Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1593: Ghost, here we come!

Have you ever seen the tens of thousands of pits in the rock formations hit by rain? The overwhelming kunai shadow clones began to bombard every inch of land with screaming sounds.

That was the introductory stage of kunai throwing, and it was time for Sasuke to see the reality of the ninja world.

In the future, you can practice Uchiha throwing skills if you want to, but forget it if you don't want to. This kind of sign has too little meaning.

It is very rare for a truly strong person to be killed by a kunai.

If there is, then run away quickly, this is a strong man with evil intentions.

Sasuke's brother's aura is different.

Although he knew that there would be no threat at this level, this attitude of sweeping away garbage also made the boy's competitive spirit rise.

Even if he fails in physical skills and throwing skills, he still has the fire escape that he has mastered through hard training!

My father said that my fire escape can already sweep through the same period!


Perfect seals, perfect chakra mobilization, everything is so silky smooth.

Take a deep breath, fire escape. Fire ball technique!

Flames spurted out of his mouth, and the high-spirited young man was defending his reputation as a genius.

Even Nissan has to hide if he sees it!

Facing this one-man high-level fire escape, Itachi finally nodded, which was quite decent.

It's too hard to hit a child with your bare hands, so use a knife.

He took out a short knife and shook it before sheathing it.

As a disciple of the Hokage's secretary, it is very common to use swordsmanship to cut through ninjutsu, right?

After the sparks flew around, Sasuke's face was full of disbelief. Although he didn't see the action of swinging the knife, his brother... couldn't have really used a knife to split the fireball.

Can a knife cut through flames?

This question struck the young man's heart.

Putting away the knife, itachi looked at Sasuke who was still in disbelief and shook his head. Has this broken his defense?

Then use practical actions to tell my little brother that you broke the defense too early.

Slowly forming seals in battle is the way to death, so be careful.

He formed a Yin Seal with one hand directly by the lake. There was no power-charging process, but the terrifying fire-attribute chakra had already begun to spread high temperatures.

During these years in the Kingdom of Wind, he not only dealt with ordinary people, but also received special training from teachers and resources from the organization.

The hot air ignited all the weeds on the ground, and the lake in front was no longer calm.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

boom! ! ! !

The scorching temperature made Sasuke retreat repeatedly, and the aura that could destroy everything made people feel frightened.

What should I call a fireball that is dozens of times larger than the previous one? The sun?

Like a meteorite from the sky that hit the lake surface, the intense high temperature and the lake water began to conduct heat, and the lake water boiled.

Large white air currents shot straight into the sky, and were still steaming long after the fireball was extinguished.

One by one, the small fish floated up, all exuding a fresh fragrance.

To use Fire Release, you need to have the determination and will to burn everything. Instead of just relying on chakra to display the flames.

Remember, the Go Fireball Technique can kill people.

Although Sasuke didn't know why his brother's painting style changed suddenly today, he could only express his strongest praise at this moment.

I'm still far from strong.

He once saw thunder falling from the sky, and the earth was filled with deep pits of crystals.

I have seen the sun come to the world, and the shock wave and heat wave destroyed everything.

I have seen storms sweeping through the world, I have seen plains turn into seas, I have seen continents change and the sea has changed.

At that time, Itachi was also full of disbelief just like Sasuke at this time.

The special hell training belonging to Noah's lineage did not let any disciple go.

The special training ground of the Kingdom of Rain is activated again, and a new guest is welcomed in that taboo land without any life.

At that time, Itachi's death was beyond Sasuke's imagination.

As long as you are slightly affected by the Sharingan and become a little swollen, you will encounter a blow from a higher-level demon.

Sometimes not only the teachers, but also the senior brothers would come to practice.

With the reincarnation eye, mecha, wooden escape, and the fox who was very interested in training Uchiha, Uchiha Itachi's potential was truly opened up through various hardships.

This is the power that exists in reality, and he is climbing the ladder of power.

Sasuke is lucky and still has the opportunity to slowly accept all this happening.

Your Ninjutsu practice is okay. I'll help you improve the Fire Ball in the next few days. You don't have much time left.

Is it because of Kakashi-sensei's other disciple, Naruto?

Sasuke thought of a possibility, which was the name mentioned by his father and brother before.

Itachi thought for a moment and hid the information about the Child of Destiny, instead using other people's child tactics.

Yes, although we Uchiha have the blood inheritance limit of Sharingan, we can easily reach the top of the same level of ninja after opening our eyes.

But the opponent also has a Uzumaki bloodline, an abnormally large amount of chakra, and extremely strong vitality.

It would be dangerous if he only performed to that level just now.

Inspired by his elder brother's words, Sasuke immediately became enthusiastic and asked his elder brother to give him special training.

Only I, Uchiha Sasuke, can be the child of others.

“Even if it’s training from hell, I won’t quit!!!”

The exaggerated words made Itachi feel a little dazed, as if he had said similar words to Teacher Noah and then went to hell.

Sasuke, don't say some things easily.

Konoha currently does not have the medical conditions of the Rain Country, and even 1/10 level is not suitable for use.

Besides, this is the person he is closest to, so it is difficult to kill him.

It is said that Kakashi has been eager to pass on this special training when he has disciples. Now the three disciples have reached the age of entering school or have already entered school.

Then their hell is not far away.

Brother will first teach you how to control chakra finely, so that I can teach you ninjutsu.

Is it that particularly powerful fire ball?

No, it's palm magic.

As Konoha Village prepares for the day when its fate changes, uninvited guests also arrive on the border of the Ghost Country.

The leader of the Akatsuki organization, who was well-known in the ninja world, personally led the team to this place.

Yahiko looked at this ordinary and peaceful country and couldn't understand it. The condition for the Kingdom of Demons to join the Western Continent Convention was to slay demons.

He always thought that this kind of thing existed in the story, or was cleaned up by the Immortal of Six Paths.

I didn't expect that such an old antique is still preserved in this world.

There are quite a few people in the Akatsuki organization who are interested in the existence of demons.

It's just that everyone has their own work and no time. In the end, he, the real leader of the Akatsuki organization, was sent out like a younger brother.

It is said that taking over the Kingdom of Ghosts requires a high-ranking figure to show sincerity. What is this?

I'm not good at catching monsters either.

In the end, Master Kushina was shamelessly invited, as well as the nine-tailed fairy fox.

With this lineup, even a demon would have to kneel down after eating the Jade of Four Souls!

In addition to the two leaders, they also brought a group of kiddies. According to Teacher Noah, dungeons of this level are mainly for cultivating young people.

Mr. Zabuza, please lead Jugo and the others to set off first. We will arrive soon.

Ghost, here we come!

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