Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1613: Defending the Enemy in the Universe

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so frantic as to find someone to assassinate a powerful Uchiha man.

With the daimyo's platform and the perfect silence from Sand Ninja Village, this country has basically fallen.

This is the current situation in the Western Continent Convention countries.

Go to the other side of the big map.

The countries of the Eastern Ocean Convention are very encouraging and are still working hard to catch up.

The Kingdom of Water has surpassed the version of the Kingdom of Wind and is approaching the shape of the Kingdom of Rain.

As a high-ranking politician, Sarutobi Hiruzen completely controlled the country and all the forces within it.

All the plans implemented are many times more radical than those of the Kingdom of Wind, and basically all the nobles have been killed.

The power of capital is almost entirely in its own hands, which is a bit centralized.

If it weren't for the welfare system and labor system implemented by the Akatsuki organization, he would be the kind of person who would really dare to commit the crime of sabotage.

What the people of the Water Country promote is the new will of water, which is taken from the vast ocean that gathers the people to support the symbol of this country.

There is almost no difference between the modified version of will provided by Noah and the new will of fire. The two can be connected almost seamlessly, and it is definitely a modern ninja culture.

Although Hei Jue criticized this, he saw that the various policies currently imitating the Western Continent Convention have brought endless benefits, so he didn't say much.

From the perspective of the immortal species, these thoughts, ideas and words are just deception, a tool of the ruler.

Over the millennium, we have seen many heroes of each generation speak out their will loudly and then fight fiercely.

The same is true for Senju Hashirama, the same is true for Sarutobi Hiruzen, and there is a high probability that Noah is.

Human beings~~~~

The transformation of the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder is still progressing slowly.

The Tsuchikage and Raikage have always adhered to their duties as ninjas, trying to curb their desire to expand their power, and let the ninjas belong to the ninja, and the famous people belong to the daimyo. They are really pure shadows.

The two Kages seemed to be aware of the ideological crisis, and were making new plans and restraints for the ninjas in the village.

It's just that after the shackles of people's hearts were opened, they were no longer able to control it.

In other words, the ninjas and merchants of the two villages have already begun to expand their minions and scope of power in a tacit understanding.

The method of borrowing is to promote the will of stone and the will of thunder in the village.

Noah provided hundreds of millions of little help in this regard.

With the name of the new town of Freedom City, ninjas from the five major countries can come here through escort missions to complete the handover.

You can also take a vacation when you have nothing to do. There is no national or occupational discrimination.

Rich entertainment and cultural activities, as well as novel products and future science that represent miracles, are extremely attractive to most people.

Entertainment parties, movies, TV series, stage plays, and novels are all the specialty of Rain Country.

Mid-year shopping festival, year-end promotions, discount stacking and other games have everyone fascinated.

The cocktail party held by Kakuzu, the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization, is a high-end party that countless wealthy businessmen are willing to spend huge amounts of resources to attend.

The awarding ceremony of the Noah Scientific Progress Award is the highest award in the new ninja world's scientific community and the highest dream of countless new generation scientific researchers.

Deidara, as the culprit who caused Onoki to participate in the first surface war, fell like this.

The art in his dream is endless, and the decadent ninja world cannot carry the boy's future.

Under Itachi's deliberate development, he is now a glorious underground member of the Akatsuki organization, relying on the resources and knowledge provided by the organization to go further and further on the road of art.

Now it has reached a level that Onoki has to pay attention to, especially when anti-Star Wars needs a banner.

There are similar characters in Yunyin, but they don't have such outstanding talents.

It must be said that the Fourth Raikage is a very charismatic figure, and his attraction to top talents is still very strong.

Moreover, the atmosphere in the village is relatively open, so it is of little significance to carry out underground work.

In short, in every village there are excellent underground workers who spread their will and influence other people through various means.

Those with extraordinary talents are better at thinking. This is the original normal state of the ninja world, and it is also something that the shadows of each village can accept.

The enlightenment of ordinary citizens was carried out by businessmen.

The caravans traveling from north to south spread the idea that Noah was buried in this city to the bottom of the two countries.

The blossoming of enlightenment or the liberation of desires has become the norm in the entire ninja world.

The system of one country and one village is crumbling and disintegrating, which the two actors may or may not know.

People are becoming more and more aware of the value and significance of their own existence, and the imprisonment of their thoughts has been ended by the Kingdom of Rain, the Akatsuki Organization, and the Moon Organization.

By the time the Star Wars project is fully rolled out, more and more industries will be involved, and changes in general trends are no longer within the control of just big names.

Itachi looked at the materials and inspected the entire map of the Ninja Continent again to see if there was anything missing and nodded with satisfaction.

The teacher's artificial cold war strategy is really a dimensionality reduction attack.

The will of the Akatsuki organization has covered most areas after putting on various vests. It can be said that the ninja world has unknowingly fallen under the teacher's spell.

True and false, good and evil, change and conservatism, all kinds of thoughts collide in the brain.

The throbbing in the Sharingan became more intense, but was suppressed by the owner of the eye.

The eye of spiritual reflection requires a more specific wish and a strong inducement.

The current state is not good enough. Itachi's ambition and courage are not comparable to something like the Night of Genocide.

Teacher, are the enemies we have to fight against in Star Wars very strong?

He would rather give up the safe method and use such a radical Cold War confrontation to drag down the rapid rise of the ninja, which shows that the enemy is so powerful that the teacher also needs help.

The enemy has strong individual combat power, and also has terrifying forces across the stars.

And they all have brain problems. They are a race that cannot get along with us.

For the sake of peace in the ninja world, we can only kill them all.

All idiots in Otsutsuki must die, this is the tone set.

There is no cure for the race to improve itself by draining energy from the planet and eating people.

The setting of the spiritual fruit tree of the Overlord of the Universe is really familiar, but the battle power Dragon Ball version is not easy to fight.

Of course, the first problem to face is the moon that is right in front of us.

Hagoromo and Hamura are still reliable when it comes to beating their mother, but their ability to raise offspring is really poor.

A reincarnation contest that lasted for thousands of years turned the ninja world into a battlefield.

One is that future generations gouge out their own eyes to make super weapons and play the role of planetary observers. This is some kind of Savin act.

It is really simple and crude to destroy the world if the ninja world falls.

So Noah decided to deprive the other party of his rights and let Otsutsuki's descendants return to dust.

The moon must be taken down.

The surface of the moon in this world is not much different from other worlds, but there is an inner earth world inside.

There are even advanced ninja technologies such as artificial sun technology, puppet army, energy utilization, etc.

As for the relationship between the reincarnated eye and the white eye, it can only be said to be extra power. Although it is valued, it is not regarded as the core.

With the inner earth world, troops and supplies can be transported from the Ninja Continent to establish outposts, which can effectively resist the invasion of Otsutsuki.

The combat effectiveness of each subsequent Otsutsuki is very powerful. Fighting in any densely populated village or town will cause civilization to regress.

Circle Eyes doesn’t care about the world, Noah does.

Opening up the lunar surface as a second battlefield is the most suitable role.

As for Kaguya and the Sage of Six Paths.

Since Kaguya has always wanted to come out, let’s come out.

The seal was just the dignity and protection Liu Dao left for my mother. Even if he couldn't kill her at the time, Liu Dao would definitely be able to do it later.

Noah was kind-hearted and could not bear to see such a twist between mother and son. I can't see Madara's dream being impossible to realize, and he will definitely help Eye of the Moon implement it in the end.

After all, how could he kill her if he didn't come out? Who told this woman to eat the fruit of the sacred tree?

The chakra spread in the Ninja Continent contains her will, and Noah must not leave such a time bomb behind.

Whether the Six Paths Sage will conflict depends on his choice.

Although the other party protected Noah once when he first entered the ninja world, in this matter, I hope Liudao can maintain his setting of being free from life and death.

Itachi, hold on tight here in the Kingdom of Wind.

We don't have much time left.

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