Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 160 Warring States Sigh

On the main battlefield of the desert island, the battle is in full swing.

For the time being, the two were evenly matched. This tug-of-war continued into the evening with no winner. General-level physical monsters are all good at this, and they can't seem to show off their abilities without fighting for days and nights.

Hitting and hitting, I also got a little bit of real fire. If you don't use the fruit ability, Yixiao is still slightly inferior to Zefa. After all, Zefa relies on his body to make a living, and various physical skills have been developed into the body's instinct. If the physical fitness is the same, then the combat skills can distinguish the advantages and disadvantages.

After a while, Yixiao finally used his fruit ability. Without fruit ability, it's like a hand is tied up. His combat system still needs to be coordinated with his own fruit abilities to be fully utilized.

One-hit Gravity Knife. Tiger. The blow caught Zefa off guard and he could only catch it with both hands. As a result, he was blown away and collapsed a hill.

'So that's it. Nan Gua feels that the moves of the blind swordsman in front of him are a bit weird. There is not much pure sword energy, and he fights with strength and speed. He didn't expect that these moves must be coordinated with the fruit's ability, which would be more interesting. It’s not like I haven’t beaten anyone with fruit abilities before! ’

Zefa quickly pushed away the gravel and regrouped.

Come on, continue.

Then I'm sorry, Gravity Knife. Hell Brigade!

The huge gravity immediately covered the island. Zefa's figure was slightly shaken when he was pressed accidentally. However, Yixiao did not take advantage of this opportunity to attack, but gave Zefa time to adjust.

‘Gravity fruit? ’

After taking a few deep breaths, Zefa adjusted. For a body that has been tempered for thousands of years, this little gravity is no problem. Get ready and keep fighting.

Then in the gravity field, Yixiao copied the tactics used to deal with Noah. The focus multiplier was constantly adjusted, high and low, and combined with his own swordsmanship, he beat Zefa miserable.

Naturally, I am not afraid of pure gravity pressure, but this unpredictable field is a bit confusing. At the beginning, Noah relied on the door fruit of the space system to fight with magic against magic. Zefa was a pure physical warrior, so naturally he could not use such tactics.

His response was to leave the fight to his body's instincts. A body that had been fighting for decades had its own response in the face of crisis. He only needed to focus on the operation of his domineering energy, and he immediately recovered some of his decline.

This kind of fighting skills amazes Yixiao. Among the masters he has seen, Zefa is the only one who has opened his eyes like this. He is worthy of being a naval admiral who has reached the pinnacle of pure physical skills. He is indeed powerful.

The battle became fierce again, and the desert island was almost flattened by two humanoid monsters.

It was the first time for the navy recruits who had set up camp to see a battle of this level. They did not expect it to last so long. Here they could only listen to the sound, watch the rolling waves, and occasionally see sword energy flying around. That's all.

After watching it for a long time, I feel numb. I should exercise and collect information. Otherwise, what else can I do? I will be beaten away by the aftermath of the past.

Information about this battle was also reported to Navy Headquarters by the intelligence officer.

The blind swordsman smiled. He is a civilian master with general-level combat power. He has been wandering around the world all year round. The reason why he came to the South China Sea to fight Zefa is unknown. He has a righteous heart and old-fashioned behavior. His only hobby is gambling. He once had some contact with the navy branch. , are all businesses in exchange for bounties.”

Warring States listened to Yixiao's briefing and felt like he couldn't laugh or cry.

A person of this strength only has such a few pages of information? There are also many words that are obviously improvised. Where is the record? Where is the origin? What is the current status? The current intelligence work is really bad. It is simply I’m trying to compete with the world government, so I’m slacking off, I’m so slacking off!”

When the Warring States Period learned that a general-level combat force had emerged from Nanhai, they were very surprised. Such strength could be so low-key. Could it be that there was a big conspiracy and a big plan. Smart people just think more and more. Hiding such a master and subverting the South China Sea are not enough to highlight the terrifying nature of this conspiracy.

It turned out that it had been recorded for a long time, but it was just a mediocre resume that did not attract attention.

Okay, Sengoku, don't be angry. This matter is indeed the fault of the intelligence department, but they cannot be blamed entirely. Think about it, a general-level combat force does not form a force, does not bully men and women, and does not cooperate with the world government. There was also a confrontation with the navy, and there was no confrontation with other big forces. Occasionally, the ones we got rid of were small gangsters, and some pirates in the first half were exchanged for bounties.

Such a lifestyle makes it difficult to reveal one's own intelligence. When a general kills an ordinary pirate, it happens in an instant. Even bystanders can't see it clearly. This kind of information is not collected deliberately. How can there be many records? After all, there are so many people on this sea.

Lieutenant General He, who came to the meeting overnight, still said some more pragmatic words. This kind of thing is impossible to prevent, and the world government cannot monitor everyone on this sea.

What needs to be considered now is whether we need to send people to reinforce Zefa.

According to the on-site intelligence, Yixiao approached Zefa for a fight in an honest and open manner. This way, there is no big problem. Zefa also sensed that there was no killing intention, so I suggest that we stay put for the time being. We will know what the content is after the fight is over. With Zefa's strength, no one present could kill him.

Besides, there is no one in the Navy Headquarters to reinforce him. Kizaru is guarding the portal of the new world in the G1 branch. Akainu and Garp in the East China Sea are investigating the death of Tianlong and searching for Noah. The marshal and Aokiji in the headquarters cannot act rashly. Both the Shampoo Islands and Marijoa need to be careful. , if you kill one Tianlong, there may be a second one.

Therefore, just ask the people in the General Staff and Intelligence Department to pay more attention to the war situation in the South China Sea, and make an evacuation plan in case Zefa encounters danger.

Lieutenant General He's mature and prudent suggestion was approved by all the senior officials present at the meeting, and then the meeting adjourned. Sengoku was left alone looking out the window depressed.

What's wrong with the sea now? Something happens one moment, and then another. Noah suspected that the great swordsman had already annoyed him. This Nanhai was even more straightforward and directly produced a general-level combat force. The turbulent waves on the sea also reminded him of the sea when he was young. It was a really bad time.

Noah on the Island of Resurrection is working all night, and the unfinished files are really tiring. As for the battle between Zefa and Yixiao, let them go, they will all belong to you in the end. It’s better to get to know each other in advance now, If you don’t fight, you won’t get to know each other.

I just hope that Yixiao won’t go too far. If the scene gets too big, it will be very troublesome.

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