various ninja villages. This move really showed off Minato.

There is no murderous intention, so why bother?

Senior, do we have a misunderstanding?

Senior? How dare you call me senior!!!

When the wind and rain suddenly stop, it is not safety, but the arrival of real terror.

A terrifying red light appeared in Kushina's eyes behind the mask. She originally felt a little guilty for venting her temper on Minato in different time and space, but now she felt no longer at all.

Do you dislike me for being old?

And Noah was very happy. The emotional intelligence of this Minato guy was a bit interesting.

Doesn’t it mean that he has extremely high business intelligence?

Of course it's not Minato's fault, who would have thought of paralleling Kushina.

Sure enough, what he faced next was an even more exaggerated and terrifying S-class ninjutsu. Although the tower looked unchanged on the outside, the inside had been hammered to pieces by the furious blood-red peppers.

The ability to still stand in place was purely due to Orochimaru's magic.

Not everyone took pleasure in such a heated scene, at least the two jounin in Konoha were really panicked.

Lord Orochimaru, there may be some misunderstanding here.

There is no misunderstanding, Orochimaru is a rebellious ninja and cannot be trusted at all!!!

Naruto in the hill was still grinning and yelling.

And having accepted the setting that Naruto is from the future, at this time, he revealed the information that Orochimaru is a traitorous ninja.

Shiya and Ding Zao began to waver, so the prerequisite for Minato to become the fourth generation must be that something happened to Orochimaru, so he defected.

My heart is getting heavier and heavier, but I still can't believe a kid's one-sided words.

Orochimaru himself also became interested.

He had no feelings about defection, but he was very interested in the history of this timeline.

Kid, tell me why I defected?

You were doing human experiments and were discovered by the Third Generation Grandpa and had to defect. Later, you repaid the favor and launched the Konoha Collapse Plan to kill the Third Generation Grandpa!


Naruto's lack of words made Orochimaru angry.

In addition, he didn't want the two younger brothers of the blond brother to be confused, so he told them all in one go.

During the battle, Minato was almost knocked down because he was distracted.

Oh~~~Did you assassinate the teacher when he was old?

Orochimaru was very clear about human experimentation. He almost did it with Danzo in the first place. As for defecting, it was not a big deal.

He had no chance to become the fourth generation at that time, and after being stabbed in the back by his dear teacher, he probably didn't have much love for the village left.

The only way to think about it is to put yourself in Assassination’s shoes.

The village was decaying and the Ninja hero was getting old. As a disciple, it was very reasonable for him, as a disciple, to send his teacher off to Sunagakure Village and Oto Ninja Village.

Dying like a hero is the last feeling of admiration a disciple has for his teacher.

Kid, what you said makes sense. It's indeed something I can do.

Orochimaru's words shocked everyone around him, so why don't you say a word or two to argue with them?

Perhaps Orochimaru was in a very subtle mood now that he knew his other choice.

It seemed that the turning point of everything was that he suddenly asked Naruto.

Do you know Noah?

Who is that?

Nothing, hey hey hey

Frankenstein looked at Noah with a fiery look. Sure enough, this monster was different.

Noah was a little speechless, what was this pervert thinking?

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