Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 157 Worries about Neptune

‘Dong Dong’

Please come in

Yixiao walked in holding his own sword.

The two parties simply said hello. They were both people who met frequently. There was no need to be too polite and went directly to the topic.

In other words, let me and General Zefa exchange life in the South China Sea and discuss the future development of the South China Sea, right? This is simple. I also often take time to go around. I have to say that when I first came here, I It's more of a bystander's mentality, or more of a supervisor's mentality to look at what you do. If it violates justice, I will leave without hesitation, and I don't want to be an accomplice. .

But the plans you have made in the past few years are very consistent with what you said and promoted. I am also willing to contribute my own strength to such a cause.

Yixiao's cooperation made Noah relieved. Such strong people always have trouble arranging work, and they have to take into account some of their thoughts and emotions.

Mr. Yixiao will be ready to leave in the next few days. In the small peripheral countries, we already have our personnel ready to assist you at any time.

Okay, by the way, Noah, does the specific action depend on me?

Although he didn’t know why Yixiao asked, Noah still nodded and expressed his attitude. Do you still need to ask about this kind of thing?

After Yixiao left, Noah continued to correct the documents, but he ignored that although it was easier for old-school people to communicate, the way of communication was not what he thought.

Another man walked in, it was the Confederate Army Commander Lindbergh. Seeing him come in, Noah's head got big.

What kind of document is it again?

No, it's just that Princess Otohime's exchange and study time is up, and she misses her family very much. She plans to go back to Ryugu Castle to rest for a while and come back after a while.

Okay then, let Jinbe go back with you and protect Princess Otohime. Ryugu Castle has not been peaceful in the past few years~

I don’t know if next year’s Tianlong people will live on Fish-Man Island, but most likely they won’t. I just killed one this year, and the world government will definitely not allow it to go out to sea for a quick trip again. There are also those extreme murlocs who need to be vigilant and not let a group of brainless guys ruin the plan of uniting the murloc islands.

Noah still admired Princess Otohime, and the wonder woman on the sea lived up to her reputation.

When she first joined the Nanhai tour team, Princess Otohime made a lot of jokes and caused a lot of trouble. However, as she became more and more understanding of human nature, she grew rapidly.

I have read all the books I was given at the beginning, and gained a lot of insights. Later on, I even asked for more and more in-depth content. Not just ideologically, but also economically and culturally.

She has already figured out the focus of her future work. The economic model of Fishman Island is too backward, even more backward than ordinary civilians in the South China Sea. It is difficult for this backward productivity to be peacefully integrated into human society in the future, and there will always be some contradictions and conflicts.

According to Noah's book, slavery is a system of ownership and control of one person over another that is considered legitimate at the time and arises from socio-economic conditions that produce surplus products.

However, with the current development process of the world of One Piece, there should not be slaves. The old production relations have long been unable to meet the requirements of the development of productive forces and have become an obstacle to the development of productive forces.

So the existence of slaves has nothing to do with productivity, so what does it have to do with it?

In terms of culture, the top human beings have a deep-rooted arrogance towards fish and mermaids. They do not admit that humanoid races have the same culture as humans.

What is culture? Culture is a country or nation’s way of thinking, values, lifestyle, behavioral norms, art culture, science and technology, etc. that can be inherited and spread. It is a universally recognized ideology that can be passed on among similar people.

There is no cultural barrier between the humanoid race and humans, but there are traces of artificial separation by the world government, so that the humanoid race will never be recognized by the mainstream world. The reason is unknown, but it may be a legacy of history 800 years ago, just like the apology document and the ship of hope.

She recorded all her discoveries and understandings during this period in her diary, and was preparing to return to Dragon Palace City to read through the historical records of Dragon Palace City, conduct in-depth research on certain problems, find out the root causes, and then solve the problems.

She will not go to the square of Fish-Man Island again for the time being. The speech she gave before was too naive. She can't bet the future of Fish-Man Island on the kindness of the World Government, they don't have such a thing.

Even if she hasn't found the answer yet, she still knows that the World Government has contributed a lot to why Fish-Man Island is where it is today. Noah's ideas of overthrowing the World Government seemed too crazy to her at first, and she couldn't see a clear success. possibility, but with the various layouts and plans in the South China Sea, there is actually a glimmer of possibility of success, which is terrible.

He used every bit of the power of Fish-Man Island to the extreme, including her knowledge, Tiger's identity as a fish-man hero, Jinbe's military power, and the historical text of Fish-Man Island. If it weren't for Noah's excellent character, she would stay away from this dangerous man as soon as possible.

The greatest protective force of Ryugu Castle is not the geographical location 10,000 meters under the sea. Princess Otohime, who has lived in the human world, knows how far human technology can reach. The biggest protective force of Fish-Man Island is actually his little daughter Shirahoshi, and Neptune's records have been passed down to her.

The super-large Neptune type that can command the sea is such a terrifying force in this world that is mostly surrounded by the ocean. No one knows how many Neptune species there are on the bottom of the sea. It seems very strong, but the Neptune 800 years ago failed. Can the Neptune 800 years later succeed? The ultimate victors were those at Mariegioa.

There are three types of ancient weapons, and Neptune is just one of them. She didn't want Bai Xing to be involved in future wars, but history repeated itself again and again. When that time came, Neptune would have to be born. She just hoped that it would be later.

When she goes back this time, she wants to have a good talk with Neptune about this matter. There are always some things that need to be faced directly.

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