Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 155 The South China Sea is exposed?

You came

I am coming

The only sound was the sound of sheep chewing papers.

Zefa came to Sengoku's office. The relationship between the two has been a bit tense since the big incident in Marigio.

With the wisdom of the Warring States Period, he would not think that day was a coincidence. However, the justice of my old friend was still there, and the incident of Marie Joia was considered to be very satisfying, so I just let the situation go and did not pursue the matter in depth.

Zefa was confused when he was called to the office. Recently, he had accepted a new disciple. He was the adopted son of the Warring States Period. Is it so serious?

what are you doing recently?

Zefa frowned disdainfully at the old man's ineffective communication.

Did not do anything.

Hmph! Recently, there has been a reaction from the world's member countries in the South China Sea, saying that some strange people are undermining the country's stability. The world government has asked the navy to investigate. Since you haven't done anything, go and go.


After Zefa finished speaking, he turned around and left.

This Zefa! Zeng Guo was a little irritated. Why did this old guy become so twisted as he got older? He couldn't admit any mistakes.

Back at boot camp, Zefa yelled.

Everyone go prepare and set off to the South China Sea in the afternoon to carry out the mission.


In the afternoon, the warships were ready for departure. Many of the recruits had never been to the South China Sea. The soldiers who were born in the South China Sea were very proud when introducing their hometown.

Because recently many soldiers have written letters from their families saying that their hometown has become very beautiful now. After the new officials took office, taxes were reduced and there was still a lot of surplus food. Schools have also been set up in the countryside, and the tuition is very cheap. My younger brothers and sisters are planning to send them there to study recently.

When they first received such a letter, the navymen who came from the South China Sea didn't really believe it, thinking that their families only reported good news and not bad news. They also came from the South China Sea, so of course they knew what their hometown was like.

The purpose of joining the navy is to make a living, and after being selected to the navy headquarters, it will also be helpful to the family. Ordinary local officials do not dare to bully such families, but no matter how good they are, it will not happen.

After communicating with many colleagues in Nanhai, everyone was convinced that the contents of these letters were true. It is true that some countries in the South China Sea have become different from before.

There are one or two world member countries, as well as residents of most small countries, whose living standards have really improved slightly. There are also some rumors about reading.

Those navies from the big countries in the South China Sea are not happy. Although they are both South China Seas, why are your South China Sea and mine different?

After Zefa informed the new recruits, he turned around and went back to his room to pack his luggage. He lives alone now, and his luggage is very easy to pack. He can simply bring a few changes of clothes. When closing the box, he looked up at the desk, hesitated a few times, and took out a few books from the drawer.

From the curled edges of the pages and the yellowed pages, it can be seen that these books are often read by Zefa, but they are usually stuffed into the deepest part of the drawer.

Because some content is still not convenient for others to see, let’s talk about it later.

Afterwards, Zefa went to the navy canteen to eat, greeting some colleagues along the way. Zefa, who has been in charge of the recruit training camp for so many years and has brought out most of the backbone of the navy, has a very high reputation. From the generals of the headquarters to the navy recruits, everyone has great faith in Zefa's character.

He likes to dine in places like the canteen and look at the energetic young guys around him. This is the hope of the future of the Navy. He took the food and found an empty seat to sit down. When he was about to feast, a figure sat opposite him.

You must know that although he is very popular, except for old friends from the same period, many people are not willing to get too close. After all, everyone always has a certain amount of respect for teachers.

Oh~ It's Ahe, what's wrong?

Nothing, I just heard that you are going to the South China Sea, so I came to see you off.

Hahahaha, it's just a small task, Ahe, you are doing it too formally.

The sea is not peaceful now. Last year, I sent out a mission to arrest Doflamingo and his henchmen of the Don Quixote family. As a result, there were big mistakes in the mission and the intelligence. The revolutionary army was involved. , if it weren’t for me, that little bird might have been hacked to death. The revolutionary army is really scary.

This year too, even the Celestial Dragons are dead. That Noah is an extremely cunning guy. You have to be careful. When you get older, you have to accept old age.

Don't worry, Ahe. Have we not fought too many tough battles over the years? It's just Noah. When I meet him, I must let him see the power of the iron-fisted Zefa.

This was not a joke, but he really wanted to beat Noah up. This guy is so shameless. It doesn't matter if he slaps Marie Joa for the first time, but he does it for the second time. Although he doesn't like Sakaski's justice, the prestige of the navy has been severely damaged, and the chaos on the sea is still there. Intensified, Noah is indispensable.

Not to mention that he was basically involved in all major events on the sea, including the fruits of surgery in the North Sea and the assassination of the Tianlong people in the East China Sea. He really couldn't sit still and made trouble everywhere.

You just have to be mentally prepared. You should also be careful when going to the South China Sea this time. I feel that the South China Sea is not normal.

How to say?

You know the virtues of these countries on the sea, and you also know their attitude towards the people. I suspect that there are problems in the South China Sea because some countries in the South China Sea have been too kind to their people recently. This is not normal.

Having said this, Lieutenant General He and Zefa felt sad in their hearts. It was abnormal to be kind to the people. This was so ironic.

Lieutenant General He continued.

It is very possible for the revolutionary army to cause trouble all over the world. I also understand their purpose and the attitude of the people, so I suspect that they may be involved. If there are any problems after going to the South China Sea, don't take it personally. If you resist, you can notify us for support.

This is Hezhong's main intention in the future, hoping that Zefa can protect his own safety. The combat power of the revolutionary army is constantly updated in the naval intelligence system. CP0's intelligence feedback was that Noah was suspected of being a powerful swordsman. The Navy did not quite believe this, thinking that CP0 might be a waste of its own, so it raised the opponent's strength to make its own defeat look less ugly.

Regardless of whether CP0 really improves the opponent's strength, the strength of a top swordsman is certain. For a former physical martial arts general like Zefa who has passed his peak period, he still poses a great threat.

Lieutenant General He was telling Zefa here, and Warring States was also telling Rosinandi over there. They basically said the same thing, and Warring States even said a few more words because Rosinandi's combat power was too weak.

What if I encounter the revolutionary army when I go to the South China Sea this time?

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