Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1615 Time and Space Journey

In other words, it was during the Third Ninja World War that the dragon veins suddenly became silent, and the country was swallowed up because it was unable to use energy to create a barrier against the wind and sand.

Yes, my mother tried all methods but could not activate it, so she had no choice but to lead us out of our homeland after the end of the outside war.

Although it was sad to leave, it was also a helpless move.

After all, there are only a handful of ninjas in this world, and ordinary people like Loulan, who are moving across the country, really don't dare to mess around.

It was just the pressure of survival in the desert that caused the queen to pass away. As her successor, Sara led the people of Loulan to continue to struggle for survival until she met Weasel.

When Noah was listening to the story, he also used the color of knowledge to investigate. There was no sealed memory in the other party's mind, and there was no special aura.

The only doubt in the entire history is that the dragon veins were silent or sealed at that appropriate time period.

While at the station, the master and the apprentice began to look for some records in the ancient books brought out by Lou Lan.

Unfortunately, there are only records in the past few hundred years, and nothing has happened to Dragon Vein.

Let's go, it seems that Xin Loulan can't provide any clues.

The master and apprentice, who had said goodbye to the city lord for the time being, took the old map and headed to the original site of Loulan.

A very ordinary city ruins, the remains of several towers are scattered in this area, and there are no other magnificent buildings.

The ruins are mixed with the wind and sand, and it is estimated that even these traces will disappear in a few years.

Without Baizu using the power of dragon veins to activate the puppet technique for construction, the original Loulan would have been at this level.

It is definitely much more advanced than other places, but it is impossible to build that kind of self-disciplined puppet and ultra-modern tower city.

This kind of development method of Baizu can be used as a reference.

This place is even more dilapidated than the last time I came here. This is the power of time.

Wind escape. Pressure!

Before he could say another word, a terrifying chakra fluctuation burst out around Itachi.

Huge winds blew in the desert in an unscientific way. The endless storm carried countless tons of yellow sand and flew into the distance, and the world was dark.

The genius of Uchiha has a better understanding of what humanoid natural disasters are.

Noah said that he was not interested in the history of Loulan. It would be interesting to let the traces of the ancient Loulan country reappear in the world to look for clues.

Okay, let's go to the core area of ​​the dragon vein. We're in a hurry.

Following the map, we came to an underground space, where a lonely stone pillar platform stood in the abyss.

Noah recognized it when he got here. This was the landmark core of Dragon Veins in the original timeline.

His eyes flashed red.

He used his knowledge to forcefully break through the original seal.

With the beginning of the Cold War, fire has blossomed everywhere on the earth.

The feedback given to oneself has increased exponentially, and the injuries in the Holy Grail and the body are also recovering simultaneously.

Domineering nature can naturally seep into more things, and seeing, hearing, and color has become the most trusted means of detection.

After a while, I also knew what the dragon vein was.

You can sense terrifying power fluctuations underground, which can be expressed in the form of chakra or natural abilities. It depends purely on what power the user needs.

If we insist on talking about the origin, it is the power of the planet itself.

It’s really Gaia.

Suddenly a thought came out.

Then if I use the Holy Grail to collect the ideological sparks of intelligent life to repair myself, wouldn't I be a different kind of Alaya?

Noah wanted to laugh inexplicably. The potential of the Ninja Continent or this universe is quite powerful.

As for the reason why Sarah's bloodline can control a little bit of energy, it is not important at all. It is just another story from a long time ago.

There are many ways to obtain power in the extraordinary world.

What worries him is that there is also a familiar force of time and space. When he used the Gate Fruit in the past, he can feel similar fluctuations when he uses the Flying Thunder God now, and even when he travels across the world.

It's tricky with a power trait like this.

As for the reason for the silence of the Dragon Vein, he couldn't figure it out, so he was trying to shake people up again.

At this time, the more I realize the importance of strength in numbers.

When Orochimaru and Kushina arrived with their equipment, this dragon vein research finally began.

Kushina kept walking around the core, making a few seals from time to time, and her face became more and more solemn.

Her feeling is that this place has been sealed, and the sealing method is not very clever, which is similar to her level ten years ago.

I just can't find where the sealing circle is.

Orochimaru took out a bunch of equipment and placed them around to collect data.

Looking at the instrument that went berserk as soon as it was turned on, he knew he was dealing with something big. This dragon vein was countless times more terrifying than he imagined.

So he summoned a big white phosphorus snake with his backhand, and took out a crystal ball covered with seals from the snake's mouth.

The originally crystal clear sphere was filled with purple-black mist, and occasionally an eye could be seen in it.

What Eye of Sauron?

Is this...a monster?

Well, I built a portable cage and brought it out. This thing has a keen sense of alien energy, and it has lived for a very long time. It knows a lot of things.

As he said that, Orochimaru cast the restraint, and lightning and thunder immediately occurred inside the crystal ball.

Ahhhh~~~~Damn it~~~~human beings!!!

The monster is pretending to be sleeping, but unfortunately the owner of the prop is not a good person.

Don't pretend to be dead, tell me the information about the dragon's veins.

I can't ah ah ah ah. I said, I said, please be gentle.

The monster couldn't stand up at all in front of the perverted human scientists. These demons didn't even want to kill it or seal it.

But use it, or squeeze it.

Demons without human rights can only live a miserable life in the face of human malice. I really miss the sealing monument of the Kingdom of Demons.

It's just that the demon didn't say anything about the reason, and it was basically the same as what everyone knew.

In their time, communication was inconvenient, and they were basically frighteningly distorted legends.

The only difference is that in ancient times, there was a legend about dragon veins that referred to a passage that could lead to another world.

It is a different world similar to this world. The corresponding people or monsters in it may be exactly the same, or they may be completely opposite.

parallel world? Noah kind of understands.

At this time Kushina also came over.

The power of the dragon vein should be blocked by a seal, and the method is the method of the Uzumaki clan.

It is not difficult to remove the seal itself, it is just hidden in another time and space.

I need time to crack.

Orochimaru was curious about how to crack it if there was no space and time.

The sealing technique can seal time and space, and naturally it can also connect time and space. Isn't the Flying Thunder God also a type of sealing technique?

I see.

Noah nodded, time and space.

Then he walked aside and began to think about the inspiration that this dragon vein brought to him. I always feel that the usage of this thing is very important.

Orochimaru was ignited with greater interest. How could a scientist not be fascinated by such a mysterious space-time phenomenon?

Three days later.

The seal can be broken through resonance, but I don't know if it will have other effects.

For example?

For example, within the envelope, we will have a journey through time and space.

.Then go and have a look.

Sorry, my work has changed a lot these past two days. A small question, how do you find a job after being granted flexible employment?

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