Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1608 Hei Jue leads the team

The land of rain.

Noah was watching the intelligence feedback from the high tower of Ninja Village.

Over the years, he has provided countless intelligence clues to the Yue Organization here, and he has been worried about allowing the other side to keep up with the pace of development.

It can only be said that it is fortunate that we chose to control the Cold War to transform the mainland. Otherwise, we don’t know how long the modernization process would have to wait.

The resistance in Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village is much greater than expected. Without the existence of urgent foreign enemies, they really will not accept promotions like the welfare system.

The last time I personally attacked the entrance of Yunyin Village was not because those barbarians were so ignorant.

After that fight, the sense of crisis was heightened again, making Hiruzen Sarutobi's guidance even easier.

While guiding the reform of Ninja Village, the national system is also being slowly changed.

Because the Akatsuki Organization and the Kingdom of Wind are at the front, and the Kingdom of Water is following behind.

The other big names of the Three Kingdoms left it alone after the mediation failed. Anyway, it was their own domestic affairs, and they could do whatever they wanted.

Only the Daimyo of the Land of Fire has a sense of crisis. Unfortunately, Konoha Village is gradually decoupling, and he has no way to exert influence.

Oh, it's indeed a bit fast.

Noah felt a little emotional. Even if the technology tree was climbed during the Cold War, even if the Akatsuki organization continued to open up the track at the front, the speed of reform was too fast.

Even the details of the two major countries covered by the Akatsuki organization are not handled well, let alone the three countries in the Eastern Ocean.

Some of the framework was full of mistakes, but after all, he was only one person. The Akatsuki organization is growing, the Yue organization is also growing, and the entire continent is growing.

He can only wait and modify it slowly later, and there is not much time left for him.

The ninja world is now in its final period of peace. Even if he can control the time of Uchiha Madara's resurrection, the arrival of other Otsutsuki is unavoidable.

The methods of extraterrestrial civilization are not that simple. The ninja world must have the foundation and strength to face the impact.

Oh, Otsutsuki

Let's start cleaning up the ones above the moon.

But Hei Jue is really filial.

According to Sarutobi Hiruzen's intelligence, this guy actually teamed up with Obito to directly initiate a plan to go to the Land of Rain to steal intelligence.

In the name of Kirigakure Village, they contacted the powerful people from Yunnin Village and Iwagakure Village, and came up with a joint operation between the three villages.

It's interesting, but I don't know how I convinced the other two ninja villages to pay a big price to spy on this information.

You must know that the location of the inadvertently leaked information is the home base of the Akatsuki organization, the center of the new town.

How did Hei Jue persuade the other two villages to move?

Of course, he used the name Noah himself to make plans to impress the other two major ninja villages.

After several years of long-term confrontation, both sides have a large number of spies operating within the other's sphere of influence.

In addition to the shock of the Akatsuki organization's appearance, various other information was slowly pieced together and explored.

As long as there are signs of activity in the ninja world, ninjas from the five major countries can find out the general trajectory and information.

Who can't do the opposite? Which village doesn't have a few high-IQ talents like Lu Jiu.

Ninja is a profession that relies on intelligence to fight.

Not to mention that the Country of Rain is now a very open country.

All civilian caravans can come here to trade. Whether it is the circulation of information, the dissemination of culture, or commercial exchanges, this is the freest place.

Even if you are a ninja within the radiation range of the Eastern Ocean Convention, you can come here to perform some entrusted tasks, escort tasks and the like.

Wearing the forehead protector of Kumogakure Iwagakure will not be expelled, and you will not even receive any strange looks.

The citizens of the Land of Rain also feel comfortable doing business with these ninjas, because ordinary people know that the Akatsuki organization is invincible and the victorious party.

The reports that had long been written down in newspapers made their sense of security and pride burst.

This kind of calm self-confidence made several people watching Ocean Convention gnashed their teeth and even felt humiliated.

Back then, Konoha wasn't so crazy after Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama all passed away.

In short, all the information about the Akatsuki organization has been collected after being exposed on the website. As long as there is information about this in the black market, it can be sold for a good price.

The information about Noah is the least and most expensive.

Ling Ling always collected a lot of real and fake things mixed together, and there were even legends.

For example, the incarnation of the bloody meteor in the sky is the god of war and disaster.

Onoki sneered, God?

No man or god can be above this continent.

After screening a large amount of intelligence, the three major ninja villages were not only wary of Noah in terms of strength, but also fear in planning.

What they are doing in the Eastern Ocean Convention is basically modeled after the Western Continent Convention. Who did the changes in the Western Continent Convention come from?

A bold guess came from this man.

If the connections and trajectories of all things are connected together, they can always converge on this person.

It can be said that he is the culprit of the changes in the entire world, and the biggest sinner who forces them to unite.

If it was before the Akatsuki organization became established... forget it, let's not mention this.

At that time, it was still the period of the Third Ninja World War, and the five major countries were going to fight. Who would care about a peaceful organization of the Rain Country?

Having suffered losses, they would naturally pay attention to Noah's every move. When Hiruzen Sarutobi took out the intelligence sent back by the spies of the Moon Organization who risked their lives, they immediately organized an action team.

The experienced masked man and Nepenthes personally led the team to steal intelligence.

Some people stopped on the border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Earth.

Obito's heart was trembling a little. Ahead was the beginning of the nightmare, and his body became nervous unconsciously.

Although he was wearing a mask, the heavy tone in his voice still put pressure on the team members.

Everyone, listen to me, our goal this time!

Obito drew a cross somewhere on the map of the new town.

“This is the cultural center of the new town and an exhibition hall for technology and the future.”

The team members didn’t understand that this place was still very famous.

In order to open people's eyes and promote the role of technology, Noah deliberately built an exhibition hall in the center of the new town.

Products, concepts, and designs related to the future and technological progress are put in as exhibits.

Basically, any breakthrough in machinery or scientific research will get a booth here.

Awards are also held here every year to encourage researchers to continue exploring unknown areas.

Through the word-of-mouth promotion of businessmen and ninjas traveling from north to south, this place has become a famous tourist attraction.

The placement of the plan here was beyond everyone's expectation. They thought it would be in the legendary mysterious tower in Yu Nin Village.

This is the country of rain, and everywhere is dangerous.

Some of you have been to the new town and know what it is like.

On the surface it looks very open and peaceful, but in fact there are a large number of defense personnel in several close positions.

They have even developed a special sensory ninjutsu that can distinguish ninjas from ordinary people based on the difference in chakra fluctuations in the body, and can grade the strength of ninjas.

The coverage of this sensory ninjutsu is the entire town, and Noah's Flying Thunder God can reach any point in the city.

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