Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1594 The Death of the Demon

The monstrous flames swept up into the sky, and the roar of thunder was deafening.

The nine-tailed demon looked down and turned the world into ruins. Even the earthquake and the shaking of the mountains were not enough to describe the situation.

Just like a cat playing with a mouse, he watched the little black monster on the ground struggling to survive.

Why, why!

We are both monsters! Why do we do this!!!

When the nine-tailed demon heard this question, he seemed to have heard some interesting words and began to laugh harshly.

Little monster, what are you talking about?

“Just taking an annual leave”

The sky thunders and the earth fires, and the water soaks the soil. The mountains and rivers are changing like toys.

The so-called immortal soul and body had long been torn into pieces by the devil, and only after paying such a price did they escape from the terrifying forbidden land.


Monster, you are too dangerous.

The red-haired woman pierced the monster's soul with a golden chain without mercy. Before losing consciousness, it saw a helpless little yellow-haired man saying something like, Let me take action too.

ah! ! !

The deepest part of the ghost kingdom, the sealed temple.

The demon's soul woke up in the sealed stone tablet, and the purple-black demonic power surged and raged endlessly, as if it was a nightmare.

Demons have nightmares? It's really unimaginable.

It attaches great importance to this kind of spiritual dream. The dreams of spiritual creatures have the power of prophecy.

The sprite was originally the evil and dark side of the witch's power. It was separated into a demon and then sealed here.

Every time the seal is broken, they are actually falling in love and killing each other with the witches. Anyway, neither of them can completely eliminate the other.

In other words, it also has the prophecy ability of a witch, especially when it comes to its own safety.

And the sprites were not stupidly sealed here. A few years ago, there was a ninja named Huang Quan who used his own power to act as a pawn in the outside world.

But he was asleep most of the time, and the Immortal didn't care at all about the passage of time.

Sometimes I am even glad that I was sealed early.

He perfectly escaped the cleanup of the Goddess Mao, and also escaped the missionary journey of the Immortal of Six Paths.

As for the ambition to survive until now, it is also very simple.

These days happened to be the period when the little witch was absorbing spiritual power, and it was also the period when the seal was the most unstable.

After breaking the seal, he summoned his own undead army, forced Maitreya to cooperate with him, and then used his immortality to sweep the world.

As long as there is no obstruction from the witch, nothing in this world can stop its existence.

Let this continent return to the era a thousand years ago, that beautiful era when humans and demons and gods grew up together.

He is the new demon king.

But what is this fear that cannot be ignored? The devil with nine tails, the woman with red hair, and the yellow hair. The yellow hair is not important.

The death of a demon? ridiculous! ! !

Not daring to neglect, the sprite began to use its own power to destroy the seal. In fact, it had already had this ability, and it was just waiting quietly for the opportunity to rush out and join the physical body.

At the same time, a special wave emitted.

Yellow Spring. Come quickly.

Yellow Spring. Come quickly.

Huangquan, who was studying dark medical ninjutsu in the Land of Swamp, suddenly fell to his knees, covering his brain.

It's a monster! ! !

The horoscope has not changed drastically yet! Isn't it unable to break the seal and can only wait for himself to rescue it? ! ! !

hateful! Scammed!

But even so, he had to answer the call for his own ambition. No matter what, this was the closest he came to ruling the ninja world.

The half-finished dark medical ninjutsu is enough.

The Kingdom of Ghosts does not have a strong defense against the Sealed Temple, because this is where the souls of monsters reside. The incorporeal monsters will dissipate and reorganize themselves as long as the seal is broken.

This is also the reason why every generation of witches can suppress it. The biggest weakness of the demon after two points is the sealed soul body.

But, today is different.

Feeling the crisis of destruction, the monster resorted to his last resort.

On top of the cliff.

Huang Quan had not found a suitable puppet and could only use his own body as an experimental subject and injected a large amount of contaminated chakra energy.

Ah~~such a wonderful feeling.

Is there anything else in this world that can stop me?

Huang Quan, who lives at the lower level of the ninja world, is obsessed with research and has never seen the scenery from high places.

After feeling the chakra filled with demonic power in his body, he felt a little lost.

Ninjutsu that was not very smooth to use in the past can also be used forcefully. This is the power of shortcuts.

After he killed all the guards in a majestic manner, he came to the stone wall in high spirits.

Sprite, are you so impatient to cooperate?!

'Is there any new power emerging from the outside world?'

It's still the same people from the five major countries. To tell the new story, the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Wind have launched a puppet organization called the Akatsuki Organization. They probably still have some strength.

The demon didn't get the information he wanted, but his uneasy feeling continued to intensify.

‘.There may be big changes in the Kingdom of Ghosts, and I want to deal with this generation of witches in advance. ’

Huang Quan did not expect that it would be like this, and that there would be no changes in the country of little ghosts.

However, he still needed the power of the sprites to control the undead army, so he cut his body open and let the sprites' souls get in.

The demon's soul and Huang Quan's body are temporarily merged into one. Although they are not that matched, they can still exert some power.

This feeling. This is the feeling.


The world will bow at our feet!!!

The underground ghost army has been given life again, and their stone bodies have opened their godless eyes. Terror will return to the mainland again.

Looking at the endless soldiers, Huang Quan's ambition was completely ignited.

He really couldn't imagine what other opponents this immortal army could have. The so-called five major countries could only kneel down under such mighty power.

The target is the Swamp Country! Let's go!

Control the army of ghosts and march directly to the place where the monster's body is. Once you capture that place, you will be completely invincible.

The demon was not so optimistic, so he urged to speak up.

‘Let’s go to the Palace of Oni and kill the current miko! ’

That's right, you can't leave any weaknesses.

One person and one demon rushed towards the witch's palace without concealment.

At this time, in the palace, Maitreya was taking the young Shion to hold a court meeting in the Kingdom of Ghosts.

It is said to be a council, but in fact it is the miko herself who decides everything.

This country's model of integrating politics and religion exists because of witches and is maintained because of monsters.

She is just discussing things with the ministers now, such as how to receive members of the Akatsuki organization.

The reply from the Kingdom of Rain stated that it will arrive in the next few days, but Lord Maitreya. Do you really need the intervention of outside ninjas?

Don't worry, Minister Zuo. Three years ago, I felt a power that could tremble my soul and spiritual power. The Akatsuki organization is different from the previous ninja organizations.

No matter what the purpose is, at least the power can really harm the natural power system.

Maitreya is trying his best to dispel the uneasiness of his subjects.

The small country of Ghost Country has always been in a state of self-play. Very few ninjas will set foot here.

All the five major countries know about the information about monsters and monsters, and Tsunade can hand over the information about the shrine maidens and monsters in this country to Naruto and the others verbatim. It can be seen that the ninja organization is clear about this kind of things on the surface.

Back then, the ghost army created by that ambitious ninja using sprites almost wiped out all the surrounding small countries, which was considered a famous disaster in the ninja world.

Of course, there were no Five Great Nations at that time, and the Catastrophe of the Demons was still very famous before the appearance of the two heroes in the ninja world.

A normal ninja village has no need to participate in this ghost thing that has little benefit and provides little value. It has been passed down from ancient times.

As for the disaster of annihilation, the five major countries did not take it too seriously. Although there were not many things that the ninja world claimed to be able to do, there were not many.

Just leave this small place and fight against the monsters for generations.

This time, Maitreya also took the initiative to invite the Akatsuki organization to deal with this remaining problem.

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