Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 156 The Birth of Fujitora

The main force of the navy is now widely dispersed.

The new world has a general and high-end troops. The naval headquarters was staffed by a marshal and an admiral. In the East China Sea, when Sakaski left, he took away five lieutenant generals of the headquarters and many elites, as well as the firepower configuration that can launch the demon-slaying order. Many core forces have also been deployed at various important bases along the Grand Line to suppress pirates who take the opportunity to cause trouble.

When Zefa set off with the new military camp this time, he looked at the somewhat empty naval headquarters and felt deeply. This sea seems to have returned to the most turbulent era of the year.

Rocks, Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling, Kaido, and Roger. During that turbulent era, the Navy Headquarters also looked a bit empty. The ships that left did not know whether they would be able to come back.

At that time, the navy's high-end combat power was not dominant. The main thing was unity, so it could continue to suppress the first half of the Great Line. I really hate and miss that era. It is not unreasonable to say that strong enemies make the interior more united. No matter how righteous the generals at that time were, they were united like never before in the face of one legendary pirate after another.

Not like now, after Roger's death. Those powerful pirates are killing each other in the new world. In the first half, a Shichibukai system was established to check and balance the new pirates, while Shikai ignored them.

The various factions that had become comfortable once again began to have internal conflicts due to different positions.

Although there are still a large number of problems at sea that have not been dealt with, they are no longer within the jurisdiction of the Navy.

It's not that the navy doesn't want to use its force, but that the world government doesn't allow it. You want to take care of this, and you also want to take care of that. What do you want to do? Navy King? No matter how big the pirates are, as long as they don't want to overthrow the World Government, let them be. After a few decades, he has naturally fallen from his peak, and it is impossible to have a happy death.

The craziest Rocks have been erased from history. Roger died on the execution block. The world's strongest whitebeard will also step down from his throne as he ages. The World Government has stood for 800 years, witnessing the fall of generations of influential figures on the sea.

Thinking of this, Zefa thought of the books in his suitcase, which contained knowledge that could subvert the world. It is also the most terrifying weapon in 800 years, the human mind. Noah., hateful guy.

Recruits! Pack your backpacks, grab your weapons, let's go~!

The new warship left the port and set off towards the South China Sea.

Warring States, standing at the window of the Marshal's office, watched the new warships set off and didn't know what he was thinking.

As soon as the warship left the naval headquarters, it was discovered by spies from various forces. Recently, the situation has been tight, and any disturbance must be reported to their respective superiors.

For example, when Akainu went to the East China Sea, he brought with him a fleet of the size of the Demon-Slaying Order, including several vice-admirals and several ships. Those who were not well-informed would be lost if they encountered it.

The recruit training ship Zefa led this time is to find a few small pirate forces to practice their skills. It has nothing to do with those big forces and just needs to keep a certain amount of attention.

I followed and found out that I was heading to the South China Sea. Has anything happened in the South China Sea recently? Noah was also confused after receiving the news. Why?

Generally, recruit training is still mainly in the Grand Line Paradise stage, and only occasionally goes to the four seas for training. After all, the navy headquarters' recruit training camp is still very strong. The recruits in it are selected from the best and the best, and monsters are born from time to time.

With such strength, it is difficult to find suitable targets in the world. Big powers have various concerns, such as the Don Quixote family and Germa 66. The small pirate group is too weak. It is meaningless to let the new recruits fight those pirate groups with a bounty of less than 10 million.

Have someone immediately bring in the recent information on the South China Sea and analyze it carefully. It turns out that there are quite a lot of smart people in the South China Sea. Some big countries discovered some clues and immediately reported them to the world government.

Such important information is not listed separately. It seems that the Intelligence Department needs to strengthen training. Noah feels that he needs to write some manuals about intelligence work and send them to core personnel. Regarding intelligence warfare and underground work, he also has very rich experience and can write a lot of content.

The establishment of the staff department must also start as soon as possible. There are so many documents to read every day, which will not only cause work efficiency but may also cause mistakes. It is urgent to establish a comprehensive staff department. It is both a combat command organ and a military administrative leadership organ. Combat command matters and administrative work matters. Such as personnel, military training, administrative affairs, logistics support, etc., etc. can all be involved.

Once this framework is set up, you will find that your work will become much easier when the dragon comes back. Candidates can be selected from a few original cadres first. Those who come out of the recruit training camp with relatively good academic performance can also be considered in this aspect.

Combat power is indeed a matter of talent. Some people have used various secret medicines from the training camp and various scientific training methods, but their combat power still cannot be improved, or the gap with others in the same period is gradually widening. Then You can change the direction and develop into a clerical career. This matter is left to Robin. As a cultural teacher, she knows very well the learning situation of each student.

The problem we have to face now is Zefa. This former general has not yet identified with the revolutionary army, and his previous cooperation also had some commonalities in concepts that led him to cooperate with Noah.

If we meet again, there is a high chance that Noah will be contacted and there will be a military confrontation, because the revolutionary army has done a lot of things in the later period. Although it is a just act, the navy's face is also a victim time and time again. For a veteran navy man with decades of military service, this back-and-forth slap in the face was unbearable.

Alas~ Yes, there is a person whose concept of justice is also very simple and firm. He is also a high-level cadre within the revolutionary army. He is also extremely powerful and has the same old-school style of doing things. That's a smile.

Or Fujitora, yes, the name Noah was decided on by Yixiao, and he wasted a lot of money on the navy's creativity. The first point is that it is safer to have a code name without the real name, so that the world government will not make any preparations for Yixiao.

The second point is that Yixiao's joining the revolutionary army is very secretive. So after the identity is separated, can he do something openly? After all, his resume is very clean. A righteous swordsman who roams the world and coexists with the navy. Tiger inside, smile outside. It is similar to Noah's Adamic identity.

Look, this time you can show up with just a smile. As for how to contact Zefa, you need to think carefully about it. It would be best to be given an official status, and it would be more natural to be able to contact them.

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