Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1612 Map of the Ninja World

In Noah's office.

The map of the Ninja Continent is being recolored, and Itachi has become a secretary again here.

Teacher, it seems that the overall revolutionary process in the Western Continent and the Eastern Ocean is still in line with the standards.

After the determination to live a good life is guided, people will spontaneously find a way. We just give the right guidance at the right time.

Noah didn't feel this as deeply as the local ninjas, but for Uchiha Itachi, who had been on the battlefield at a young age, the change was too great.

Although the apparent confrontation has become increasingly fierce, for ordinary people and even ordinary ninjas, it is the most peaceful and beautiful era.

Ordinary people can go to school, get a salary, and even take vacations.

Lower-level ninjas also have higher rewards and more channels to obtain ninjutsu.

A strange thought came to Uchiha Itachi's mind, that is, the teacher's heart is really greedy, and he doesn't know what satisfaction is.

Think while working with a paint pen.

The Kingdom of Ghosts and the Kingdom of Swamp have been painted red, and the small countries to the west have also changed their colors long ago, and the farthest reaches have reached the Kingdom of Snow.

After joining the Western Continent Convention, these small countries can be said to have caught a fast and stable ride.

Very little is paid, and hardly anything of value is provided except for the featured minerals.

But what he got was priceless. A railway lifeline starting from the Country of Rain and extending directly to the Country of Snow was Noah's big plan.

This kind of project, which is difficult to obtain returns in the short term, can only be sold by him. He has even fooled many middle-level wealthy businessmen and marked street lamp candidates into investing.

After reviewing the incident, Itachi couldn't help but lament that the teacher was lucky to have lofty ideals, otherwise the world would have been a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Behind the construction of the Western Railway was a bloody scam.

At that time, the Akatsuki organization was also very strapped for funds, and the teacher was unwilling to compress the budget for other projects.

The capitalists and petty aristocrats can only suffer.

Coinciding with the opening of the cross-border railway between the two countries, everyone was shocked by the benefits of this railway line.

The output of a country's resources and the world's largest commercial transit hub erupted into a dazzling golden light.

The data every day is astronomical, and the number of people coveting railway projects has also increased dramatically.

I don’t know how many banquets there were for the head of the railway company.

The Kingdom of Wind is a big country, and the daimyo and nobles as well as the Sand Ninja Village Akatsuki organization all need this revenue.

What's your level? Do you dare to interfere with this?

Noah, who was tired of being asked questions at a cocktail party, still had to come up with this alternative plan.

Earn a little bit, don't be too greedy. The repayment period is a bit long but the prospects are good, so that's the amount.

The good man Noah made a number at random and made everyone present climax.

I'll give you a hand on the things invested by the Konoha United Consortium. Who can tell me that I'm kind-hearted.

Finance Minister Kakuzu fell to his knees, weeping and begging not to give out any more shares.

If Noah insists on going his own way, he will impeach this distribution plan that should not exist at the Akatsuki organization meeting.

It's just that someone has made up his mind to provide certain benefits to his family.

In the end, the investors gratefully accepted the huge leftovers.

Then a sinkhole slowly emerged.

There are many problems during the construction process, including geographical factors, technical reasons, and workers' demands for higher wages, otherwise they will go on strike and other accidents.

The progress of the construction period is slightly different from that of the Kingdom of Wind, and the rate of return after opening is also horribly low.

Someone couldn't sit still and invited Noah to a banquet again.


I told you that I shouldn't have brought you to invest together in the first place. If you guys hadn't repeatedly begged me to give you a chance?

When Kakuzu knelt on the ground to stop the investment, what was your face like?

How long have you been wanting to lie down and collect money?

This is a long-term deal. Do you think the railway is a money printing machine?

Noah was furious and everyone fell to the ground to admit their mistake.

Then the wise man sadly taught the truth about doing business.

The key to the development of Xiao organization to such a large scale lies in the completeness of the project!

It's not like you haven't seen how much we have invested in the Kingdom of Wind and how long we have provided technical assistance.

Even a gold mine has to be dug. The railway just gives you a shovel. How you dig it depends on the subsequent investment.

“How can we get more and faster returns in small countries if we don’t invest money in developing them?”

In short, just investing in railways is not enough, the country’s internal resources also need to be developed.

A bigger pie was thrown out by Noah, and it was very fragrant.

Vote, keep investing!

Everyone knows the subsequent story. Except for Nara Shikaku, all other ninja clans in the Konoha United Consortium were wiped out, and bankruptcy was considered a minor matter.

There were only a few big businessmen and ordinary nobles who persisted until the end.

In the end, the Akatsuki organization had no choice but to come forward and bought back the operating rights of the railway and a large number of projects at a very low price.

This act of kindness made everyone cry and sigh, Mr. Noah is such a good man.

The railway tracks laid in red were built in this way, and they also revitalized the economy of backward areas.

Itachi felt that he had learned a lot and grown a lot, but most of the Sharingan's genjutsu was still superficial.

The most powerful illusion can confuse everyone's will and eyesight. It cannot stick to the form. From this, we can also see the horror of the Eye of the Moon.

Later, the liberation movement in the Kingdom of Wind also borrowed some methods and became much smoother.

When Itachi walked up to the Land of Fire with the paint, he was a little confused. What color should he use?

The original base color of the Fire Nation was red, and it was also turning red inside.

The infiltration plan targeting all strata of the Fire Country has been going smoothly, and a large number of factories have sprung up in various places in the Fire Country.

Investment in forced education and training is also constantly increasing, and the proportion of workers is rising rapidly.

At the same time, new classes were being born, and conflicts and contradictions between them and the nobles were increasing.

The traditional distribution of rights and interests is increasingly unable to satisfy the appetite of the new class.

Konoha's support for the nobles headed by the Fire Nation's daimyo has been declining year by year, which has also made some people more and more bold.

There is no need to provoke, the fighting in secret is already ugly.

At this stage, the outstanding graduates that the Akatsuki organization has continuously cultivated are constantly guiding ordinary people to awaken.

In other words, after excluding Konoha as a military group in the Fire Nation, the traditional nobles and emerging capitalists are now competing.

And ordinary people they never cared about are also awakening. In the future, there will be a confrontation between the three forces.

As long as the time comes, the other two parties can take down the Daimyo and completely change the system of the Fire Country.

Of course, there is no doubt that the revolution of the majority led by the Akatsuki organization will ultimately win.

Itachi thought for a moment, but still didn't change the color of the Fire Nation.

He turned his hand and painted the Kingdom of Wind on the side a little red.

The situation in the country with the second largest national style within the convention is becoming increasingly clear.

Itachi himself has been active in this country for so many years, plus he has learned Teacher Noah's Frost Moon Kendo and the use of realistic illusions that he has learned.

It can be said that we are only one step away from entering a new realm.

It is difficult to deal with the post-era version of the native aristocrats, and the traditional forces are at the end of their game.

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