Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1619 Blood Red Pepper vs. Golden Flash

Besides, the most likely successor is the commander-in-chief of the front line, Orochimaru-sama, who is almost the default choice of all ninjas in the village.

Akimichi Tingzao seems to be simple and honest, but in fact he has a very smart mind.

Don't forget that this kid is from the future.

These words also brought Aburame Shimi back to his senses, that is to say.

Does the family need to adjust the intensity of support?

And the fat man next to him was so good at pretending that he had forgotten that none of the trio of pigs, deers and butterflies was stupid.

It would be impossible for Minato not to feel secretly happy in his heart at this moment.

Although the Third Generation has been at its peak and Orochimaru has a high reputation, who knows what will happen in the future?

But with his excellent character, Naruto was told to stop talking. The more he knew about the future, the greater the impact on the present time and space.

Golden Retriever, who is proficient in the art of Flying Thunder God and has learned many secrets through his girlfriend, understands that there cannot be too much intersection between the present and the future.


Minato suddenly looked cold and raised the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand.

Instinct told him that a catastrophe was approaching, something even more terrifying than meeting a tailed beast.

Aburame Shiya's parasitic bug didn't find anything, but he believed in Namikaze Minato's perception, so he and Akimichi Dingza formed a formation to block Naruto and Sara.

call out!

A kunai flew over and Minato shot back.

The two collided and flew dozens of times in mid-air before piercing the ground nearby.

Only then did they see clearly that the flying kunai seemed not to be an ordinary kunai.

The handle is also engraved with runes, like a flying thunder god!


Three figures flashed across time and space.

The red-haired woman wearing a fox mask in the middle made a seal with one hand. A special ripple was produced, and the walls and ground here were filled with sealing spells.

The Konoha trio suddenly felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, what a powerful sealing technique!

Then the battle ended in an instant.

For some reason, Namikaze Minato, who had the fastest nerve reflexes, froze in place as if he had been caught in an enemy's illusion.

He neither threw his Flying Thunder God Kunai nor prepared any techniques, but just stared straight ahead.

At that moment, he looked at the red-haired masked woman in a daze, and the feeling that he was the most important person made him dull.

In fact, I felt this way when I looked at Naruto, but it was not as strong as when I faced this woman. Was it an illusion?

Seeing the opponent approaching in a blink of an eye, the chakra fluctuations carried by the fist wind can definitely kill someone.

Instinctively, he stretched out his hand to form a seal to cast Flying Thunder God.

It failed.

The spatial coordinates are blurry, it's the sealing technique just now!

The other person punched him in the stomach regardless.

Boom! ! !

The golden flash flew out in a swirl and hit the wall hard.

Aburame Shiya and Akimichi Choza were about to help Minato solve the crisis when two arms were put on their shoulders, freezing their bodies.

The twisted arms can carry out killing methods at any time. The huge power and the sinister aura that penetrates into the bones make the two Konoha jounin dare not act rashly.

Hiss~~You'd better not move, otherwise you will be beaten to death by her.

So fast! who!

Looking out of the corner of his eye, the two of them were frozen in place.

Big... Lord Jishimaru.

This is Konoha's frontline commander. Although the attire and temperament are slightly different from the Orochimaru-sama I met before, it is definitely him.

As a top ninja who has experienced hundreds of battles, he has his own way of distinguishing whether it is an illusion or not.

For example, the moment Shiya saw Orochimaru, he used the parasites in his body to interrupt the chakra fluctuations dozens of times to confirm that it was not an illusion.

Insects are also extremely sensitive to the smell of flesh and blood, ruling out the possibility of transformation.

Ding Zuo felt that it was difficult to imitate that kind of feminine and vicious temperament, and now he felt that his neck was slippery.

The Konoha trio were all eliminated, but there was still one little yellow boy who was not pinned down.

First, he saw the Fourth Hokage being punched away by a friendly figure from behind, and then he saw Orochimaru? !

The pupils contracted and the blood in the heart began to boil.

This is Orochimaru, the man who assassinated the Third Hokage and kidnapped his beloved Sasuke, the S-class traitor of Konoha!

It can be said that the biggest loss Naruto has ever suffered so far is the man in front of him.

The moment he saw Orochimaru, his sanity was shattered.

Give me back Sasuke!!!

Maybe even if he sees his parents standing in front of him, he won't have such a big emotion. Sasuke just has this kind of magic power that can do such a thing.

Forced to start refining the Nine-Tails' chakra, Naruto's subconscious found that he could not fight this evil enemy without using the power of the tailed beasts.

The aura of violence, ominousness, and death filled the tower.

The Konoha trio were stunned when the crimson chakra overflowed.

Who among the jonin in the village during the war years didn't know about tailed beasts?

The red-haired masked woman stopped walking towards the golden flash and looked over.

This kid.

Stretch out your five fingers and form the Five Elements Seal.

The power of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth swam in the palm of his hand, and the runes of the sealing technique condensed into a virtual hill, which directly restrained Naruto, who was glowing red.

It even extended into the sealed space of the Bagua Seal. When Nine-Tails was confused, a sky-high mountain fell from the darkness.

boom! !

Nani? ! ! !

The huge force caused the unsuspecting Kyuubi to spit out his tongue.

.Despicable roar!!!!

Jiulama roared angrily, if he hadn't prepared this sealing technique, would he still want to seal it?

It's just that no matter how incompetent and furious it is, it's useless. I can only use chakra to obliterate the sealing technique.

And it felt a familiar energy from this sealing technique, as if it was the feeling of a violent and weak red-haired woman.

No, the woman had been stabbed to death with a claw.

So another Uzumaki clan?

Naruto in the outside world is now nailed to the spot by the phantom of Five Elements Mountain. Although he is surging like maggots, he is still unable to resist the huge power of the seal.

The ominous chakra that just emerged was like a candle in the wind, falling silent before it could spark.

Sarah was dumbfounded on the windowsill.

What are these Konoha ninjas doing?

Did An Lushan send someone to rescue him? Does he have such a powerful person under his command?

At this time, the third person Noah also sat on the window sill to block Princess Loulan's intention to escape in the chaos.

Next is the Family Harmony Bureau. Let's just watch the show in silence without disturbing it.

Maybe she smelled the gossip, so Sarah sat down obediently.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato, who was still embedded in the wall, was still sorting out his thoughts. Although a lot of things had happened, Lord Orochimaru suddenly appeared, and Naruto had the aura of Nine-Tails on him, but the most important thing was the opponent in front of him.

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