Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1618 Minato: Am I the Fourth Hokage?


At this time, Namikaze Minato was still a young man who was not yet married.

I have a girl who has a slightly hot temper and is a Jinchuuriki as my girlfriend.

He has just emerged and is already very powerful, but he has not yet achieved such brilliant achievements. He can be regarded as a small winner in the first half of his life.

On the opening day of an ordinary ramen shop, I received a mysterious mission.

Go to a place called Loulan in the desert within the Kingdom of Wind to explore information about the mysterious puppet.

Abnormal energy activity and golems are said to appear there.

It’s unclear how this information was known to the Sandaime, but he sent out such an S-class exploration mission anyway.

At this time, there were already signs of turmoil in the ninja world, and the atmosphere between countries was very tense.

It has been a certain period of time to recuperate and recuperate after the Second Ninja War, and there is only one point left before the outbreak of new and old hatreds.

So the overseas investigation mission was upgraded to S level. After saying goodbye to his beloved girlfriend, Minato set off.

Sneaking into the Kingdom of Wind was not difficult, and it was naturally easier with him bringing two very elite team members.

It wasn't until Loulan and the three of them realized that this task was indeed very skillful.

The resources deep in the desert are very limited, and there are not many conventional building materials.

But it is incredible that such a city with many towers could rise in this relatively backward place according to records.

There are so many puppets and huge amounts of alien chakra energy in the city, which all mean that there is a huge conspiracy shrouded here.

As they continued to investigate, they discovered the abnormal movement trajectory of the autonomous puppet, which seemed to be chasing someone.

So I immediately went to investigate, hoping to get additional information.

Minato's blue eyes were filled with a fierce expression, and there was no room for carelessness in the enemy's lair.

The two companions behind him were also very cautious. The level of ninjas at this time was not bad, and the bad ones were all dead.

Then a young Konoha ninja burst into the line of sight with a loud voice, using coquettish and meaningless movements to dodge attacks while constantly attracting more troops to encircle and suppress him.

The three of them looked at each other.

Minato, are you a Konoha ninja?!

Minato was a little unsure.

When Lord Hokage entrusted him with the task, he didn't mention any information about other ninjas involved. So was it a bait for the enemies in the city?

But isn't this flamboyant style of bait a bit exaggerated?

After hesitating for a moment, Minato realized that this Konoha ninja was most likely an unlucky guy who had wandered in.

The shadow clone technique is very mature, and his tactics and behavior are very reckless. His teacher must be an irresponsible person.

Minato's idea was met with a boomerang.

After Naruto graduated, his real teacher was Kakashi Hatake, Minato's direct disciple.

The teacher in the most critical growth period was Jiraiya, Minato's personal teacher.

So this truth is outrageous. Naruto's teachings were not based on conventional ninja methods.

The solid foundation of the shadow clone is also gained from the experience of being beaten to death countless times.

Maybe it was the inexplicable feeling of closeness, but when the opponent was in danger, Minato brought his team members to the battlefield instantly and settled everything.

He brought this new generation of Konoha to a hidden corner.

After the other party was bandaged, he enthusiastically advised Naruto to leave Loulan immediately. He had a feeling that a high-level battle was going to happen here, and this reckless brat was not allowed to participate.

Namikaze Minato had a relatively kind personality when he was in the village, but his behavior in the outside world was also very decisive and cold.

He did not torture Naruto, nor did he ask more questions before letting him leave quickly. This was probably the greatest kindness in his heart towards the young man in front of him.

The two subordinates also recognized the captain's strength and judgment, so they acquiesced in this less rigorous behavior.

It's just that Naruto, the kid, never listened to what he said, and decisively went to the gathering place of the puppets and saw the girl falling from the sky.

The protagonist's passive skill was triggered, and he made a brilliant appearance to catch Sarah who was pushed down and then received two slaps.

While the two were arguing, the Konoha team arrived again.

Princess Loulan and the Konoha ninja who accidentally intervened appeared together at the same time, and they had to appear again.

I originally wanted to observe the specific reasons for what happened here, but was disrupted again, so I had to make some inquiries about this Konoha ninja, but I always felt that the other person was not normal.

Five people gathered together in the corridor of the tower, and Sarah sat on the window sill with her eyes blank.

She is not a fool. How could she not mind being pushed down?

I have no idea what happened.

Naruto, on the other hand, was completely confused, what was this man in the golden hair mask talking about.

Unsuspectingly, he told the Konoha trio in front of him about his mission and that he had traveled from the ruins of Loulan.

Although it's ridiculous, it's just because it's so ridiculous that it seems real.

Minato believed this inexplicably. From the eyes, heartbeat and demeanor, it can be seen that this child does not seem to be a good liar.

Besides, the details of the chakra knife that the other party carries that can cut the puppet strings and some items are not in line with the technology and style of this era.

And then Naruto's words If you know anything, please tell me quickly made Aburame Shiya and Akimichi Tingza believe that this child was not a bad person.

This man is a fool.

How can one ask the other party about the mission content so straightforwardly?

If he could be killed on the spot in a fully alert wartime state, it would be a proper espionage act.

After letting down their guard, the three of them took off their masks and revealed their true faces. Minato, a warm-haired man with full aura, naturally gained Naruto's trust.

After gathering intelligence, Minato made a bold guess.

You and Baizu both returned here from the future through time and space ninjutsu.

It's just that he came to Loulan six years in advance and established this puppet city.

Anyway, as long as you defeat Baizu, you can go back.

Minato said these words with that absolutely reliable handsome face, which also boosted Naruto's confidence.

Otherwise, this kind of thing would be quite scary for a person in the past time and space, and there will still be very important things to do in the future.

At this moment, the very nervous Naruto looked at Minato's face and suddenly let out a exclamation.

Ah, I remembered it. Brother, I seem to have seen your face somewhere.

It is exactly the same as the Fourth Hokage on Hokage Rock.

? ? ?

Three faces were confused.

Shiya Aburame retorted directly, knowing that randomly claiming who is the heir to Hokage is a serious crime punishable by death.

If the news spread back to the village, it would have a very bad impact on Minato.

So it is said that it is still the period when the Third Hokage is in power. In the eyes of the people of Konoha, the Third Hokage, who is now in his prime, is still very early to retire.

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