Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 158 Zefa, come and fight!

Boarding the boat heading to the destination, Yixiao arrived at the location very quietly. After checking his identity and information, he sat on the mountain and adjusted his condition.

This island is a small country that has just joined the South China Sea Federation. It joined the South China Sea Federation during its initial establishment stage because this country is really poor and miserable.

Its geographical location is very good, with a perfect port and perfect routes. It stands to reason that one can live a pretty good life even just relying on the port's cargo throughput and the flow of people.

But here's the problem. Everyone wants to devour such a small country. The two neighboring world franchise countries have always been coveted here. From occasional frictions, to disputes, to wars of words, to regular organized professional pirates coming to this country to burn, kill and rob. With step by step pressure, this country has long ceased to exist in name only.

It's just that the two big countries are still fighting against each other. Of course, they use the land and resources of this small country to fight the war, and finally beat it to pieces. In the past few years, because of the busy plan of the sea train, the dispute over the ownership of this country has been temporarily put on hold, leaving a loophole for the revolutionary army. Just come here and say that you can protect everyone and let everyone have enough to eat and then take it.

Then vigorous reforms were launched in the country. Renovate the deep-water port to stimulate industry and commerce. Land was redistributed and agricultural subsidies were provided. The dissemination of ideas is even more essential. Various means consolidated the basic market in a very short period of time.

After the two major powers reacted, they found that someone had stolen their home from a South China Sea Federation that had not yet been formally established. How could this be tolerated?

Our two world alliance countries have not separated ownership rights, and your small country federation dares to get involved. These country people must be allowed to see the world. The two countries joined forces and a group of warships set off. This time they will defeat this country together, and then they will be divided equally.

The atmosphere was very relaxed when we set off. It wasn't our first time there. Many troops had visited this small country countless times under the guise of pirates, so they were familiar with the journey.

But this time I was unlucky and encountered a very strange weather anomaly. Several waterspouts that covered the sky suddenly appeared on the sea, leaving the military navigators on the ship dumbfounded. When did the weather in the South China Sea become consistent with the Grand Line? They quickly retreated, but unfortunately most of the warships were lost, and only a few high-level generals made it back.

At this time, the two big countries exploded and put the blame on the small country. They sent diplomats without making any excuses. They directly said that if they could not pay the compensation, they would sign a colonial treaty and continue to attack here. Let there be no grass left here.

The cadres of the revolutionary army are not used to them. The troops have been maimed and they are still so arrogant. Do you really think that our boss's storm was in vain? The diplomat was disappointed and left angrily. Before leaving, he said that he had nothing to say to you uncivilized barbarians and would wait for the soldiers to invade the border.

But will there really be soldiers approaching the border? The losses of this group of troops had left them exhausted before they sent any more troops. How to calculate this military expenditure? The big bosses in China had sponsored most of the projects before because they were profitable, but they ended up being wasted. They would definitely not do it again, just in case they were thrown into the water again.

Some people wonder if this wave was self-directed and self-acted. In fact, there is no loss, it is just a loss of money. The king and nobles are even less likely to contribute money. Life is difficult now, and even the gold in the sky has been withheld.

Not willing to let them go, some bad guys still made some destructive suggestions. We can't control it, but the world government can. We pay the heavenly gold every period, and the protection fee is in place. If something goes wrong, let the boss solve the problem. If possible, give more to the boss.

We hit it off immediately and reported to the World Government that someone in the South China Sea was destroying the security management and social stability of the world's member countries. The most important thing was that it affected our major event of collecting heavenly gold.

The World Government originally didn't want to care about these trivial matters. He didn't know what his little brother was like, but after seeing the last sentence, he thought about it. For the sake of world peace and stability, let the navy work harder.

The order was forwarded to Naval Headquarters saying this is the time to do your justice, go ahead and do it. Generally speaking, the high-sounding orders issued by the world government will most likely contain some disgusting content.

The Warring States Period must also be implemented. After all, the Navy is a violent institution under the jurisdiction of the World Government. At this time, in order to maintain the rule of the World Government, it must take action to deal with these things or people.

This is why Zefa will come to the South China Sea. There is really no one in the navy at this time, otherwise the Warring States Period would not send a real justice navy to deal with the matter.

There is another possibility that the Warring States Period knew what was going on here and deliberately sent Zefa here so that Zefa, the former general, could handle it according to his own wishes. Anyway, he was a former general. What could he do if he really did something that went against the original intention of the world government? How about it, if the world government says to implement justice, we will implement justice.

At most, he will be demoted internally, but retired generals will still care about this. Zefa eats in the canteen, works to train new soldiers, and donates basically all his income. The only special thing is that he uses an office and lives in a single room. How can he do this~~

Yixiao worked on the mountain for several days, and finally received the news that the navy had docked. He walked slowly towards the dock with his staff and knife in hand.

Zefa, who had just disembarked from the ship at the dock, was asking the recruits to find an open space to camp, and then ordered the intelligence officers accompanying the army to collect information. He would not believe the intelligence given by the World Government.

According to the intelligence, the people in this small country are heinous people, lazy, brave and ruthless. In short, if we can bring peace to this country, we will bring peace to this country. At least we must arrest the managers of this country in order to maintain order.

After decades of missions, he has seen this kind of information and instructions a lot, but he has never executed them once. It's really ridiculous. I am the hero Zefa.

After a while, the intelligence officer collected the initial information, which was very different from the information from the World Government. Just when he was about to ask the intelligence officer to continue, Zefa's eyes flashed red and he looked towards the far side of the dock. There was something... Strong pressure is moving this way.

A tall and burly blind man walked over with a wooden stick in his hand. He was somewhat impressed. The intelligence officer next to him recognized him. He seemed to be a blind swordsman who traveled on the Grand Route. He had a strong sense of justice. It was a pity that he was not trained by the navy, otherwise he would have been there long ago. Absorbed into the Navy.

The blind swordsman slowly walked up to Zefa. Zefa was confused, what was this man going to do?

Zefa, come and fight!


‘I don’t know how to become friends with each other and then communicate about those things, so Noah, you have to follow my method! ’

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