Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 163 This is the territory of the revolutionary army!

Zefa and Rosinandy remembered the book at the same time, which was awkward.

At present, neither Zefa nor Rosinandi knows that the other has read the book. Now is the time to compete with each other's acting skills.

Hahaha, I see. It seems that this South China Sea Federation has something to offer.

Yes, yes, Teacher Zefa, we have almost learned about this place. Can we go back? There is still training to be completed today.

Yeah, yeah, let's go back and exercise.

Back at the camp, Zefa locked himself in the room, opened his luggage, took out the book that Noah had given him a long time ago, and read it carefully, comparing it one by one with the current development of the country.

This article, citizens' right to education, is in its infancy and has not yet been fully universalized.

This article, land reform, has been completed, and everyone in the country has their own land.

This article, improve productivity, has, increases output, improves production efficiency, reduces costs and expenses, and optimizes. This is available.

Fuck, this is the revolutionary army!

Zefa couldn't help but utter a curse word. I really didn’t expect that there was a big fish. Big Fish fought with him wildly and humiliated him with words.

What's wrong with Teacher Zefa?

The soldiers at the door were a little confused when they heard Zefa's foul language inside. Teacher Zefa has been a bit talkative recently. He always wears casual clothes and hangs out with the new Rosinandi. Isn't this a street kid?

Ahem, it's okay.

No wonder, this country is so abnormal, has such a good attitude towards civilians, and some systems are so different from the common management model on the sea. This is clearly the plan of the hateful guy Noah, the so-called person who undermines the stability and unity of the South China Sea. Found it.

That guy Noah wants to destroy not just the South China Sea, but the whole world!

Thinking of this, Zefa got a little excited and planned to go find Yixiao and ask him. This guy who dared to ask whether what he did was just was hiding a lot.

After Rosinandi returned to the barracks, he also took out a book hidden in his luggage. Like Zefa, he studied the book and came to the conclusion that Teacher Noah was putting theory into practice. At present, It seems that there is no problem with those theories and they have completely solved the survival problem of this country. So what are the things that the world government has done? And what should I do? The adopted son of the Warring States Period fell into deep thought.

It can only be said that the fire transmission with actual products is very successful and is no longer a theoretical castle in the air.

Over there, Zefa angrily walked out of the barracks and walked along the street to the South China Sea Federation office.

But he slowed down as he walked, because he saw the residents on the roadside had smiles on their faces.

The spirit of this country is significantly different from the residents of other places, with a weak high-spirited spirit. It seems that as long as you are willing to work hard and work hard, there will be a better tomorrow.

Recalling the visit with Rocinante.

In a tavern, a worker who had just finished work said.

Now there is work to do, there is food to eat, and no pirates have come to burn, kill, and plunder. I have never thought of such a good life before. But

It's a pity that they came too late, and my lover didn't survive until this time. How long do you think we can live like this?

A nearby tavern owner answered:

Who knows, didn't that fishman leader of the South China Sea Federation say. Let us believe in them and arm ourselves at the same time. If there are bad people who come to destroy our lives, we can get through the difficulties as long as we unite.

There is some truth to this. We can’t rely entirely on others. We also have to be a little conscience. I will definitely give it a try when the time comes. My son is about to enter that new school. In the future, he can go to the South China Sea Federation to become an official or something. It's better than me selling wine here.

Others also commented on things they would never have said before.

This kind of satisfaction with the present life and fear of the future is the mentality of most people here.

At this time, Zefa was a little confused. He felt that his identity and position might not be a good person for the residents here.

He came to this tavern again, looking for someone to ask everyone what they thought of the navy.

Navy? Those guys in white?

How can we evaluate this kind of official?

Then you are wrong. The instructor of the South China Sea Federation going to the countryside said that there is no such thing as an official. We are all human beings. There is no need to divide them into different ranks.

There was an argument and the boss finally suppressed it.

Just ask the Navy what they think. Don't talk so much. Seeing that this guy bought so many drinks, you guys should have a good talk.

Ahem, let me say a few words. Navy, I heard that their leader has two words embroidered on his back, called justice, right?

Isn't this nonsense~ Let's just say that the navy who came here before waited until the pirates were gone and couldn't even follow them, for fear of having to say hello or something.

In the end, nothing was done, and there was still an attendance fee, this fee, and that fee. This is not much different from the open robbery of pirates. People have guns in their hands, and they can do whatever they say. In the end, pirates are afraid of the navy even if they come here. Come again, what is this? I see, they are in the same group.

Zefa's face burned when he said these words, and every word added by the others made his heart feel as if he had been stabbed by a knife. In the end, he walked back to the camp silently, and decided not to think about causing trouble for Yixiao again. Instead, he took out the book given by Noah and read it again. At the same time, he also considered it deeply based on the actual situation.

A few days later, the intelligence officer came back from the two neighboring world alliance countries, brought the intelligence he collected, and handed it over to Zefa.

There were internal changes in the two countries during this period, and there was speculation that they went to sea six months ago but were destroyed by waterspouts, etc. The intelligence officer specifically reminded that the waterspouts that destroyed the armies of the two countries were extremely abnormal and might have been caused by people with fruit abilities. Further investigation is required.

As for the South China Sea Federation, there is no big problem. Even the intelligence officers don't care about how the people at the bottom are living. Who cares about the survival of a small country in the South China Sea. There are also some petitions from the two world joining countries.

Unknown forces are hijacking small countries to join the South China Sea Federation, and the people are suffering unspeakably. As a member of the world, I wanted to contribute to the construction of the South China Sea, but unfortunately it was blocked by the enemy. I hope that the world government and navy can make the decision for the people and eradicate those who undermine the stability of the sea. Evil organization?”

Haha, Zefa sneered twice.

Okay, let's put the information here first, and I will report it to the marshal.


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