Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1607 The United Eastern Ocean Convention

There were even a few minor confrontations.

For example, out of anger, Nagato once led several leaders to raid a certain ninja village. After a fierce battle, they were successfully resisted by reinforcements from the Moon Organization Alliance.

After all, the forward movement time of Shinra Tianzheng is too long, so it can only be used easily when there is no defense.

In the most dangerous one, even Noah was dispatched, and the three shadows fought against the strongest man in the ninja world.

In that battle, they fought hundreds of miles away, and the sky was filled with natural disaster-level chakra fluctuations.

A small mountain range was destroyed and an entrance to the sea was created. In the end, Noah won a great victory, but he could not kill the three shadows. The support from the three great ninja villages was endless, so he had no choice but to give up the evacuation.

Faced with the crises that arise from time to time, the three villages can only continue to grow.

At least the strength of the village has been greatly improved during the development, and it can already slightly affect the battle of the strong.

Wait until a few more years hum. The shame you have given us will be repaid.

This is the oath made by the shadows by the sea.

In the process of increasingly fierce confrontation, the lives of ordinary people have also been greatly changed.

The Akatsuki organization has proposed a new era of welfare system for the ninja world, using wages, vacations and other evil means to gather people's hearts.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind also agreed to this proposal as if they were crazy.

The vigorous formulation of the new bill began. During this period, there were numerous obstacles but they were all overcome one by one.

The propaganda intensity has penetrated into every corner of the three Eastern Oceanic countries, which has indeed caused a fatal blow to morale.

At that time, there were countless ordinary people who wanted to flee to the Western Continent.

For this month the organization organized the Second Ocean Pact Conference in the Iron Country.

It is simply unimaginable that the great names of the Kingdom of Wind were under the spell of illusion.

Onoki scratched his hair, this style of play was a bit unreasonable.

Killing a thousand enemies, self-destruction seems not much, but why do you do this?

The Fourth Raikage was also puzzled. It was clear that giving people food and drink would make people grateful as before, so why were they still giving so many benefits now?

Two ideas of confrontation emerged at the meeting, one was blockade.

It firmly blocks ordinary people's external information channels, and promotes that in order to fight against the evil Continental Convention, everyone must contribute to their respective villages and countries.

The other is to establish your own welfare system. Anyway, only the country of water needs to do this nationwide. The other two countries only need reforms within the villages, which is still affordable.

The money I have earned in the past few years can easily keep up with the pace of the confrontation, but it is a bit unpleasant to be forced into this.

In the end, it was Sarutobi Hiruzen who made the final decision.

“We cannot completely cut off Western cultural invasion, so we must build our own self-confidence.

This is a war in which no flaws can be given, and we cannot afford to lose.

The mere amount of money should not put much pressure on all parties involved. If a poor place like the Country of Wind can afford it, will we still admit defeat?

It makes sense, but the shadows from the other two villages are still hesitant.

After all, they did not kill the famous names of their country, and they were greatly constrained in their actions.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen started to make big moves.

Don't you think this is because Noah is scared?

Oh~~~please elaborate!

Last time, you two and Yagura held off Noah's surprise attack, and I led the rest of the group to hold off the three leaders on the other side.

What does it rely on? It's the size and unity of the three major ninja villages.

The other side found that it couldn't win with its high-end combat power, so it used this mutual harm model to drain money from the bottom of the cauldron!

This makes some sense.

Although it was a close call, he was able to withstand the pressure from the opposite side.

This actually gave them great confidence. Although the Akatsuki organization is very strong, it is impossible to imagine crushing us like they did last time.

So it is really important for the village to continue to grow rapidly and not fall behind!

Do it!

Sarutobi Hiruzen teamed up with the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura Tateya to establish a welfare system belonging to Toyo.

After piloting it in a small area of ​​the Land of Water, it was found that the effect was excellent, so it was promoted nationwide.

Seeing this situation, Iwagakure and Kumogakure had no choice but to follow suit. If they wanted to take a stand against the Western Continent Convention, let's fight.

With the formal establishment of the welfare and labor systems, the development of the two major organizations accelerated again.

In the secret, the two major groups fought hard, and the lives of ordinary people became better and better. Everything was planned by someone.

It's just a pain for Hiruzen Sarutobi, he is very tired of playing two roles. You also need to receive new instructions from time to time.

Although these are of great benefit to the Development Month Organization and the Eastern Ocean Convention, and are even constructive opinions, they are too many.

That bastard Noah has been directing the development of the entire continent remotely. Doesn’t he know what tiredness is?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's chakra and vitality have always remained at their peak, but his energy has declined with age.

Every time the various plans and plans given by the other party were implemented, it felt like it would cost him half his life.

If it weren't for the fact that there were a few non-human beasts in the organization that could be commanded, I would probably be paralyzed from exhaustion.

While he was at work, he received another cryptic message.

Why come again?

Going to steal a certain plan again.

In recent years, Noah has put a lot of thought into delivering some materials and information to the monthly organization.

It would be more reassuring to know that the information obtained proactively was not stolen, and then let the people on the other side try their best to decipher the information obtained through painstaking efforts.

Not only the Yue Organization, but also some key information will be leaked to Kumogakure and Iwagakure from time to time, so that the people of the Eastern Ocean Convention can strengthen their connections and mutual contributions.

Therefore, he had to strengthen the confidentiality of data storage measures and locations step by step.

Even suitable guards need to be arranged.

Black Zetsu and Obito are both old acquaintances, and if they do it too easily, their flaws will be seen.

Noah is enjoying playing this game so far, it can be regarded as a break from his daily work.

The information sent to the Moon Organization this time made Sarutobi Hiruzen frown a little.

It seems to have nothing to do with the development of the mainland, because it all involves the extraterrestrial starry sky.

Star Wars. Monthly Destiny Reading Project.

What the hell are you doing again?

Strengthen defenses against alien species? Or carry out a directional attack on the Ninja Village from space?

Hey. If you are indecisive in trouble, Obito will be black.

A signal went out and two top intelligence agents who had been through life and death for Dong Dayang many times came to the scene.

What information is it again?

Obito is tired. The first thing he got was the script of the big boss behind the scenes, but now he is on the front line every day.

The last time he was almost caught by Uchiha Shisui, his Sharingan seemed to be able to see through time and space.

Hei Jue has a good attitude, and he is naturally happy to see the hatred between the two parties getting deeper and deeper.

The entire continent was really involved in a war. When it exploded, history would be set back even a hundred years. Absorbing Sarutobi Hiruzen was indeed the most correct choice in the past thousand years.

Seeing Obito still complaining and resisting contact with the Akatsuki organization again, this realization is really rubbish.

The Uchiha just have the advantage because of their bloodline, but in reality they can't do anything bad.

According to our spy reports, Noah seems to be formulating a plan himself, which seems to be related to extraterrestrial planets.

Hei definitely didn't calm down after hearing this. Is it related to extraterrestrial?

Isn't that the moon? Good guy, are you trying to touch my mother? ! ! !

Give me the information and leave immediately.

This book is already in the final stages, so any suggestions that make me eunuch will not be adopted. The last pirate chapter was really good, but I also paid attention to every subsequent chapter and never fooled everyone, especially the Naruto chapter.

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