Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1617 Big and small yellow hairs

During Boruto's story, he had to knock down powerful men from outer space one after another, and the top powerhouses all transformed into defenders of the earth.

The Otsutsuki clan extracts the energy of the planet to plant trees and eat the fruits, and the overlord of the universe invades.

Even the main force fighting against the enemy is the blood inheritor of the Otsutsuki clan. Does Kishimoto like Dragon Ball that much?

After clearing up his doubts, Noah had a bold idea.

An idea that could protect the planet, protect the timeline.

Of course we have to continue to observe, it’s not that simple.

For now, let’s listen to Orochimaru’s follow-up analysis.

The power of the dragon veins in the city is currently extremely strong, spreading over the city through those pipes.

A city completely different from the original Loulan has been built here relying on the power of the earth. You can tell from the ruins.

It is true that wind and sand cannot invade, and these energies are not only blocking the wind and sand, but more of a defense system.

Judging from the occasional appearance of puppet threads, it seems to be the work of the Sand Ninja Village. No, it is the traitorous Ninja of the Sand Ninja Village.

If those poor desert ghosts really master this power, this will definitely be the largest arsenal in the Kingdom of Wind, instead of remaining just a city.

Orochimaru easily grasped the information about Loulan City in this time and space.

As expected, he is a popular villain who can carry weight from Muji to Boruto. This ability is really strong.

There is another problem. I can't find the breath of humans. There are only puppets on standby in this city.

A puppet disguised as an ordinary person doesn't have much fighting power. The only role I can think of is acting.

It is most likely used to fool some high-level nobles who are not familiar with the world.

I want to think about Dragon Vein Simultaneous Space. Sarah.

So Loulan has experienced a huge change in this time and space. A sand ninja rebel came here and defrauded the right to use the dragon vein.

And with the Dragon Vein, it's hard not to have ambitions. Those mortals without wisdom are most likely preparing to unify the ninja world.

It's so boring.

Baizu's underwear was pulled out.

This theatrical version of the BOSS is easily classified into the boring trash category.

With the information about Loulan City in the old time and space, and all the information about the dragon veins, it is not surprising that Orochimaru, a perverted scientist with an IQ, could deduce it after getting the information.

He can even find the Uzumaki clan's death mask and release souls by himself. He is really a treasure of the Akatsuki organization.

Noah nodded, really wanting to applaud this arrogant guy.

Kushina also withdrew Kagura's inner eye at this time.

It is very stressful to perform exploratory ninjutsu in a place with such a strong aura of dragon veins, which means that only by constantly breaking the limits of her ability can she gain anything.

A large number of life forms were detected deep underground. There is not much room for movement. There is a high probability that they were captured.

There are only two places in the city that have the vitality of free movement, which are 700 meters in front and 2.5 kilometers to the right.

The group further away is approaching the special life individual.

This is the advantage of taking a top expert on a mission, almost putting everything in front of you.

All Noah had to say was a veiled observation.

Along with the sound of fierce fighting, a yellow-haired boy broke into the sight of the three of them.

This outfit caught the attention of Orochimaru and Kushina as soon as it popped up.

This kid looks familiar.

Konoha forehead protector, sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing orange sportswear, black shoulder pads, collar and sleeves.

He has short blond hair, blue eyes, and six beard-like textures on his cheeks.

A group of self-disciplined puppets are chasing behind him, and the light cannons are firing wantonly in the city without any scruples.

Kushina has begun to use higher-level perception ninjutsu to confirm some ideas.

Orochimaru started to comment unhurriedly.

The clone technique is performed very well, and there is abnormal stupidity in his clear eyes.

This Konoha ninja's combat power is extremely weird, his aura is very powerful but his combat literacy is not high.

The physical strength and vitality are beyond the scope of ordinary people, and the physical skills, countermeasures and even tactics are very crude or there is no such thing.

Even when he was running away in a hurry, he was still saying some complaints without answers.

They have a completely different temperament from those who have experienced the war.

It's like a ninja trained in a peaceful era.

Orochimaru's summary is very interesting. Ninjas who have experienced the battlefield have lost all their innocence. The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood is instantly recognizable with your nose.


She seemed to sense Kyuubi's aura.

With yellow hair and blue eyes, this silly boy Kyuubi might have something to do with him.

But have they traveled to the future?

But if it was the future, with myself and the Akatsuki organization here, there would be no way the child would be like this.

Even if the clothes are of low quality, there are not many ninjutsus, let alone sealing techniques.

A terrifying thought appeared in Kushina's mind. This child has an unknown hidden disease and why has he fallen like this?

Then she saw that the puppets had surrounded the young man, and in desperation, Kushina was ready to take action.

If you have any questions, just ask.

Even if it has nothing to do with him, he can't let Konoha's ninjas perish here.

No, someone is here to save him.

In this time and space, Noah's knowledge became particularly active. Without the will of the Six Paths Sage, the seal in the body cannot suppress the light that has recovered most of its injuries.

A special figure rushed over at an extremely fast speed and landed handsomely in front of the young man.

When there is no need to fly Thunder God, someone can be called a golden flash.


The ninja wearing an owl mask disappeared instantly with the little yellow fur boy, full of force.

The puppet was also destroyed by the opponent's companions using parasites and super-multiplying techniques.

That person is!

The little yellow fur Kushina was a little afraid to confirm, but the big yellow fur wearing the owl mask recognized it immediately.

I chose that cute mask for that bastard.

I don't know what kind of mental journey the first seal master in the ninja world went through, and his hands instantly clenched into fists.

There were tears and murderous intent in his eyes.

It was too much to leave her alive alone, and she was forced to live a life of missing her until Naruto was three years old.

Do you know the grievance of being trapped under the demon of the outside world, and the pain of being separated from your flesh and blood?

Although she doesn't understand why the big and small yellow hairs can meet in the same time and space, she only wants to do one thing now.

Orochimaru also recognized the people in the three-man team.

Akimichi Choza and Aburame Shiya, judging from their appearance and chakra reactions, they were around the time of the Third Ninja War.

This is really interesting, a person from the next generation, three people from this world, and us outsiders.

Dragon Vein is even more magical than I thought before.

What to do now?

Orochimaru looked at Noah very evilly.

Of course it's to help Konoha's ninjas complete their mission.

let's go!

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