Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 152 The Great Scientist Noah

After they set foot on the sky island, Bika's power system made a soft sound. With Noah's ears, he could only hear the buzzing sound of a machine rotating at super high speed, and then everything calmed down. This was much quieter than before.

Looking to the outside world, Bika had already started to take off, and a position flashed twice outside Bika and then disappeared. In perception, a transparent film can be sensed stably around the fortress. The feeling of weightlessness and changes in the oxygen content of the air miraculously disappeared during the ascent. Such a high-tech thing.

Long glanced meaningfully at Sabo and Kuina. He didn't see anything different from ordinary people, but what Noah brought was definitely not simple. The little boy named Sabo, for some reason, always seemed to be very close to him. a feeling of.

Forget it, let’s observe it later. I took everyone to visit Bika. Every time Noah visited, there were new changes. The power of technology is changing with each passing day, especially in this world with supernatural powers.

The defense system and scanning system have been upgraded last time. This time the main focus is on the stability and balance of the power system. And there is a breakthrough in the attack system.

Arriving at the main control room, Dr. Yue Jian was leading a few students to calculate something. However, his train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Seeing that the doctor was about to get angry again, Long quickly led the people out and decided to wait for a while. Talk to Dr. For such a big leader, it is so embarrassing that everyone is being trained like a grandson.

After the dragon led the people to escape, Noah also breathed a sigh of relief. When the doctor was training people, he couldn't run away and was being trained together. This new disciple is here, so he can't lose his old face.

Ahem, let's go check out the weapons control room. Let's go this way.

Long pretended as if nothing happened just now and continued to lead the way.

Uh-huh. A sealed door opened.

The walls inside were filled with monitors surrounding Bika, and various incomprehensible data streams were scrolling. Outstanding graduates of the first basic scientific research training course are here to explain. But after he saw Noah, his eyes showed an expression of enthusiasm for seeing a scientific research boss.

After Bika's current power system is upgraded, it can carry the energy of the infinite gems to a greater extent. When it is hot, even so, it is actually only utilized to less than one millionth, and there is still a lot of room for development. .Even if the later weapons, defenses, and information systems are all fully loaded, it won’t take up much energy. This is truly a miraculous creation. Dr. Noah, you are so amazing!”

The researcher's admiring look put Noah under a lot of pressure. He didn't understand technology at all, he just used his imagination. The technology boss was angry in the main control room.

Alas~~! The things here were made by my master!?

Guina was a little uneasy. She originally thought her master was a great swordsman who could move the heavens with his sword, but then she found out that he was also a famous writer on the sea, and then she found out that he was also the most wanted revolutionary by the World Government. In the end, he actually hid his identity as a scientist?

So versatile? Are swordsmen of our line too miserable? The lesson that Teacher Robin taught some time ago was actually just the beginning, right? Technological kendo dominates the sea? Father, the master you asked me to be a disciple of is too good. As a disciple, I feel very stressed.

Sabo was already looking at Noah with starry eyes, this teacher is so handsome! If I could drive a technological creation like Bika to show off in front of Ace and Luffy, I would have no regrets in this life.

Ahem, I just made some immature suggestions. Dr. Tsukimi completed these developments. You can continue to explain. Noah could only explain in this calm tone.

Okay, based on the energy characteristics and the use of the No. 0 base station. We are currently developing the magnetic floating gun dragoon system, as well as the LV1 electromagnetic gun, space-based kinetic energy weapons and other attack methods. These are also the weapon development concepts left by Dr. Noah .Adoration +1

When Long saw this, he sighed and said to Noah.

The things and design concepts you left for the doctor are really amazing. The doctor always believed that hanging around on the sea was a very wrong choice. He said that if you do scientific research seriously, you can definitely change the world.

Doctor misunderstood me. I have no research on scientific research itself. The design concepts were all accidentally seen in the Tree of Omniscientity. Unfortunately, they were destroyed by the World Government. The World Government is too abominable. They are anti-human. The ruling class is anti-progress and is turning back the clock on history.”

This is not the first time Noah has done this while explaining the origin of his technological concepts and dissing the operations of the world government. It can be said that he is familiar with the process.

Robin rolled his eyes. Noah is always crazy about using O'Hara's reputation to take the blame. How could the Tree of Omniscientity have such a thing as preservation? You, a librarian who has only been working as a librarian for a short time, how come you created so much knowledge out of thin air and put it in the library?

She was there when the design draft was written that night, and she heard with her own ears what Noah said about how it was a pity that the Dragoons without mirage particles were not authentic. And if the solar particle furnace is built, it will be a fortress. If you give it a Strike Freedom, it will kill indiscriminately.

Noah was wronged too, can you blame him? Not to mention other research in the past life, the research and fantasy works on weapons are really endless, which fully demonstrates human beings' fanaticism for war. It is not a waste to not use those ready-made weapon concepts. As for the random killing of Gaga, it's just a mouthful. Boys can't stop their yearning for Gundam.

In order to prevent the topic from drifting further, Noah had no choice but to ask the question himself.

How to solve the problem of air oxygen content and the stability of air island operation?

It would be good to install a stable circulator on the air island to determine the oxygen content of the air. As for stability, it is the role of base station 0. I did not expect that magnetic fields and magnetism can be used in so many ways. Our radar system, and Communication systems are now built based on this system.

Now in the Sobel Kingdom, we can use base stations for instant communication between air and land, and the signals are very secure after encryption. When sub-base stations on other islands are built, it will be easy to cover the entire South China Sea. This is a feat that changes the sea. People and The communication barrier between people will be eliminated. Such a great creation was designed by Dr. Noah. It is so great. This is a scene that will go down in history, this...

Okay, okay, you go down first.

Yes! Dr. Noah!

Let him continue talking, and a technological god religion can be established here.

Noah discovered that he was now very likely to establish a persona as a big man in the scientific community. Life is so unpredictable.

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