Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1614 Theatrical version without plot

The land of wind.

Itachi took his teacher on the train to the Kingdom of Wind, passing several cities and oases smoothly along the way.

The goal of their trip is very clear, which is to go to a new city deep in the desert.

New Loulan City, the pearl in the desert.

“The city lord Sara was originally the queen of a small country in a closed area, and it is said that she can resonate with the legendary dragon veins.

But the increasingly bad living environment forced them to leave their original hometown.

After migrating out, it was very difficult for the tribe to survive, and they were completely unable to integrate into the system of the Kingdom of Wind at that time.

I happened to need a base, so I gained trust at the cost of helping Loulan introduce the famous names to integrate into the country.

The plan to rebuild Loulan City was a step towards integrating the resources of the Kingdom of Wind. At that time, Senior Xie and Senior Jiaodu both provided a lot of help.

Itachi was very fond of this city, and it could be said that New Loulan City was the base established with his help.

It's not easy to find such a suitable ally in the early stage.

And he has never understood how this group of people survived in the desert before. Both their combat power and survival skills were very ordinary.

The culture passed down through history is very ancient, and Itachi doesn't really believe that the dragon veins are protecting them.

Even if there is really the protection of the legendary dragon vein, why doesn't it continue to protect the ethnic group?

Out of caution, Itachi went to the original location of Loulan.

It is an ordinary gathering place eroded by wind and sand, no different from other abandoned countries in the desert.

A report was made about this matter, and the Xiao organization approved the support after confirming that there were no problems.

Noah looked thoughtful.

Was it because of the war and the sudden harshness of the natural environment that it moved away from the original location and was forced to abandon the Dragon Vein rather than because it was destroyed?

Because there is more of me in this timeline, garbage like Baizu should not exist, or there should be no chance to expand ambitions.

There is no such thing as the Yondaime leading the team to Loulan during the Third World War, and Kakashi did not find this in the mission records.

Why can't a good dragon vein protect the clansmen?

Noah was very wary of this thing.

Half of the changes in the five major countries have passed, and all the variables in the shinobi world have been eliminated one by one.

The monsters that Kushina dealt with, the Box of Bliss that Scorpio recovered, and the lunar exploration that was still being prepared were all cleanup work to ensure that there would be no mistakes in the subsequent war plan.

It's like the pirate world wiped out all the so-called dark kings, pirate kings, or dominant pirate heroes before the decisive battle.

He didn't want any other surprises to happen when dealing with Princess Kaguya. Enemies in the real world were not fools.

Dragon Vein is the thing that Noah is most worried about.

The lifeblood of the earth contains energy that transcends other parts of the earth. If used carelessly, it is very likely to destroy the entire earth.

This description can be seen in many disasters and is no longer surprising.

If only the huge and endless energy could be easily utilized by the Akatsuki organization, the monster would be glowing in the laboratory now.

It is said that Orochimaru likes this thing's ability to absorb the power of polluted nature very much, and it plays a very good role in his research and development.

But the power of traveling through time and space accompanied by dragon veins is a big problem.

No one knows whether the time travel in the Naruto world really travels to the previous timeline to exert influence, or whether it is a flashpoint restart like The Flash.

That's why I took action in person this time.

Noah must figure out such a complicated thing, and traveling through the timeline is a negative surprise for him.

Maybe some dog can't play it and he comes to take advantage of the dragon's veins, which will be a devastating blow to the progress of the revolution.

While I was thinking about it, the train arrived at the station.

The two of them walked down with their luggage, and Itachi nodded happily as he looked at the platform where people were coming and going and there were a lot of goods.

After just one year of absence, this city has become more prosperous.

As long as you can catch this railway, even the specialties in the city can be prosperous.

As the only railway hub for hundreds of miles around, City Lord Sara's business approach is very directly centered around transportation capacity.

Food, drinking water, hotels, freight, commodity distribution centers.

The comprehensive supporting facilities and services make businessmen favor this city. It is rare to find a perfect place to stay during a long journey to the desert.

The price paid was to help Itachi spread the ideas of the Akatsuki organization.

Ah, it's Mr. Itachi.

Mr. Itachi is back, everyone!

As the great benefactor who saved Loulan, Itachi's status here is almost equal to that of the city lord.

As soon as I walked out of the station, I saw Sarah coming to greet me.

The middle-aged red-haired woman is holding a child in her hands. This age is just right compared to the time of the movie version.

It seems that with Itachi's intervention, the former heroine Sara is doing well.

Welcome back, Itachi-kun

Welcome too, Lord Noah.

He gave Noah a big salute but was stopped by Itachi, knowing that the teacher didn't like this.

As for why Sara knew about Noah, it was very simple. Loulan had already completed the integration with the Kingdom of Wind and had some information about the ninja world.

The Western Continent Convention had its own newspaper, and relied on the convenience of the railway system to bring all kinds of information to the ends of the earth.

Sarah naturally knew about this person's existence, and she also understood what Noah represented.

That is a big man who spans half of the ninja world, and is currently the strongest person in the ninja world.

It is a great opportunity for this person to set foot in the small city of Loulan.

Whatever the other party brings out can rewrite the city's fate again.

After a simple reception process, we arrived at the City Lord's Mansion. Noah had a lot of things to deal with every day, so he asked the question straight to the point.

I came here to learn about the dragon veins.

Dragon Veins.

Sarah hadn't heard of this name for a long time. She used to be proud of dragon veins and no longer paid much attention to it.

Only when you come to the outside world do you know what the vastness of the world is.

Ninjas who are as powerful as gods, the road of life paved in the desert, and the good fortune to follow the railway to new towns in the Land of Rain to negotiate trade, all of which are countless times more magical than the dragon veins.

So when I heard this big shot asking about dragon veins, I was really in a daze.

Does the dragon vein that their family has guarded for generations have other secrets? But it has nothing to do with myself.

Loulan has canceled the title of queen and implemented a new political system, and the mission has been automatically terminated the moment the Dragon Veins fell silent.

So it was very easy to speak out the contents that had been kept secret before.

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