Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 161 Fujitora smashes Zefa

Whether the scene is big or not is beyond Noah's control.

It is normal for battles to escalate. It is always easy to get angry when fighting with Yixiao. That gravity field is really disgusting and makes people angry. Thinking of this, Noah didn't reflect on the fact that the use of his own door fruit was quite thief.

Zefa's disadvantage is that his combat skills are too unpretentious. Although the real damage is very high, the light and shadow effects are relatively poor. No matter how he fights, most people always feel that he does not have the upper hand.

But I really feel that Zefa is nothing more than that, so just take an old punch and you will know, an absolute punch. This is a fighting style passed down from the older generation. Cyborg Kong, Garp, and Zefa all follow this path.

Three days later, the training in the recruit camp continued as usual. While running along the coastline, I watched the sword energy flying around on the desert island, feeling a little numb.

On the first day, the shock, the power of the strong, can make the heaven and earth change color, the sea water flow backwards, and the mountains and rivers collapse. We must learn from the strong and practice two more sets today.

The next day, in awe, the aftermath caused the sea to surge, and the weak realized the fragility of life. The strong ones today are our tomorrows, so we will train two more groups today.

On the third day, it's scary. He's still fighting. He has monster-like physical fitness. He can find any reason to continue training. Come on, General Zefa.

Watching the strong men fighting stimulated the hearts of the recruits. Every young man looked unruly and unruly before he experienced a severe beating. There were no monsters like the three generals in this period. Everyone's future was in doubt. is wonderful.

Besides, there is nothing else to do except train them.

For three days, the navy's recruit camp remained in the port's security zone, without permission to enter the country. Because this time the head of the navy, General Zefa, was having a passionate battle on a desert island in the distance. The navy could not enter at will without a good handover with the country where it was located.

This is not a requirement of the South China Sea Federation, but a requirement of the world government. Regardless of whether it is a world member country or not, the navy is not allowed to do this. After all, people in the World Government know very well that at this stage, the biggest threat to them is actually the navy.

The intelligence officer contacted officials from the South China Sea Federation, and the reply he received was to please continue to wait. It was very official.

Yixiao on the desert island felt that the beating was almost done. It had been three days. If the beating continued, there would be damage, and it might not be easy to talk about things by then. Then use this move to end the battle.

Looking for an air strike, he exited the core battle circle, then rotated the staff and sword around his body, then put the sword into its sheath, doing his best to pretend to be *. Seeing this move for the first time, Zefa was puzzled. Is this such a move? But looking at Yixiao's expression of I'll use my ultimate move, just wait, I also paused the rhythm of the battle, wanting to see what follow-up actions would be taken.

If at this time, Zefa was determined to continue fighting, Yixiao might be extremely depressed. I'm pretending to do this, but if you don't watch it carefully, and then show shock in your eyes, you run over and continue to fight. Isn't it too much? It's the demeanor of a master.

It's a pity that Zefa can't go against the routine and can only follow the process envisioned by Yixiao. really.

'This is! ’

After a while, Zefa suddenly looked up into the air, and a huge sense of oppression quickly approached in his perception.

The recruits who were originally listening to the sound of blacksmithing at the beach were still curious as to why it suddenly stopped. Is this the fight over? Did General Zefa win?

Hey, I seem to be seeing an illusion. Why did a meteorite fall from the sky?

No, it's not an illusion, it's a meteorite!

Fuck you, Wan Duzi.

Everyone was stunned and stood there unable to move. Is this a natural disaster or a man-made disaster? Ordinary people at the beach were also scared to death. They had just had a good time, why did a meteorite fall from the sky?

Alas, that's not right. The target of this meteorite is too clear. It is heading straight for the deserted island.

The meteorite dragging the flames continued to accelerate towards Zefa, which had a strong visual impact. This feeling of being locked also made Zefa understand that it was not a natural disaster, but the enemy's offensive method.

He was a little shocked at first, but after calming down, he felt that this meteorite could not cause fatal damage to him. If he really dodged with all his strength, he could make the meteorite escape.

But would he be afraid of the enemy attacking so openly? Having traveled across the sea for decades, Zefa with an iron fist was born head-on. The armed color is fully covered, strengthened, and strengthened again, allowing the blood to flow endlessly on the body.

An explosive cloud of energy rose up from under his feet, rocks flew into the air, and the person flew straight into the sky.

People in the distance saw a black shadow rushing towards the meteorite at an extremely fast speed. Those with good eyesight in the navy discovered that the black shadow was their chief instructor, former navy admiral, Iron Fist Zefa.

Run to the side of the meteorite with the moon step in one breath, inhale, make fists with both hands and put them around your waist, accumulate strength, and then punch continuously at super high speed. The impact on the meteorite made a continuous thunderous sound.

If it matches jojo's dubbing, it will be

Euler, Euler, Euler, Euler, Euler, Euler.

I don't know how many punches Euler received. Zefa retreated a certain distance and then fell freely to the ground.

Click, click, click.

At the same time, several large cracks opened on the meteorite, and small cracks extended along the large cracks, then continued to split inward, and finally collapsed directly in the air.

Zefa's domineering force has destroyed the entire interior of the meteorite. There are not even any larger rocks here. They are all about the size of a fist. When they rub against the air, they set off a burst of fire, and nothing is left.

The soldiers in the distance were all shocked when they saw Zefa swinging his fists and smashing the meteorite into pieces, turning it into a rain of fire and falling from the sky. Is this the world of the strong? It's terrifying to attract meteorites and then crush them.

Zefa stepped on the moon step when he was about to land, allowing himself to land calmly in front of Yixiao. The clothes all over his body were torn a lot when he hit the Euler meteorite, but his sunglasses were still spotless.

The two of them knew that this was the last blow when they hit this point, so they each tidied up their looks.

Former navy admiral, recruit training camp instructor, Zefa.

Guardian of the South China Sea Federation, smile.

After the fight, the two introduced each other. This time it was very peaceful, as if the ruins around them were not caused by them.

Together we sat on Yixiao’s special boat and returned to the dock.

Instructor, how are you?

The sailors all gathered around and greeted the instructor. There is no way, from the overall appearance of the two people, it can be seen that Teacher Zefa has lost. At this time, appropriate comfort can have the opposite effect.

Zefa was very dissatisfied when he saw the new recruits gathered around him. You guys seem to know that you have lost, but it is even more irritating for us to pretend not to know.

I'm in such good spirits that I can go back and continue practicing.


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