Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1609 God of War and Disaster

So, it will be the same wherever you choose to store the materials in the Rain Country.

As soon as he said this, everyone understood why the Kingdom of Rain was a restricted area for stealing intelligence. Even the famous Ah Fei had never succeeded here.

Then it is unlikely that they will complete the mission, and they may even make meaningless sacrifices.

Seeing that the morale had plummeted, Nepenthes spoke, and he had a reason why he had to come.

We couldn't enter the Kingdom of Rain before due to some inconvenient reasons.

This time we have to fight for the peace of the Eastern Ocean Convention.

Let's make the tiger flee the mountain!

Ah Fei will take the initiative to attract Noah's attention, and I will distract the other leaders. I'll leave the information to you all!

Ah Fei really doesn’t want to.

Before, he had a chance to escape after being beaten into a dog by others, but when he met Noah, he was really not sure whether he could survive.

It's just that Hei Jue almost went crazy this time and mobilized all his hidden secrets, just to find out the truth about this plan that pointed directly at the moon.

He even expressed his determination to use the resurrection coin once, which he couldn't refuse.

After all, it's for Lin.

As long as I escape from the new town, I will be sure to take him out of the Rain Country!

The Masked Man and Nepenthes have gained recognition through their hard work and heroic deeds over the years.

And even Noah, the most dangerous factor, has been eliminated, so what else do they have to worry about.

Those who were present to perform the mission were all powerful jonins with names and surnames. If they didn't dare to take such risks, they wouldn't be able to grow up today.

Okay, let's do it!

The spores have been possessed, and the challenge for Obito and Black Zetsu is about to begin.

Under night, the team members have arrived at the hotel in the new town and are waiting for the signal.

I have said that in the Country of Rain, no matter where you come from, as long as you have not committed any crime, there are no restrictions.

Obito and Black Zetsu looked at each other in the direction of the Land of Rain. With this step, life or death was unpredictable.

The black space distortion appears, and it is difficult to solve even if it is difficult to solve.

Obito arrived outside the Rain Ninja Village, and the warning seal on the back of his head began to heat up.

Lin bless me.

Glaze-colored light burst out from the tower, like stars streaking across the night sky.

The fluctuations that frightened the soul locked onto the target without any hesitation.

boom! ! !

The strong light seemed to turn the night into day, and the huge shock woke up the entire Rain Country.

Is that a signal?!

The team members in the hotel gulped, this masked man really worked hard.

Don't waste the opportunity A Fei created for us, let's go!

Taking advantage of the chaos outside, the team members quickly rushed to the upper level of the exhibition hall and found the material at the top.

Star Wars

It was just thrown on the table without any attention.

Could it be a trap?

No, because there are too many.

Looking around, apart from a pile of information on the table, the remaining plans were plastered all over the huge conference room.

This kind of dazzling data and drawings makes people dizzy. What’s even more frightening is that these are all part of Star Wars.

What's on the table is just a catalog.

No one has a way to start. It can be said that this kind of conspiracy or strategy is too huge.

Take down all the information. The guaranteed time A Fei can give us is 3 minutes.

Three minutes? How arrogant.

A ruthless mechanical sound sounded, and several puppets walked in from outside.

No! It's Chiyo, why is he here!!

The pitcher plant you sent out is somewhat powerful. It can temporarily block Yahiko and Konan, but I won't accept that. Hehehehehe.

In an instant, a brutal fight broke out in the conference hall. The puppet technique's reckless killing style in a small area completely sealed the door.

The team members resisted while desperately collecting information.

boom! ! !

Eventually the roof on the top floor was blown open and the team members fled.

Only one-third of this information was collected, and the rest was completely destroyed in the aftermath of the battle.

As they ran wildly on the street, they were not sure whether their mission had been completed. The other party was too vigilant and too powerful.

These jonins can destroy small countries, and they are still being chased like dogs.

There is a high probability that the brothers who are separated will be killed by the old woman Chiyo. And there is a high probability that the masked man A Fei brothers will also


Black crows flew out in groups from the shadows of the street, with three magatama in their blood-red eyes.

No! It's Uchiha!

Wenya, Kayuyi cuts off the queen.

Abandoning two members very simply, information is the most important at this time.

After exhausting their means, the last three people fled to the edge of the new town. At the same time, they were forced to stop by the ubiquitous sense of danger.

The sound of rustling sounds kept extending from the corner, it was a snake.

Hiss~~~ I didn't expect that the little mouse was quite capable and could escape here.


Two of them started using ninjutsu without saying anything.

Wind escape. Pressure!

Fire escape. Fire dragon bullet!

The wind assisted the fire, and the compound ninjutsu blasted out directly.

As a jounin, his grasp of techniques and timing are impeccable.

They know that the three must make sacrifices to break through the final blockade, so this is a showdown of wills.

Atzyi! Rush out with the information.

Remember, we Kumogakure men will never give in, charge!

Fire, thunder, and blood bloomed on the edge of the city.

Only the last leader stumbled out, but his heart was full of despair.

They were all jounin who had experienced hundreds of battles, and they were the most precious core strength of the village. Unexpectedly, they fell into ruins in just a few minutes.

How to escape from the Rain Country by yourself.

Sure enough, a purple kunai stabbed into his back silently.

How is it possible, how is it possible that the throwing ninja tool was not discovered?

When his vision went dark and his strength was constantly drained away, he realized that his journey as a ninja ended here, but the information, the information couldn't be left here.

At the moment he fell, Aziyi was still in a state of confusion. Even if he lost his level due to fear, he should not

Ah, it's an illusion.

A black crow landed in front of him. It seemed that the mission failed.

However, a white substance suddenly swelled around his waist, driving away the crows, and a pitcher plant grew out of the ground and swallowed Aziyi's body.

Hei Jue tried his best to get rid of the two imps, and then sensed the location of the last person through the activated spores.

The speed of floating technique in a short distance is not much slower than time and space, and the last person was saved by arriving first.

He needs to accumulate hatred between both parties, so this person cannot die.

Hei Jue's secret aura ability is so powerful that unless the entire ground in front of him is lifted up, most people will really not be able to find his true form.

And Noah was executing Obito's first life.

Obito didn't know why he was so brave.

Anyway, he was just fighting and running away, and he didn't even dare to pretend to be fake in front of Noah.

Five minutes of skill time can be easily smoothed out for this monster.

It was only three minutes and 22 seconds later that he still couldn't resist the power of the illusion. After a moment of hesitation, there was only a line of blood left on his neck, and his head rolled down like a rubber ball.

That is to say, Uchiha's unique resurrection coin allowed him to continue for a while, and escaped while the other party was surprised.

Just in a hidden location.

The leader, who was covered in tatters, found the disgraced Hei Jue and Azi Yi, who barely managed to save a small life.

This mission is half completed.

Black Zetsu saw the third of the plan, the research and development of ninjutsu technology to carry out high-level attacks on ninja villages from outside the earth.

As for whether there is any information about finding Kaguya in the remaining destroyed content, there is a high probability that there is not.

Only then did I feel relieved.

At the same time, he was also amazed by the maliciousness of human beings, carrying out devastating attacks on the ground from outside with a budget of 250 billion taels.

It's really a terrible direction of war, more decisive than my mother in destroying myself.

This plan and hatred must be sent to the hands of the Eastern Ocean Convention, so that most of the human race may be destroyed by itself before mother is resurrected. It is really perfect, Noah.

I kind of believe you are the god of war and disaster now.

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