Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1610 Underground meeting

An underground facility somewhere in the Iron Kingdom.

The 2nd Eastern Ocean Convention Conference has begun.

This time it was not done with much fanfare, but in an extremely secretive place.

Even Mifune didn't know that an underground space had been dug out of the land of the Samurai. This underground space was built with a large number of sealing techniques and solid materials.

According to the specifications, it can be compared to the concealment, defense, and perception capabilities of the position level.

There are also many technological measures in it to minimize the appearance of chakra.

Such a high-standard place was also proposed by Sarutobi Hiruzen. The three countries of the Eastern Ocean Convention always have to meet to discuss some difficult or huge-impact matters.

People who do not have remote real-time communication methods still have to have a place to hold meetings.

The reason why I chose the Kingdom of Iron was because the location was really suitable, and because I was betting that the Dawn Organization would not place the surveillance center in this country that had experienced a natural disaster-level war.

In this conference room, cold-colored lights were projected from overhead, shrouding everyone's face in black shadow.

Four people sat around the four directions of the conference table.

Onoki the Tsuchikage, Ai the Raikage, Yagura the Mizukage, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, the leader of the Moon Organization.

Half of the ninja world gathered in this underground conference room.

This is because they are worried that they will be suddenly attacked by the Akatsuki organization like last time. If the opponent is prepared, there is a high probability that there will be no surprises again.

In fact, several Kage also had new retreat plans and special methods. Although the people they brought this time were not many, just two top guards, their mobility was much stronger.

Being forced into this situation, their resentment toward Noah and the Akatsuki organization naturally deepened.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's call was related to the intelligence team. Everyone knew that it was not a real big deal and would not risk a meeting.

On the way here, the Raikage and Tsuchikage had already received the news, and it seemed that the masked man had led the team to complete the mission.

Because rare martial law and search operations were carried out in the new town, this was the first time since the founding of the Kingdom of Rain, causing a great commotion.

Almost in public, Noah denounced the sluggish security behavior and was shocked by the revelation of the secret plan.

Who would have thought that in the Land of Rain, someone would have their house stolen.

Therefore, the continuous internal rectification and screening of entry and exit personnel are a kind of intelligence, indicating that the team members have really succeeded.

I think Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the organizer and coordinator, must have received incredible information.

I just don’t know how many of the people I sent out will come back.

Ahem, the previous action was successful, but


The Raikage slapped the table, and the Tsuchikage also looked in disbelief.

How come only one person came back?

When Aziyi, who was covered in wounds and breathless, was carried in, they did not digest the bad news.

What is the concept of a team of nearly ten Jonin being wiped out?

When Ohnoki made a surprise attack on Konoha, he was only led by four elite jounin.

These are ten Jonin, and each of their life experiences can be written into a wonderful and legendary story.

There is also a masked man who is proficient in time and space. This team is 100% sure of destroying a small country.

It's not a surprise attack on the Rain Country, it's just stealing information.

Several shadows fell silent for a moment, mourning for their men.

At the jounin level in the village, they are basically all comrades who know each other well, and are good brothers who have fought together on the battlefield.

When Atsui saw the Raikage, he used his last strength to tell the story of the mission.

There is a huge fire flashing in the direction of Yu Ninja Village, we will...

In the end, I almost died in the suburbs. It was people from the Yue Organization who brought me out.

The dangers and changes of this mission in the comments of the survivors made people's hearts go up and down, as if they could also see the light that can light up the night sky, the ruthless puppets, the vicious Lord Leng, and the ubiquitous bloody crows.

After breaking off, sacrificing, escaping, and finally protecting the intelligence.

The Akatsuki organization has acted in a perverse manner and will eventually receive retribution.

The Tsuchikage could only say this, he didn't expect the Rain Country's defense to be so terrifying.

Noah was dragged away, and the two leaders were also stopped, but so many superpowers still appeared in just a few minutes. It was like a dragon in a tiger's den.

This time, after paying so much price, what we got was 1/3 of the Star Wars plan.

Several photos became even more silent after being circulated. Could this be fake?

It's not that the Tsuchikage didn't believe the information his subordinates exchanged for their lives, it was just that it was really unbelievable.

Is this really a solution that humans can come up with?

The writing is very exciting from the beginning.

The war potential of the Eastern Ocean Convention countries has gradually increased and is approaching our combat power reserve. Ruoyan, Yun, and Wu Village jointly launched the war with the Yue Organization. Although the Western Continent Convention has the ability to counterattack, it is very likely that both sides will suffer in the end.

In order to prevent the results of this deduction from appearing, a new strategic defense plan was secretly implemented.

Take advantage of the Akatsuki organization's advantages in scientific and technological research and development to develop extraterrestrial super weapons.

This kind of weapon can provide early warning, interception, and even early destruction when the Eastern Ocean Treaty countries attack.

This is a mission related to the peace of the ninja world. This plan will change the course of human history.

What I said at the beginning is really scary.

The traditional ninja war seems to be completely swept into the garbage heap by someone. The future war situation will be more high-end and complex.

There are always limitations in surface warfare. Surveillance can be carried out in space, high-altitude strikes can be carried out, and battles can even be carried out in the starry sky.

This kind of courage is shocking. Sure enough, that thing is a visitor from outer space.

The clear world-destroying technological research and development direction inside made several actors furious. Are they actually serious about this? !

The Akatsuki organization is so ambitious that they want to use such an unconstrained method to destroy them. It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible for them to do it, and all the knowledgeable people in the ninja world will stand up and stop it.

What do you think of the authenticity of these pieces of paper?

Although they say it's impossible, everyone somewhat believes it.

The development of science and technology in the ninja world is very strange, including steam, electricity, chakra energy, and various weird material technologies, etc. After Noah's intervention, the potential that had been locked in the past was completely opened.

It is definitely not possible to go into space for the time being, but everyone has an answer in their minds as to whether it will be possible in the future.

So this plan does have some possibility of being realized.

Believe it or not is a question.

Do you still remember the Iron Giant?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's light reminder made people instantly discover the breakthrough.

Isn't that the giant's sign? The material of steel can withstand harsher environments. Special mechanical props can allow steel giants weighing dozens of tons to fly briefly, and can even send tailed beasts into the sky.

And those heavy fire weapons and the giant cannon that killed the Five Tails also corresponded to some traces in the plan.

That is to say, they formulated this plan after they had a certain foundation. However, we accidentally hit it at the critical moment.

The Tsuchikage's mood was very complicated. The Five-Tails, the Jinchuuriki of their village, died in that battle.

He was naturally very concerned about the Cyclops. No wonder he felt familiar when he saw this plan.

That's right, the Akatsuki organization probably didn't expect that we would be so decisive in sending such a super powerful team to attack Huanglong.

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