Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1616 Dragon Veins and a Bold Idea

Along with Kushina's hand seal, a large amount of chakra condensed into a square spell formation.

Another identical sealing formation also appeared in the void.

The moment the two magic circles overlapped, Kushina showed a proud expression. It was indeed this backward sealing technique.

That's it?

As the chakra fluctuations adjusted and the sealing technique extended, the seal began to tremble.

The power of the earth awakens again, and the old Loulan site under your feet seems to come to life.

The data collection device deployed by Orochimaru emitted a piercing scream, indicating that the rise of the high-energy source was very dangerous.

It has surpassed Shukaku's level.

Seeing that the upper limit of the instrument was about to be exceeded, Orochimaru decisively put away his equipment and began to use the Shinkai brand detector.

The monster didn't expect the dragon vein to be so strong, so it was a little panicked by this growth rate.

More than me. Unpredictable.

Noah squinted his eyes for comparison, and said that it was better than Kyuubi.

This performance of the power of the earth is just an appetizer, even the Ten-Tails cannot compare with this in terms of pure energy level.

The last handprint is printed.


boom! !

The blue-white light pillar shot straight into the sky with surging power, and the sound of dragon roars actually echoed.

The extreme energy oppressed the real world, and space-time distortion occurred around the light pillar, causing everyone to retreat again and again.

This is the dragon vein?!

How did Loulan control it before?

Although everyone is often exposed to tailed beasts like the Nine-Tails, which are known as infinite chakra, the fluctuations released by the dragon's veins are still much inferior.

The monster under the light was horrified to find that its origin was being purified. After shouting, it was sealed and thrown into the mouth of the white snake.

It may be that turning over made the dragon's veins feel a lot more comfortable, so it didn't continue to erupt.

The height of the energy column is also gradually decreasing, otherwise I really worry that it will be detected by the outside world.

Otsutsuki is very sensitive to the power of the planet.

Kushina was constantly adjusting the strength of the seal to control the dissipation of energy, and to straighten out the rampant power of time, which was a little difficult.

Without the power of Queen Loulan's bloodline, it would take a lot more effort to heal.

And for some reason, she always wanted to go in during the operation, as it seemed that there was everything she wanted inside.

After Orochimaru saw the distortion of time and space, he also wanted to get closer and study it. It would be best to walk in and take a look.

Time and Space Ninjutsu is one of his biggest regrets. He has seen Flying Thunder God countless times and still can't get started.

Although I no longer have the ambition to learn all the techniques, the convenience of space ninjutsu is really eye-catching.

Just like this time, Noah took him across half of the desert in a blink of an eye. How miraculous it was.


Are we really going to walk in?

At this time, Uncle Snake suddenly calmed down. He was willing to devote himself to science.

It's just that Noah had better not go in there.

This bastard is the soul of the Akatsuki organization. If something unexpected happens,

Kushina also gave some advice, asking if it was a bit rash to travel through time and space.

She is very courageous and full of energy for such interesting things, but only for herself.

Can you come back?

Kushina didn't talk nonsense when it came to her own profession, and said she could do it very confidently.

The sealing array left here is the time and space coordinates, and it is somewhat similar to the Flying Thunder God. It is stress-free to control.

That's okay, I believe you.

At this point, Noah is just about to get to the last step of verification, and he won’t give up no matter what.

The general process of this world is on the right track, and the seeds of change have bloomed in every corner.

Even if there is an accident, it will not affect the changes in the world.

There has never been a fairy emperor or a savior. The truth has been said for a long time.

If they can still be overturned by traditional forces and Black Zetsu, then it can only be said that their disciples are too useless.

Besides, the Holy Grail in Noah's body is cheering for joy. As the degree of repair increases, the spirituality of this cup becomes stronger.

Itachi, stay here and guard.

If you have any questions, please contact headquarters for support.

So he walked in without waiting for anyone else to persuade him, and Orochimaru and the others could only follow helplessly.

We can't really let this bastard run away alone.

When Noah disappeared from this world, the Six Paths Immortal, who was between life and death, immediately sensed that his seal had disappeared.

I looked all over the continent and even looked at the moon several times but still couldn't find it. I suddenly felt a headache.

Where has this guy gone?

Hagoromo watched Noah lay out the world step by step and stabilize the bipolar pattern.

Technology, humanities, ideas, and communication are also constantly improving.

Although the bottom of the world is becoming more and more peaceful, it can be said that it has surpassed its own ninja sect.

But Noah has not yet figured out how to end the conflict and hatred between the two groups.

Wouldn't it be even worse if there was a world war that surpassed the previous ones?

Can dragon veins really travel through the world?

Immortals also have things they don’t know about.

With the penetration of the dragon vein, they also entered a wonderful passage.

Having lost the sense of gravity, we can only move forward along with the inexplicable force.

Finally, there was a flash of bright light, and they came to a city with many towers.

The style of the building complex is similar to that of ancient Loulan, but the level of splendor is completely different. The enamel-colored glass embellishments make it feel like a dream.

It's just that the people who came through time were all strong men who had experienced hundreds of battles. Except for Noah, who was seriously admiring it, the other two people started the mission process like ninjas.

The moment Orochimaru landed, he observed that there were no enemies around him, so he immediately activated the ninjutsu to shield his breath, and also used optical props for visual invisibility.

Then he began to explore the surrounding environment, using ninjutsu, instruments, psychic beasts, etc.

Kushina opened her palms and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the gossip in her palms was still there.

This is a sealing technique linked to the original time and space. As long as this is still there, you can return with the help of the dragon vein here.

In this case, she also came to see what was going on here. Could it be that she had traveled to other places?

Kagura Heart Eye! open!

ten minutes later.

Orochimaru completed preliminary exploration work at this time.

Sunlight, air composition, microorganisms, natural energy, chakra, and building materials are all exactly the same as our world.

But we didn't just travel through time, we also traveled through space together.

Because the connection with the Holy Land fluctuates a bit strangely, there is a high probability that the Orochimaru who signed the contract in this world is not myself.

This involves natural energy and the particularity of the soul, so I won't explain much.

Noah nodded, which solved his doubts.

This is not Loulan in his timeline, but the line that belongs to the original Shippuden.

The potential of the Naruto universe is really huge. No wonder the combat power of Dragon Ball can be transformed in the later stage.

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