The sprite was right to run away quickly. This kind of creature with prophecy attributes has a pretty powerful ability to save its life.

I can feel that special chakra fluctuation from a long distance away. Is it mixed with a special kind of natural energy? Is this demonic power?

Kushina, who was exposed to this kind of energy for the first time, was very curious.

The purple-black energy was extracted from the kunai in Zabuza's hand for analysis.

What I encountered this time was a real monster. Unexpectedly, he still keeps up with the times and uses chakra to fight.

Their three leaders were conducting various reconnaissance and observations with their auras hidden in the distance. The ninjas were attacking the intelligence station.

If you want to avoid capsizing in the gutter, you still need to be cautious and cautious. This is what the monster Noah did.

It’s just that if the battle just continues, the secret will be revealed. Zabuza also has several special moves and unique skills in his hand.

So he released part of his breath to scare away the monsters.

Kyuubi had different views on Kushina's words.

The monsters still use the power of nature, that is, demon power. Mixing chakra is purely done by the ninja named Huang Quan.

A monster without body and soul cannot refine chakra, and it is not a tailed beast.

It makes sense for Nine Lamas to speak as an authority in this regard.

Kushina tried to refute many times but couldn't find a reasonable entry point. This dead fox was more of a scholar than a scholar, and he always spoke in the same way.

All I can say is that it would be best to capture a complete monster and give it to Orochimaru for study. He will definitely be able to study the monster thoroughly.

Speaking of Orochimaru, several people looked a little weird.

As a human scientist, Uncle Snake has not left the laboratory for a long, long time.

If the monster is handed into his hands, the outcome will be countless times more tragic than hell.

This woman Kushina is indeed vicious enough.

The unscrupulous conversations of several people also made people in the Kingdom of Ghosts feel at a loss. The peerless monster is preparing to destroy the world~~~

Maitreya never imagined that the Akatsuki organization would be so thoughtful in dealing with the demons.

I don't want to think about how to reinforce or completely seal it, but I want to unite the opponent's spirit and body and then capture it.

Ahem, everyone in the Akatsuki organization, I know you are all strong. But sprites really have the ability to destroy the world, which is recorded in history.

When recorded in history, the five major kingdoms had not yet been established. If this thing dares to show off his power in front of Madara Uchiha, he will probably be cut into pieces.

Although Kyuubi hates seeing Uchiha Madara, he still recognizes his opponent's fighting power, and the demons will dance with Susano'o.

Even a demon cannot withstand that kind of devastating attack.

If he meets Hashirama, he will most likely say You are too dangerous, and then grab it with one hand and seal it into a corner.

Miroku stopped talking when he heard the names of the two heroes of the ninja world. Their reputations were well known even in many small countries.

That is a legend comparable to that of immortals and Buddhas.

well! etc!

Excuse me, are you the legendary immortal?

Because he was too nervous, Maitreya didn't notice the existence of the Nine-Tails before, and just thought it was a psychic beast with intelligence similar to that of the ninja world.

But when she touched it with the spiritual sense of a miko, she discovered that the holy and sea-like spiritual power of this nine-tailed fox was so shocking that she couldn't face it.

Natural energy flows like a tide around it.

Wherever you pass, it is a holy place.

There are monsters and gods in the knowledge passed down from ancient times.

The Nine Lamas' transformation into immortals has reached an extremely advanced level. In the words of a witch, they have extremely powerful and holy spiritual power.

It even exists like the sea, so what's the difference between it and a god?

Although there is no particular emphasis on worshiping gods nowadays, and there are many types of shrine maidens, this etiquette cannot be forgotten.

Maitreya, who was deeply brainwashed by religion, took Ziyuan on the spot and knelt down to salute.

This operation also frightened the subjects of the Kingdom of Ghosts. The gods recognized by the miko-sama must be true.

The idea of ​​integrating politics and religion continues to this day, and the surrounding guards and ministers also have to kneel down.

This made everyone in the Akatsuki organization, who had always been very carefree and carefree, immediately panic. We in the Akatsuki organization are not interested in this.

Even Kyuubi himself was frightened and his hair became bristle.

If Noah knew that he had the idea of ​​becoming a god and accepting kneeling worship, he would probably be hacked to death by the demon.

Noah had a serious conversation with it when it embarked on the path of immortality.

Letting the immortal you gain the power of nature to become more powerful will make many people fearful.

but I do not have. I know that you are a good fox and a good comrade who also has ideas.

But when I know that you have thoughts that you shouldn't have and want to abandon the path, you know the consequences.

The red light of Wado Ichimon hung on the fox's head all night.

Therefore, the attack power of the Kyuubi directly and truly breaks through the attack power of the Demon Country.

You are killing me!

He directly used his powerful ninjutsu to make all the people in the Demon Country unable to kneel down, and sternly scolded Miroku Shion for such feudal behavior.

“Our Akatsuki organization does not kneel down, we are talking about equality for everyone, don’t do this.

There has never been any fairy emperor, he is his own savior.

Balabala spewed out the words Noah said like a machine gun, for fear that if she spoke too late, some unwanted rumors would be spread.

After a lot of farce, Maitreya reluctantly believed that this was not the legendary god, but a practicing nine-tailed fox.

But that look in his eyes is still extremely hot. Practicing Buddhism is also a path.

Miko of the Kingdom of Ghosts, I am not your god.

Kyuubi-sama, I understand.

The words I understand almost broke Kyuubi's heart. The shrine maiden of the Ghost Kingdom was simply the word Wado hanging above her head. She almost saw the red sword light piercing her soul just now.

The autistic Kyuubi closed his eyes and meditated on Kushina's shoulder, letting the hot gazes from all around him hit him.

At this time, Yahiko, who had sorted everything out, was ready to stand up and take charge of the situation.

As the upright leader and spokesperson of the Akatsuki organization, this time he came to establish diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Ghosts.

He is also the main person in charge of bringing the other party into the Western Continent Convention, and has the responsibility to get to the point at this time.

Hello, Miroku-sama, I am Yahiko, the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

Yahiko plans to use his superb negotiation skills to easily bring this matter into his area of ​​expertise and let this country join the mutual aid platform.

But the other person answered at the speed of light before he could continue.

The Kingdom of Ghosts is willing to join the Western Continent Convention. I leave everything to you.

In Maitreya's eyes, it would be ridiculous if even such vast spiritual power as the sea could not destroy the monsters, sure! Everything is stable.

She now has the urge to completely abandon her responsibilities and become a stay-at-home girl with peace of mind.

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