Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1592 Give Sasuke a little shock

The sound of fists and kicks sounded in the Uchiha training ground.

Little Sasuke was very excited at the moment.

He had been close to Itachi since he was a child, but his brother had been away from the family since he was three years old and went to work at the Hokage Tower almost every day.

Later, he went directly to work in the Kingdom of Wind, and only came back once or twice a year.

It's really a pity. This home always feels less lively than before.

Maybe this is the life of a ninja.

Now that my brother has finally returned home, he must show him the results of so much special training.

Even Captain Shisui praised his progress and efficiency, saying that he had already caught up with him.

Children still don't understand the evil nature of people's hearts. Of course it is right to praise children when Fugaku is standing by.

Shisui, who had become the captain, still had no problem with human relations and sophistication.

Brother, look at how powerful I am.

A very good tactical move narrowed the distance between the two sides, followed by a burst of gorgeous physical skills.

Sasuke's carefully prepared gift made his brother frown.

Itachi was a little confused, why did Uchiha become popular in taijutsu tactics?

The physical skills of a six- or seven-year-old child are really poor. Although they are cute, this is not the time to be a cute little brother.

One hand grabbed the spinning kick, and then little Sasuke was thrown into the sky.

There is no tragic special move, just a basic test.

Uchiha has never been famous for his physical skills. Who did you learn this from?

Out of concern for his younger brother, he must find out the origin of the sudden appearance of physical training.

None of the three techniques of ninja genjutsu can be practiced easily.

Ninjutsu is limited by knowledge and chakra capacity, as well as the backlash of failed execution.

Genjutsu is more dangerous and has strict requirements for the control of the sinister chakra in the mind. Except for the special blood inheritance limit of Sharingan, few ninjas specialize in genjutsu.

There seems to be no problem with physical skills, but over time it has a direct impact on the growth and style of the body.

There are great hidden dangers in being influenced by such a strong personal style of physical education so early.

Sasuke stood up a little frustrated, it seemed like this wasn't going to work.

The Flame Chuunin in the clan often practice, and I followed them to learn a little bit.

How many people are in the security team? Thinking of someone's style that gave even Brother Shisui a headache, Itachi roughly understood where this exaggerated steel fist style came from.

Give up this aspect of practice for the time being, and just copy the techniques directly after opening your eyes.

Sasuke nodded no problem.

Itachi knew that Sasuke was obedient, but under the influence of his teacher, he was still willing to analyze the reasons carefully to his younger brother.

Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome if a rebellious child refuses to listen to whatever he says. Uchiha is particularly good at rebellious psychology.

“It’s a shame to say that not many people in the clan have physical talent.

Except for the short sword technique, which is somewhat interesting, everything else is ordinary.

The reason why people feel that Taijutsu is very powerful is that the Taijutsu has been qualitatively improved after using the Sharingan.

Whether it is swordsmanship, kunai, or pure ninjutsu, it will reach a very strong point.

There is no sublimation in essence, it is still the same.

If you are not skilled enough in physical skills, do not try to get close to the enemy, especially the strong ones.

A 0.01 second delay in close combat is followed by a sword, and the darkness of death will envelope the soul in an instant.

At that moment, I felt attachment to life and my family.

Sasuke was a little confused. This was the first time someone told him that Uchiha was not the strongest and that Uchiha also had weaknesses.

And my brother’s last words always felt like he had experienced something.

Itachi stopped talking mid-sentence. The nightmare-like experience had a profound impact on him.

Not to mention the experience of the Rain Country, the more I work outside, the more I understand the dangers of the ninja world.

Unlike their current generation, Sasuke had been on the battlefield at the end of the third war, and even had the experience of supporting the battlefield of Thunder and Fire Conflict.

The students of this class are destined to lack murderous intent and decisive determination, so they have nothing but brute force in their fists and kicks.

Of course, it is not just criticism but also some suggestions and methods.

“The Metkai Jounin in the village is a ninja who is extremely good in physical skills.

It just so happens that he is also the deputy captain of the Konoha Guard. When I'm not around, you can go to Brother Shisui to introduce it to you. If you can learn some of the essence of body splitting from this strong man, you can benefit from it for life.

This was said very seriously.

Metkai’s talent and perseverance were even praised by teacher Noah.

Moreover, funding for this person within the organization has never stopped. Everyone wants to see what a powerful and extreme physical expert can do.

As for Sasuke, he may give up the idea of ​​​​taijutsu training when he sees Matt Jōnin.

Children still care a lot about whether they are handsome or not.

Whenever Matt jounin improves his tights style and hairstyle, he will have a group of followers.

Sasuke still didn't quite understand his brother's good intentions, so the interrupted battle continued.

Six kunai appeared in his hand, and he swung them out in a cool pose that would make other children jealous.

Because Itachi has always grown up under the guidance of the Hokage's secretary, it is difficult for the Uchiha clan leader to find a sense of accomplishment in the nurturing system in his eldest son.

So Fugaku devoted almost all his efforts to Sasuke. How could the signature Uchiha throwing technique be missing?

It can be seen that the result of the young man's hard training is that the kunai flew over at an exquisite angle.

There is even a slight change of direction. This ability can be regarded as a genius.

It's just that the difference between him and his eldest brother Shisui is a bit far when they were young.

The teacher said that Sasuke's potential lies in his ability to fool people, but he just didn't believe it.

You can trust the teacher in everything, but not in this kind of thing.

In Itachi's opinion, Sasuke was just too well protected by his family, and his vision had been completely limited to what he could see.

If he continues to be raised according to traditional methods, this child will only be a useless number one in the ninja school.

Itachi felt that he couldn't go on like this, and his eyes instantly became a little firmer.

So instead of using the throwing technique to fly away the opponent's kunai in a more subtle way like before,

call out! ! !

The black shadow blew away all the kunai with strong wind, and passed by Sasuke's face and plunged into the ground, making a dull sound.

The slight vibration caused the boy's pupils to shrink instantly, as something flew past just now.

What is this?

When the black shadow passes by, the violent momentum makes people feel frightened.

New. Kunai Throwing Technique.

In the future, even thrown objects on the battlefield must have such a level to be considered an effective attack. Adding the kind of rebound and refraction is really a bit gimmicky.

Itachi recalled the scene when he showed off Uchiha sex in front of his teacher.

The way the teacher responded to the gorgeous maneuver was black raindrops.

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