Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1595 Zabuza’s Thirty Years in Hexi

She knew the source of the monster's power very well, and she also knew the fate of the miko.

But looking at Ziyuan's innocent look, she was unwilling to accept the fate of sacrifice.

Her daughter gave her the courage to fight against fate.

It happened to be that day that she felt the super-standard level of power in the direction of the Iron Kingdom battlefield.

The spiritual energy in his body was trembling, as if he was afraid. This day has come after this change was captured.

Although the information is relatively fragmented, and a lot of it is just hearsay, the Samsara Eye and the mountain of sealed tailed beasts are always spread.

Being associated with the Sage of Six Paths is definitely an amazing existence, and the master of sealing the tailed beasts may also be able to design for the sprites.

So after much hesitation, the invitation was sent out.

Joining the Western Continent Convention may mean that the village will never be able to return to a peaceful state, but the price is worth it to end its fate.

The monsters will eventually break the seal, and they can only rely on the strong people from the outside to solve it.

Sir, the members of the Akatsuki organization have arrived, that is.

What is it? Please come quickly.

Then Maitreya and the ministers of the Kingdom of Ghosts knew why there was hesitation.

The leader was a strong man with no eyebrows carrying a broadsword on his back. He looked very tough, but he was very much a ninja.

This was not the kind of person Miroku expected.

From the perspective of a miko, there is nothing special about it.

The people behind him were even more disappointing, a few young people, still very young.

This kind of team can only do a C-level mission.

Zabuza was very calm at the moment. After running errands in the Akatsuki organization for so many years, he couldn't help but make progress.

Although he still likes to be shirtless, his temperament is much thicker, and he can tell the client's hesitation at a glance based on his experience.

We are just the leading team, the leaders are still behind.

Following this mission was his immediate superior, the Nine Lama Boss. As an old man in the Akatsuki organization, he couldn't let his guard down.

The boss can eat anything he wants from his paws.

Otherwise, why would I take this group of brats on a mission, not just to gain some impression points?

Our Akatsuki organization is already aware of the difficulties in the Kingdom of Ghosts, so please let us be responsible for protecting the miko-sama.

These words were really unpleasant, and the guards and ministers of the Kingdom of Ghosts were very unhappy.

What do you mean, you are interfering in internal affairs before joining the Western Continent Convention, and you are still protecting our shrine maidens? It is so arrogant and excessive.

Zabuza also knew that it was better to proceed step by step, but the boss's boss had specifically warned him.

Our leader Noah said that the demons must know the actions of the miko, and we will soon face an enemy attack here.

As soon as he finished speaking, the youngest member Xiang Phosphorus who followed behind him said with a serious expression.


At the same time, the soldiers from the Kingdom of Ghosts on the periphery also rushed in.

It's not good, the river is rising! It's breaking through the outer city.

Before he finished speaking, the ministers heard the rumbling sound of water and the screams of the soldiers.

Huge waves rushed out from the outer city, and all the guards along the way were swept away by the powerful impact.

Zabuza curled his lips and used the natural environment to perform such a large-scale water escape. The enemy had something.

No longer worrying about the panicked ordinary people, he gave the order directly.

Koso, Jugo, Kimimaro go and protect the miko.


With no worries anymore, the ghost stretched his body and showed an excited smile.

The battlefield of the bosses is too high-end, if it is this level.

Form a seal with one hand, water escape, water formation wall!

The raging water wall collided hugely with the waves, directly cutting off the other party's water source, and everything returned to calm.

And Huang Quan also walked in with great interest, looking at Zabuza who was blocking him with an expression of admiration.

There shouldn't be many people in the world who can block my attack. You must be the legendary leader of the Akatsuki organization.


The three children standing in front of Miroku and Ziyuan were a little confused. Is this the legendary word within the organization that speaks like a knife?

The strong men in the outside world really don't have martial ethics, which is terrible.

Zabuza felt so ashamed, so angry at such a despicable villain! Do you want to come up and humiliate me?

Head of the Akatsuki organization, cooperate with me. Once we unify the ninja continent, I will make you...


The decapitating sword was rounded by Zabu Zanwa and flew out. He never wanted to hear such funny advice again. His toes were digging into the ground, bastard.

Huang Quan looked displeased. The leader of the Akatsuki organization was so arrogant that he dared to interrupt his speech. Let him see the reality of the world.

Earth Escape. Rock Pillar!

There was no seal, just a thought and a pillar rose from the ground to block the decapitating sword.


Although the huge force carried on the broadsword made the blade tremble endlessly, the density of the rock pillar was also unimaginably hard. In the end, it was embedded in two-thirds and stopped moving.

Zabuza lost his favorite weapon and just made a cut sound, which was expected.

The fate of this broadsword seems to be a cursed existence. As long as there is a strong man with a name, he can take it with his bare hands 100% of the time.

Huang Quan saw that such an exaggerated sword was so useless, which fueled his arrogance.

Fire escape. Flooding fire! Water escape. Water cut! Wind escape. Divine wind!

It's pretty cool to activate four-attribute Muji Ninjutsu by oneself, not to mention that these are obviously B-level or above moves.

The flames that spread and jump in the void, the ubiquitous water blades, and the tornadoes that reach into the sky and the earth are no different from myths in the eyes of the people of the Kingdom of Ghosts.

Even Kimimaro and others nodded, this enemy is interesting.

Zabuza also recognized the opponent's strength, at least he was a leader among the elite jounin. In the past, it was possible to be an ANBU minister in Sand Ninja Village.

It's a pity that as a BOSS, in an era when the ninja world's combat power has been sublimated, it didn't keep up with the style of painting.

In the words of the old leaders in the organization, it’s just flashy!

Putting his hands together, the majestic chakra was boiling, and four seals were formed in an instant.


Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique! ! !

Ouch~~~! ! ! !

The roar of a huge beast sounded in front of a small natural disaster, and the water that had just rushed in was all gathered together under the inexplicable traction.

The water dragon rose from the ground, its huge body a hundred meters long soaring in the sky, its scales and claws lifelike, its dragon eyes looked at the so-called tornado and flames with contempt.

Zabuza also showed a proud expression.

This is a water dragon bullet with four seals, not a water dragon bomb with forty-four seals.

Hedong in thirty years, Hexi in thirty years.

Out of resentment for being captured by Noah, Zabuza practiced ninjutsu hard over the years, and used the resources and technology of the Akatsuki organization to simplify it to this point.

The potion resources that the Nine-Tails boss secured for him, as well as the essence of water escape that he taught step by step, all made him the water dragon bullet he is today.

It can be said that he is not inferior to the Second Hokage in this technique alone.

The water dragon wiped away all these ninjutsu with unparalleled impact, and then slammed into Huang Quan, who was a little sluggish.

boom! ! !

The water flow dispersed, and Huang Quan climbed up from under the broken stone wall with difficulty, although there was still a look of horror on his face.

But the monster in his body gave him the great courage to try again, and within a moment all the injuries caused by the water flow had recovered.

That expression of complete control appeared again, and even an appreciative look appeared.

The leader of the Akatsuki organization deserves his reputation!

This is the last chance. If we work together, we can unify the continent.

Zabuza didn't understand, this thing had been beaten into a dog, how could it still be so brave?

Surrender without killing. As long as you actively cooperate with the Akatsuki organization's experiments, you will still have a chance to die naturally.

So the ghost went through an official process without any real feelings.

This ultimatum from the Akatsuki organization made Huang Quan lose his patience and reject the kindness offered by charity, so he would die.

Perhaps the previous defeat made the opponent think that the situation was different.

Let you mortals see my true power!!!

The purple-black demon power began to overflow, and Huang Quan felt that his power was lifted to a higher level by the monsters in his body.

ah! ! !

This is not the roar of the BOSS, but the pain of being stabbed in the waist.

The decapitating sword that was originally inserted next to his side suddenly turned into a puff of smoke, and Zabuza stabbed it expressionlessly with a small kunai in his hand.

The heartbreaking pain made Huang Quan go crazy, and a black tentacle rushed out.

The ghost man moved away and disappeared from the place, returning to the front of everyone in the ghost country.

Looking at the somewhat corroded kunai, he nodded.

Energy is corrosive to a certain extent, and its immortality is confirmed.

Huang Quan was furious, are all your Akatsuki organizations so annoying?

You are all going to die!!!

Black demon power has covered his whole body, and it seems that the monsters in his body are also angry.

Then the demonized Huang Quan turned around and ran away.

Why run!!

Huang Quan, whose body was out of control, was very shameless. I turned around and ran away even after I started talking. I don’t want to lose face, right? ! !

‘There is a great terror approaching, wait until I get the physical body and merge into one to take revenge. ’

Maitreya, who has been under protection, also discovered this problem.

Stop it, it's going to the Swamp Country to merge with its body!!!

Don't worry, how can we capture a complete monster if it doesn't go?

The red-haired woman, the devil with nine tails, and the unimportant little yellow hair arrived.

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