Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 162 Noah, is that you?

In the conference room, Zefa and Yixiao sat opposite each other.

Can you tell me now why you are fighting with me?

Yixiao did not reply, but threw out a stack of documents and motioned for Zefa to take a look.

“In February 1507 of the Haiyuan calendar, pirates attacked and burned the coastal towns, leaving the port unscathed.

In April 1507 of the Haiyuan calendar, it was forced to provide most of its finances to the world's member countries in an attempt to exchange for protection.

In July 1507 of the Haiyuan calendar, pirates attacked again. Afterwards, the Nanhai Navy investigated the situation and settled the matter.

At the end of the year 1507 of the Hainan calendar, two neighboring countries went to war on their own territory because of missing soldiers. They reported the matter to the navy, but received no reply.

Finally, who will save us?

This stack of documents records in detail the struggle of this country in the final stage. The South China Sea Navy came countless times, but the results did not change. On the contrary, every time it came, it brought some disasters. The more Zefa looked, the angrier he became. Could he see any problems in this?

So, Navy, why are you here this time? This country has just ushered in a new life and cannot withstand the baptism of war. However, in order to survive, some battles are impossible to avoid!

This... I will ask the intelligence officers accompanying the army to investigate these matters seriously. The reason we came this time is because we received reports from allied countries around the world that someone is subverting the regime in the South China Sea and destroying the unity and stability of the sea.

Destroy the peace? This country has currently joined the South China Sea Federation, an alliance of small countries in the South China Sea that has not been officially reported to the world government. I was invited by these countries to protect them.

Maybe my justice is more acceptable to them.

Damn it, this blind swordsman is talking about justice in front of the navy. Zefa can't bear this kind of ridicule!

Do you know what justice is?

How about a federation that feeds the people, gives them a safe living environment, improves their quality of life, and has access to education? What I am responsible for is giving them a safe living environment, and it is also because of such righteous deeds , will come here.”

We will investigate these ourselves! Zefa replied firmly.

I got it. Please take a serious look at what kind of life the people living here live. Also, please take a serious look at why the people here lived like this before.

We will.

Zefa was very depressed. He didn't seem to win the fight, his position was a bit untenable, and he didn't say he won. Extremely annoyed, damn Sengoku, isn't he deliberately trying to retaliate against me?

When Malinfando's Sengoku sneezed, it must have been the old guy Zefa scolding me.

The moment he walked out of the door, Yixiao stopped, looked at Zefa, and asked the last two questions.

“May I ask, are all your thoughts and deeds righteous?

I would like to ask, is delayed justice considered justice?

Without waiting for a reply, he walked out. Zefa was left alone in the room with a feeling of chest tightness, because he found that all the topics were guided by a smile, and he did not ask what kind of country the South China Sea Federation was until the end of the conversation.

This is one of the psychological tactics taught by Noah. Leaving the last sentence blank can make the other party worry about it for a long time. Sure enough, Zefa didn't sleep at all that night and was not feeling energetic at all.

The intelligence officer was called in the next day and asked to conduct a thorough investigation on who was undermining the stability and order here in the past few years, as well as investigating the South China Sea Federation. He won't listen to one thing or another. He hasn't suffered this kind of disadvantage since he was 25 years old.

Then Zefa himself changed into regular clothes and went to understand the situation with ordinary people in this small country.

The problem is that after he changed into regular clothes, he looked a bit like a good guy, with purple hair, black sunglasses, explosive muscles, and some exposed scars, which seemed unfair.

After hitting a few walls, I found Rosinandy, who was struggling in boot camp. This young man is more like an ordinary person in terms of height and body shape. With short blond hair, harmless eyes and temperament, he is really suitable for communication.

Rosinandi, this mission is to investigate the real living standards of the people in the South China Sea Federation to see if the blind swordsman lied. Originally, such a small matter could be left to the intelligence officer, but it is too official and it is difficult to investigate in-depth. I’ll leave the private investigation to you.”

Yes, Teacher Zefa.

Then the two men came out onto the street again.

Hey, hasn't that purple-haired gangster been here before? Why did he bring someone here again this time? Could he have kidnapped him? Do you want to notify the federal guard?

Hearing such words made Old Zefa blush. You ignorant guys, I am a former admiral of the navy. Do you say this in front of my new students? Does it make me a little embarrassed?

Rosinandi still has some emotional intelligence, and staying silent at this time is the greatest help to Teacher Zefa.

Ahem, when I came out to see this country a few days ago, maybe because I showed a little bit of temperament, people misunderstood me.

Yes, yes, Teacher Zefa, I understand. Just leave such trivial matters to me.

Rosinandi quickly integrated into the group at a speed that Zefa could not imagine. Seeing this blond kid talking and laughing with everyone, Zefa could do nothing but sit far away and judge people by their appearance. .

I have to say that Rocinante's temperament is really gentle. Because of his fruit ability and being an undercover agent, he couldn't speak in the past few years. After ending his undercover career, Rosinandy returned to normal life and was no different from a talkative person. He was suitable for chatting with those people about their parents' insecurities.

After visiting Rosinandi for several days, the final result was that the South China Sea Federation was abnormal, very abnormal. How can there be such a ruling class that cares about the people? There are actually people who provide guidance on farming. What the hell is scientific farming? Can the yield per mu be increased? And scientific breeding? Let the common people not only eat, but also eat meat? Postpartum Care of Sows sounds like a peerless book upon hearing it.

What’s even more incredible is that taxes are also at normal levels, with no unnecessary taxes. Public security was handled by a special team. All the incoming pirates and some robbers were beaten away, and all the slow runners were arrested and tried. Those who committed serious crimes were directly executed, and those who committed minor crimes were reformed through labor.

And schools are still being built to give children the opportunity to receive education. What kind of paradise country is this? Are you so rich?

Zefa and Rosinandi both looked like they were seeing a dreamland, but they felt very familiar, as if they had seen such a future somewhere before.


Come to think of it, isn’t this Noah’s book?

Changing the world starts with small things

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